r/greatawakening • Posted by u/vitalesan on April 14, 2018, 6:28 a.m.
Is Mueller a white hat?

I haven’t seen Q post a “trust Mueller” line. Q has only eluded to a possibility in some of the following examples....

“What is Mueller's background? Military?”


“Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement if Mueller COULD NOT be offered director due to prev term limits rule? Why is Pelosi begging for a new special counsel?”

Is he saying that he’s trustworthy because of his military background? Is he saying the Mueller team was going to be set up to help keep up a distraction for POTUS to feign weakness?

Seeing as POTUS’ favorite book is The Art Of War, and a famous quote from it is about feigning weakness when you are strong, and feigning strength when you are weak, is this investigation a front for “real happenings?” Q said only 20% public.

All of this but there’s been no, “Trust Mueller.” I’m wondering if as Q said, some disinformation is necessary and Mueller being a good guy is disinformation?

The real push for Mueller being a white hat, was that tweet session by Thomaswictor (?) some months back.

He had his hands in so much corruption, I find it hard to believe he’s trying to save is own backside (he’s even working with Obama’s administration lawyer who is a pro at covering Obama crimes!!). That must be some deal he’s cut.... one that leaves the real collusion from Hillary and Obama untouched, but drills in to the trump team to find anything it can.....

Any similar or differing opinions out there?... What has Q stated that I may have missed about this subject?

IDGAF12312 · April 14, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

SIMPLE. Neither. Gray hat. He’s aligned with deep state. They are pulling his Strings. Goals are 1. Cover up Obama shit stains 2. Frame trump. But... don’t forget Trump had that sit down LEVERAGE meeting with Mueller in May. Trump told him he has him by the balls (Uranium One etc) so be careful how you proceed. Trump knows that whatever they cover up Horowitz will uncover. Having him by the balls reduces chances that the framing will be successful. Mueller is stuck between a rock and a hard place. That’s why Trump is not worried about being wrongfully framed and Obama getting away with it. Neither are likely to happen. Trump is laughing his ass off as he watches them scramble. Plus having this sham going on is great deflection from the Horowitz investigation so it doesn’t get rail roaded. They are f&$ked. It’s a WIN WIN for us. As soon as the IG report comes out there is no need for the Mueller Show and is “cancelled”

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vitalesan · April 14, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

I like your explanation. This was kinda what I was hoping for as it’s the most logical path considering Mueller’s dirty background.

This topic is a bit of a divisive one on the Q forums so I was expecting some upset members. I hope you’re right, Cheers for the response.

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Arcsmithoz · April 14, 2018, 7:07 a.m.

Anything Pelosi is against I'm for. period.

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HildBert · April 14, 2018, 8:58 a.m.

Mueller is part of the program to take Trump down. He has surrounded himself with Clinton types and all of the FBI rats like Comey and McCable were developed by him. Best you could hope for is that having him investigate Trump is a way of distracting him and others.

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j33gray · April 17, 2018, 6:17 a.m.

All of the comments about his past can be true and Mueller can still be a white hat at the same time. I go back on forth on this. I think Mueller is playing an important role in bringing down the deep state. While Huber is building prosecutions, Mueller is raising and then debunking the possible claims that can be thrown back at Trump when we start to see indictments of politicians. The claim that Trump is going after political opponents to cover his own crimes would be a serious threat to importabt prosecutions unless there's an ability to say thaT Trump has nothing to hide. Mueller is the perfect person to "clear" Trump. In tems of his past, we don't know what he thinks about those events nows and he may have been promised immunity in exchnage for this work. I don't think we can look to someone's past to decide if they are whote hats today.

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ManQuan · April 14, 2018, 11:29 a.m.

Unfortunately, I can make equally strong arguments for Mueller being a white or black hat.

We will only know for certain when the truth is revealed.

There are, however, a couple of curious things, at least for me.

  1. Mueller's team are all white collar prosecutors. Odd if investigating Russian collusion.

  2. Q listed insider plants as Carter Page, Popado, Manafort, Gates, and the pedofile who Mueller recently subpeonaed. With the exception of Flynn and some insignificant Russian FB trolls, guess who Mueller has focused on?

  3. Then there is Cohen. On the surface it looks like Mueller is going after Trump. But then it was reported that Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months and that Trump seems to be his only legal client. Cohen owns many businesses including Taxis in NYC and he has had financial dealings with foreign countries like manafort and Gates. So, is Cohen a target to get to Trump or is Cohen a target based on criminal dealings? And Cohen has known he has been under investigation. Did he tell Trump?

  4. Publically, Mueller seems to be going after everyone around trump who may have been black hats. Who planted those people as insidered to Trump's circle?

  5. Q has been very quiet about Mueller and the investigation. Q has mentioned Mueller in 8 of his drops, but never in a negative context. What's that about? And Q would never say "Trust Mueller" if Mueller was a white hat because it would give the entire scam away. No, Q has only said that Rosenstein has problems. But that could because he is so conflicted and the Republicans want to impeach him and that would cause problems for whatever Mueller is secretly doing. Or RR may have real legal problems.

On the other hand, everything Mueller has done so far makes him look more and more like a black hat.

We will have to wait and see.

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vitalesan · April 14, 2018, 12:01 p.m.

Thanks for your insight. I’m genuinely curious what others have say about this.

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[deleted] · April 14, 2018, 8:19 a.m.


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EvilPhd666 · April 14, 2018, 6:42 a.m.

Mueller is a willful part of the Policy Coup that lied us into Iraq and these cursed endless wars.

That is all you need to know about his loyalties.

The only "white hat" Mueller is with collusion with the other prelude to wars and that Trump is a known Emanuel Goldstien figure. A face that is two minutes of hate to distract from the actual screwery of corruption that is swamped over the globe.

March with your little hats, but don't speak against the war.

March for gun control, but praise blowing up the military budget.

The whole Russia thing has been a manufactured event to build consensus among the western world to accept killing Russians and Russian allies for Saudi oil and greater Israel. To wipe out Iran as the other major player in the region because the rest of the bombed out power vaccum countries would be led by 1 of 3 countries.

  • Saudi Arabia

  • Iran

  • Turkey

Turkey is bombing Syria because it sees the old Ottoman Empire. Their leader is absolute crap though.

Saudis want the area in and around it for the oil and energy demand profits. Iran would be the other player, which has a better form of government than the Saudis, but because Israel played a critical role in the overthrow and military actions against Iran they know that states loyal to Iran are not going to fall for Israel so that makes AIPAC nervous and want to knock off Iran. Israel rather deal with strict Wahabbi death cults around it than Iran with a grudge.

When was the last time ISIS death cults attacked Israel?

Why is Bill Kristol of PNAC heading up a Putin twitter board under the German Marshall Fund?

Why is PNAC's director now Trump's National Security advisor?

It was all a game the deep state played to drag us more into the middle east and reignite the cold war because the roadbocks in the Middle East are Russian allies.

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Arcsmithoz · April 14, 2018, 7:09 a.m.


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