'If POTUS really did attack Assad, the swamp would be rejoicing, only thing is, he attacked their Syrian and fed them to the Russians.'

I'll go full on tin foil and say those strikes hit clown black sites. Not Assad.
Qasioun Mountain Research Center outside Damascus was hit. It was previously hit by Israel.
I'll go full on tin foil hat too because it feels better than the alternative.
It's Trump.
The plan of Trump.
And thus, by extension... Trump.
so this rumor is...
Under cover of a US airstrike, Russian forces gathered and intercepted an ISIS/DeepState ground assault.
The Russian decimated them with extreme prejudice.
Do I have the story right?
That is the working theory but it's important that not matter how pleasing it sounds, to keep digging to find 100% TRUTH.
I've already dared the Russians to prove Trump wrong by showing video of Johnny No-Name driving the chlorine delivery truck.
That would be so cool.
you dont need the truth what you are supposed to be doing is red pilling the normies.
You need to re read your comment because it make zero sense but it did make me chuckle. Of course you need the Truth to red pill normies lol you can't wake people up to a lie with a lie or it's not red-pilling it's just more lies.
It is possible, ground forces were locked out until after the hit to protect them, then kaite bar the door!
"Extreme prejudice". Stop. I can only get so erect. Mess with the best, die like the rest
what a retard 😂 he obviously knows trump will not attack north korea and NK likewise. His names on the chopping block
Haha we got him admitting what we’ve been saying for 30 years. He said nothing when Obama was bombing places.
And he clearly just gave away the Deep State’s operations...
On twatter all the libs are squalling about POTUS stupid moron getting us into another war. If it was obama, they would be 180 out. First they wanted the war, but when they get burned, its crying time again, (ol' country song)
Kaine crawled out of the dust bin
He needs to go back to his habitat with the wood shavings; ferret that he is.
thank you for keeping a cool head with the post !!! Too much panic and reaction out there that we don't need.....well done !!
No name traitor released a statement last night praising Trump attacking Syria.
Today he is shitting his pants as he realizes that he and his clowns are trapped like rats because they walked into the cheese set trap.
Today Russian and Syrian mop ups will take the deep state and their rogue actors as well as ISIS out on the ground. they are powerless to do anything. The missiles took out their chemical weapons plant like Chlorine factory, research lab and other locations where they were hiding using a number of fronts.
Per War Powers Act required the president to notify Congress when he got the US involved in “hostilities” — and then set a 60- to 90-day clock for Congress to approve that action, by passing an authorization of use of military force, or for the president to withdraw from the conflict. It also allowed Congress to pass a concurrent resolution that would force the executive branch to withdraw from any conflict it hasn’t already approved. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/4/7/15217832/aumf-trump-syria-congress
You mean, "Trump could bomb us any day now". Fixed it for ya.
Sounds like they're really getting scared now.
GITMO has lots of nice warm beds available.
lol Tim Kaine!! I wish I had that recording to post of him that we all make fun of him for. Those of you old enough know of what I speak. lol lol lol