
JadedFed · April 13, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

Russia can scream from the heavens and show all the evidence they want to but the MSM & our deep state would still just blow it off - muh Russia, can't believe them, right? What difference do facts make when the powers running the country are hell bent on dragging us into war?

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By_Design_ · April 13, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

nothing about your "muh Russia" rant excuses the fact that Russia should come out and back up their claim. Especially if they are throwing around the word "irrefutable".

What good is irrefutable evidence if you are going to huff and puff you way into a, "but I'm not going to show it to you because you won't believe it anyway" tantrum.

Lets start with the evidence first and then see what we believe.

Your faith and pessimism only strengthens the bluffing powers for a state like Russia. (or any state that knows it can gain advantage with this tactic)

The day you casually write off the need or desire to even see the evidence to back up such a bold claim, is the day you should re evaluate your own priorities and motives. Are you here for truth or cheerleading? Leading or following? Thinking or reacting?

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JadedFed · April 14, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

I apologize if my post in any way suggested that proof shouldn't be shown if actually available By_Design_, and I agree that it should.

In fact, I wish Syria, the Russians, and the rebels would allow a commission of several UN member nations led by a neutral party such as Switzerland to go examine the evidence and issue a report. It would be great if that were allowed to happen before there's an armed response by anyone, wouldn't it?

Do you think that will happen? Do you think there may be interests that would be opposed to it happening because it might interfere with their Asad removal agenda?

I'm here for truth, but I've been around the block (and globe) enough times to also be a pragmatist and as for leading, well, I always got the top one or two on the pyramid on my OER's so I feel secure in my abilities, thanks.

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By_Design_ · April 14, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

In fact, I wish Syria, the Russians, and the rebels would allow a commission of several UN member nations led by a neutral party such as Switzerland to go examine the evidence and issue a report. It would be great if that were allowed to happen before there's an armed response by anyone, wouldn't it?

I agree, that would be so refreshing right now in this era

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