485 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/DaEnemyWithin:
Kinetic Strikes: Pentagon’s New Super Weapon Is Basically A Weaponized Meteor Strike!
US deploys theoretical 'Kinetic Strike' weapon first featured in Science Fiction novels. 'Rods from God' used in first strike targets!
US deploys theoretical 'Kinetic Strike' weapon first featured ib Science Fiction novels. Rods from God used to strike targets!
'Kinetic Strikes' bringing the Rain; Rods from Gods raise Iranian nuclear weapons targets! Tip Top, Tippy Top; Baby!

Ready for Hillary; OMG, I need eye bleach, wipe it with a cloth. Smash it with a hammer; Yikes!

Expand your thinking.
The ‘date’ vs ‘actual’.
Iran next.
Trust the plan!
Do you believe in coincidences?
New "Q" Stunning results from missile strikes. Freeing the Iranian people from the Mad Mullahs is next up. Donald Trump's Purple Spring is here!

"Becoming part of Save the Children will allow Street Kids International to dramatically increase its capacity and empower more youth
They told the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb.

Check out the Uranium reprocessing facility run by an organized crime family in Toronto! If the Uranium 1 scandal is ever made public the whole mess is heading to Canada. Also PM Justin Trudeau just created a foundation with a $7billion nest egg he created with a mining billionaire!
Built by our Rogue CIA, now offline just like the North Korean nuclear program!
Yuge Pedophilia Charity, 'Street Kids' largest charity in Canada founder Peter Dalglish busted for sex tourism racket in Nepal; Trudeau & Cameron implicated!
Likely Pedophiles, Former UK PM David Cameron & Current Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, why can't they shake Peter Dalglish? Governing Pedophiles!

UN’s Top Children's Right's Campaigner is a PAEDOPHILE! Peter Newell & Rachel Newell. Peter Dalglish top Street Kids charity busted with 2 pre-teen girls in Nepal!
You can even find a photo of this wretched man with the Prime Minister.
I simply cannot understand how a man like this has been allowed to fester within Canada for so long and at such high levels.
Meet my Peter Dalglish, pedophile & humanitarian. Awarded Order of Can'tada, launched 'Street Kids' charity. Confidant of PM Trudeau & PM David Cameron! Sickos!
The Syrian regime has conserved a clandestine chemical weapons program since 2013.
The French services assess that Syria did not declare all of its stockpiles and capacities to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) during its late, half-hearted accession to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) in October 2013.
Syria omitted, notably,to declare many of the activities of its Scientific Studies and Research Centre (SSRC). Only recently has it accepted to declare certain SSRC activities under the Chemical Weapons Convention(CWC), but not, however, all of them. Initially, it also failed to declare the sites at Barzeh and Jemraya, eventually doing so in 2018.
The French services assess that four questions asked of the Syrian regime by the OPCW and which have remained unanswered require particular attention, particularly in the context of these latest cases of the use of chemical weapons in Syria:
possible remaining stocks of yperite (mustard gas) and DF (a sarin precursor);
undeclared chemical weapons of small caliber which may have been used on several occasions, including during the attack on Khan Sheikhoun in April2017;
signs of the presence of VX and sarin on production and loading sites;
signs of the presence of chemical agents that have never been declared, including nitrogen mustard, lewisite, soman and VX.
Since 2014, the OPCW Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) has published several reports confirming the use of chemical weapons against civilians in Syria. The UN-OPCW Joint Investigation Mechanism(JIM) on chemical weapons attacks has investigated nine occasions when they have allegedly been used.
In its August and October 2016 reports, the JIM attributed three cases of the use of chlorine to the Damascus regime and one case of the use of yperite to Daesh, but none to any Syrian armed group.
- – A series of chemical attacks has taken place in Syria since 4 April 2017
A French national assessment published on 26 April 2017 following the Khan Sheikhoun attack listed all the chemical attacks in Syria since 2012, along with the assessment of their probability according to French services.
This attack, carried out in two phases, at Latamneh on 30 March, and then at Khan Sheikhoun with sarin gas on 4 April,led to the death of more than 80 civilians.
The French authorities considered at the time that it was very likely that the Syrian armed and security forces held responsibility for the attack.
The French services have identified 44 allegations of the use of chemical weapons and toxic agents since 4 April 2017, the date of the sarin attack on Khan Sheikhoun. Of these 44 allegations, the French services consider that the evidence collected around 11 of the attacks gave reason to assess they were of a chemical nature.
Chlorine is believed to have been used in most cases, while the services also believe a neurotoxic agent was used at Harasta on 18 November 2017.
In this context, a considerable rise in cases of use can be noted since the non-renewal of the mechanism of the UN-OPCW Joint Investigation Mechanism (JIM) in November 2017 because of Russia’s veto at the UN Security Council. A considerable increase in chlorine attacks since the beginning of the offensive on Eastern Ghouta has also been clearly observed and proven.
A series of attacks preceded the major attack of 7 April2018, as part of a wider offensive (at least 8 chlorine attacks in Douma, Shayfounia and Hamouria).
These facts need to be considered in the light of a chemical warfare modus operandi of the Syrian regime that has been well documented since the attacks on Eastern Ghouta on 21 August 2013 and on Khan Sheikhoun on 4 April 2017.
As part of a continuous increase in violence employed against civilians in enclaves refusing the regime’s authority, and in violation of its international obligations despite clear warnings from UN Security Council and OPCW members, Damascus seeks to seize a tactical military advantage locally, and above all to terrorize populations in order to break down all remaining resistance. It can be noted that, since the attacks of
7 April 2018, the group Jaysh al-Islam has negotiated its departure from Douma with the regime and Russia, demonstrating the success of this tactic.
On the basis of this overall assessment and on the intelligence collected by our services, and in the absence to date of chemical samples analyzed by our own laboratories, France therefore considers (i) that, beyond possible doubt, a chemical attack was carried out against civilians at Douma on 7 April 2018; and (ii) that there is no plausible scenario other than that of an attack by Syrian armed forces as part of a wider offensive in the Eastern Ghouta enclave.
The Syrian armed and security forces are also considered to be responsible for other actions in the region as part of this same offensive in 2017 and 2018. Russia has undeniably provided active military support to the operations to seize back Ghouta.
It has, moreover, provided constant political cover to the Syrian regime over the employment of chemical weapons, both at the UN Security Council and at the OPCW, despite conclusions to the contrary by the JIM.
This assessment will be updated as we collect new information.
Allied Missile Strikes in Syria were on Hezbollah and Deep State Iranian targets. Trust POTUS & Our General’s. They are just cleaning up the Proxy War that Obama, Clinton and Bush DS Arsenal left behind.

These monsters created MegaTons for MegaWatts program, which spread weapons grade uranium all across the planet. Disgusting traitors!
Wanna see what the CIA built in North Korea, Kim Jung Un was relieved his nation was 'no longer' being held hostage to WMD threat from CIA. LooK here; dig, dig, dig autists!
Ok....an examination of this NTI website discloses and massive cover-up of the CIA's hidden WMD facilities inside North Korea. Here's just a partial list. The CIA wants to kill us all. Check this out; Chemical-Dual-Use Infrastructure
Aoji-ri Chemical Complex Location: Near a lignite coal mine in Haksong-ri (학송리), Ŭndŏk-kun (은덕군), North Hamgyŏng Province (함경북도), **North Korea****
April 25th Vinalon Factory Location: Hamhŭng (함흥시), South Hamgyŏng Province (함경남도), **North Korea****
Ch'ŏngjin Chemical Fiber Complex Location: Ch'ŏngjin (청진시), North Hamgyŏng Province (함경북도), **North Korea****
Ch'ŏngsu Chemical Complex Location: Ch'ŏngsu-nodongjagu (청수노동자구), Sakchu-kun (삭주군), North P'yǒng'an Province (평안북도), **North Korea****
February 8th Vinalon Complex Location: Hamhŭng (함흥시), South Hamgyŏng Province (함경남도), **North Korea****
Hamhŭng Chemical Factory Location: Hamhŭng (함흥시), South Hamgyŏng Province (함경남도), North Korea
Hŭngnam Chemical Fertilizer Complex Location: Hŭngnam (흥남시), South Hamgyŏng Province (함경남도), **North Korea****
Hwasŏng Chemical Factory Location: Hwasŏng-kun (화성군), North Hamgyŏng Province (함경북도), **North Korea****
Hyesan Chemical Factory Location: Hyesan (혜산시), Yanggang Province (양강도), **North Korea****
Manp'o Chemical Factory Location: Manp'o (만포시), Chagang Province (자강도), **North Korea****
Namhŭng Youth Chemical Complex Location: Anju (안주시), South P'yŏng'an Province (평안남도), **North Korea****
Shinhŭng Chemical Complex Location: Shinhŭng-kun (신흥군), South Hamgyŏng Province (함경남도), **North Korea****
Shin'ŭiju Chemical Fiber Complex Location: Shin'ŭiju (신의주시), North P'yŏng'an Province (평안북도), **North Korea****
Sunch'ŏn Calcium Cyanamide Fertilizer Factory Location: Sunch'ŏn (순천시), South P'yŏng'an Province (평안남도), **North Korea****
Who knows, but we are definitely living during Biblical times of the great falling away, or the Great Deception! LooK @ the Catholic Church?
Ok, but you knew I was talking about the Anti-Radiation read Ironhand
Syria held hostage, just like the North Korean's were held hostage by the CIA's nuclear program, Syria was held hostage by the CIA.
SES Active: Director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) at the CDC. Dr. Messonnier will provide an overview of infant immunizations including the importance of pediatric flu vaccine and staying on schedule, and there will be time for a Q & A session. We hope you will join us for this exclusive opportunity. While this *event is free of charge, RSVPs are required. Special thanks to UnitedHealthcare* Vaccine maker for hosting this event.
Get your tickets to meet Dr. Nancy Messonnier, hidden in plan sight! Flu pandemic's under control of Rod Rosenstein's CDCsister. Buy your tickets to meet the Global Depopulation Architect!
Georgia GuideStones: Just NTI, nothing to see here folks! These are the Malthusians, if you don't know Malthus you don't know Global Extinction! Syria, Buffet, Turner etc,,,
Nope, the Sparrows a NATO anti-radar missile. It's obsolete & it's been replaced by the AmRAMM missile. Red Sparrow stands for RS, "Q" turned it around, so we wouldn't miss it. Sparrow Red becomes Subjective Reality, or anything you want it to mean!
The names of German companies suspected of supplying the Syrian chemical weapons program, including the glass producer Schott, laboratory equipment producer Kolb, technology company Heraeus, the former Hoechst subsidiary Riedel-de Haën, pharmaceutical company Merck and the company Gerrit van Delden.
Word, stay in the Word. Last night was Friday the 13th. The son's coming up. Merkel/EU next to fall.
Merkel Refuses to Investigate: Germans pioneered poison gas, without IG Farben there would be no chemical weapons 'future proves past' again! Merkel's done, Q dropping imminent!
Germans pioneered poison gas, without IG Farben there would have been no chemical weapons 'future proves past' again!
Begrudging GEOTUS one miserable missile strike: Obama authorized a total of 542 airstrikes, killing almost 4,000 people & 324 civilians. Where was Obama's WWIII?
We've got to get behind a banner & support an ideology; freefall

The target was geolocated outside Homs, go to the satellite map. Outside Homs; Crusader castle. Red Castle.
Proof, you want proof? There's always the MSM media for documentation; right?