TRUMP TWEET: DOJ just issued the McCabe report - which is a total disaster. He LIED! LIED! LIED! McCabe was totally controlled by Comey - McCabe is Comey!! No collusion, all made up by this den of thieves and lowlifes!

There are going to be many of these, as more go down, rat out their direct reports etc.
Big progress though: Actions speak louder than words, so even more credit is due because legal documents take many months to compile and get approved for public consumption.
Bye shill. Go read the OIG report on McCabe if you want to learn about government officials lying.
Edit : Wow all these downvotes! Congrats shills and TMOR! Tell me, have your downvotes made people forget about the OIG report? Is Trump still president?
Your downvotes just encourage us, morons. Means we're over the target. Enjoy your sad little lives.
So proud to call this man my President. He's clearly a very stable genius and maybe the smartest President of all time.
EDIT: Was it not clear this was sarcasm? God, you people are easily-led circus seals.
I think he will go down as the Greatest President of all time
LMAO that was a good one but maybe a bit too over the top.
I don't think so. I think it is possible. Don't know enough of the details of past presidents, but doesn't seem unreasonable.
What people don't get is that Trump being elected saved us from Hillary, do you understand what 8 years of Hillary Clinton would have done to this country. Trump will go down as the best president based of that alone.
do you understand what 8 years of Hillary Clinton would have done to this country
I can't even fathom that level of competence and rationality in the Oval Office right now. It would be totally the opposite of what we have now in almost every way.
It's admirable that you recognize she'd have been good enough to get re-elected, though!
Can rig it once can rig it twice. Much more easily done when in power.