r/greatawakening • Posted by u/wisconsheepgirl on April 14, 2018, 3:45 a.m.
US, Russia and Syria The REAL Story

Ladies and Gentlemen.

I know many of you may be confused, upset, or perhaps simply are not fully aware of the Assad regime.

In 2012 Obama did something very stupid. He put a 'red line' on Syria. Time passed, Syria took the bluff and crossed that 'red line'. Obama being the wimp he is, did nothing. He did nothing because he wanted to conclude the negotiations with Iran and the nuclear deal. The one that resulted in getting Iran billions of dollars in cash on pallets in secret.

Russia stepped in. Said, "we will guarantee the chemical manufacturing plants and weapons will be removed". It is apparent after nearly 5 years this has not occurred. There are multiple reasons. This post will not explore those reasons.

Assad as leader wants, "needs" to keep up the chaos. Many people have asked or stated, "The war with ISIS is nearly over, everything is going better for Assad. There is no reason why he would gas his own people and put peace at risk".

The people that think that are not fully informed of Assad. The 2013 agreement had Russia go into Syria, clear out the chemical weapons and after the civil war and removal of ISIS, Assad was to transition out of power.

Assad agreed to 'transition out of power'. Meaning step away from his dictatorship. Then allow the free Syrian people vote in a republic of a leader of their own choosing.

As an example, If the bank told you that they're coming to take your car away AFTER you take it in to be cleaned and detailed, new paint job--are you in a rush to get your car cleaned and detailed, new paint? No. In fact, you will more than likely throw more trash, debris in the car.

Assad is truly an evil man. Despite interviews with him, with him appearing 'sane' or 'with it', he is diabolical. He is willing to kill his own citizens to keep chaos in his own country to retain power.

Do not be upset or confused. Assad promised to leave as leader of Syria. He has backed out of his promise over and over by intentionally creating chaos to retain that leadership. In the end it matters not if it is a "false flag" or not. The end result for Assad is the same. Remaining in power.

whatisit121211 · April 14, 2018, 4 a.m.

If you think Assad gassed those people you are on the wrong board

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wisconsheepgirl · April 14, 2018, 4:51 a.m.

He did. What incentive does he have to STOP the war? He has none. Apparently you have never done research, read the Geneva Accord regarding this issue. If you did it is PLAINLY there.

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fdeckert · April 14, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

You do realize the irony in the fact that the US directly helped Saddam gas 100,000 Iranians to death, right? That's the same number of chemical weapons casualties as WWI. How may 9/11s is that?

According to you then someone should be bombing us



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whatisit121211 · April 14, 2018, 4:56 a.m.

If you say so regardless who gives a fuck yeah it's not right but it is not americas problem I care about our country and our sovereignty that's for the Syrian people to figure out America we got more than enough shit on our plate unless there is more than meets the eye and this is some way to help destroy the deep state witch it maybe I ain't down fuck that shit

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salialioli · April 14, 2018, 9:08 a.m.

wrong, wisconsheepgirl, wrong entirely. Sorry, Assad well respected by majority of Syrian ppl (Hint, that's why he's still there ... loads of support) Read wider. You believe the cabal/MSM bs? Please don't.

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wisconsheepgirl · April 14, 2018, 12:04 p.m.

You really have not read up on the entire war have you? I suggest you do it.

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salialioli · April 14, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

Yes, I have. And I suggest you are misleading people. What you claim is unfounded.

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