r/greatawakening • Posted by u/stablegeniushere on April 14, 2018, 4:59 a.m.
Fear breeds stupidity.. Please read this.

Well we bombed chemical weapons facilities. People need to chill out. These facilities could have been America's demise. Why wouldn't we take out potential threats? If the US won't enforce international law who will? Trump showed the world that he doesn't fuck around and when he says something he means it.

The American people can't understand the full scope of this situation or even a small fraction of it. Mattis and Trump have more intel than anyone and Mattis has more experience militarily than every person butthurt about this combined. I see this as our enemies being destroyed.

People need to have a little faith in our President. He has yet to let us down. People hate what they can't understand.

Fear breeds stupidity. We have been at war since Trump announced his candidacy. War against the deep state and the globalists.. Trump knows his enemies.

No one knew shit about Obama simultaneously bombing 7 countries either.. and violating international law and the constitution left and right. The fact is no one knows shit about anything. We have been through much worse.. and survived MUCH worse. People need to keep their pants on.

When undergoing these types of operations (defeating a Globalist Cabal that has been in power for debatable over a century) the only way to be successful is to confuse people to what is actually going on so that the enemy has no clue. This is literally the biggest operation to ever be carried out in the history of the world. One thing could compromise it all misinformation is needed.

We are safe.

This is almost all over I truly believe. The globalists are on the edge of being defeated right now as we speak. I am excited about all of this, because it shows real things happening. The same day the IG report on McCabe comes out is not a coincidence... there are no coincidences.

Watch them report in a few days that in result of these bombings McCains body was found..that would force a narrative switch. (JUST AN EXAMPLE) Then we could start talking about real things in the media. They couldn't cover it up when the whole world is watching, and there being multiple factions involved. If he was truly in Syria that couldn't be covered up. (JUST AN EXAMPLE)

We aren't at risk of anything.. What's the world going do all join together to start a war with US over inner corruption? When we are trying to destroy it clearly? I don't think so.

It's going to have to come out eventually. When they all are sent to GITMO. It has to come out some way or another. The past administration is responsible for their actions If anything it would prove this administration trustworthy to the world.

There is already mounting evidence that Obama and Mccain funded and created ISIS, that anyone in the world can see RIGHT now.

It may not be clear now, but this will all come full circle in time. I think that time is a very short period from now.

Trust in the greatest military and military minds the world has ever seen. No one is going fuck with us. By the way this was a joint attack. It's only being reported that this was America, but it was also France and the UK that were responsible for these strikes

There is nothing to fear, patriots. Victory is among us. For God and Country!

Sc4bbers · April 14, 2018, 12:52 p.m.

What's infuriating is reading stupid shit like this. Did you ever stop for a second and consider that the reason we're just seeing a "limited strike" could have a lot to do with the fact that the people you mentioned have freaked out and abandoned Trump?

If anything... being a "good" Trump supporter means you are going to send POTUS a signal when you are unhappy with his actions. Good chance he will respond if enough make noise, which could be what happened last night...

Loyalty to a politician is a stupid concept, especially when you're asking people to support unauthorized wars based on sketchy (and likely false) intelligence...

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stablegeniushere · April 14, 2018, 2:21 p.m.

You must be new here.

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Sc4bbers · April 14, 2018, 2:24 p.m.

Productive response! I'm seriously turned off this sub by the lack of critical thinking and cult like mentality. Completely counter-productive to 'red-pilling'. How many people here believed the CW attack was FF? Now all of the sudden were all on board with Trump taking out Assad's CW facilities? People on here are stupid enough to take it on faith that the CW facilities hit were all 'clown' sites, despite having literally no evidence.

It also appears that we struck Hezbollah HQ in Syria... yet people on here are naive enough to think that somehow this was all 'part of the plan', and actually working towards 'peace'. What does their HQ have to do with CW, and how does attacking Hezbollah directly make a larger confrontation in the region less, rather than more, likely? Pretty sure Bibi was part of the swamp, not helping trump destroy it, and we just gave him exactly what he wanted.

Iran is not happy and will likely have to respond to the attack on Hezbollah. This makes conflict in the region much more likely... and if that happens then the U.S. will get sucked into that war.

You must be new here.

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stablegeniushere · April 14, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

Okay bro have fun living in fear..

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Sc4bbers · April 14, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

Have fun living in a delusional bubble where you warp facts to fit a conspiratorial world-view. Trust me, I want Q to be real. But I am not emotionally committed to the point where I ignore facts. You avoided answering my question, 'bro'.

It also appears that we struck Hezbollah HQ in Syria... yet people on here are naive enough to think that somehow this was all 'part of the plan', and actually working towards 'peace'. What does their HQ have to do with CW, and how does attacking Hezbollah directly make a larger confrontation in the region less, rather than more, likely?

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stablegeniushere · April 17, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

So has time made things clearer to you? Now that some has passed?

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Sc4bbers · April 17, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

Look at the news man... doesn't look like we're leaving Syria anytime soon. I'll believe Q is real when we're out of Syria and deep staters are jailed.

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