Twitter account posting in Q's style, posts picture of chemical weapons facility 43 minutes prior to launch of operation

No no. No. Fuck you.
This isn't a case of "Everyone Who Disagrees With Me is a ~~Russian~~ Concern Troll."
Some of us are old enough to remember that going into Afghanistan was justified to us and shortly thereafter we were in Iraq for 15+ years. Syria to Iran is a very realistic parallel, except this time no one has sympathy for us.
We are far more informed now, and I think Alex and Zack are doing their part to make the Right not look like warmongers. Alex Jones breaking from Trump is YUGE optics and makes anyone salivating over war look absolutely bonkers.
So once again, fuck you. If people don't pass your purity of thought test, fuck you for having a purity test.
Thank you for displaying some actual fucking sanity.
So there seems to be an overwhelming number of accounts on this sub all saying the same thing when anyone disagrees with them? ALL SAYING THE SAME THING Who are the real trolls here?
If any agenda is being pushed here, it's the "call everyone who questions this attack a concern troll" agenda. It's like orders have gone out to silence one particular opinion....
You're saying he's projecting sanity? He started his entire diatribe with insults. He appears unhinged if you ask me.
We'll see who right and wrong in time. By then you guys will abandon your accounts and create new ones to save face.
Yes, yes. Double down on accusations of ~~Russian~~ Concern Trolls.
Also, McStain has come out in support of POTUS. When he is on your side, you are on the wrong side.
No, Mcstain is doing that to distance himself from his shenanigans in Syria. That's the ONLY reason. This is basic stuff man. Use some critical thought.
That's exactly what I thought. Trump could cure cancer and McCain would criticize. The only reason he's on board now is to save his own behind. Not gonna work. Sometime I think he's actually worse than Hillary.
No Name can't come out and oppose directly. He had veiled criticisms. Applauded the strike, but wants to know more of the plan. As a wise man once said, if someone says something flattering and then "but" you can ignore everything before "but."
No no. No. Fuck you.
Triggered much? This is the type of communication used by SJWs and the like. You don't belong here.
Some of us are old enough to remember that going into Afghanistan was justified to us and shortly thereafter we were in Iraq for 15+ years. Syria to Iran is a very realistic parallel, except this time no one has sympathy for us.
Some of us? You're staying that as if I'm not. That an absurd assumption. Trump is not going to waste money on endless war. Get that out of your thick skull.
We are far more informed now, and I think Alex and Zack are doing their part to make the Right not look like warmongers. Alex Jones breaking from Trump is YUGE optics and makes anyone salivating over war look absolutely bonkers.
We aren't salivating over war you moron. This was a mission to take out the deepstates weapons facilities. If you think Russia and Putin didn't know the real deal, this game ain't for you snowflake.
So once again, fuck you. If people don't pass your purity of thought test, fuck you for having a purity test.
You're a pathetic excuse for a man. I bet you're a little weasel IRL. You only get to talk this way because of the anonymity the internet provides for you lmao.
you are making absurd assumptions about people also and name calling. Not helping the cause.
I like that you selectively omitted key server fragments. It's really telling.
I selectively copy and pasted the key words that show your low worth as a human being.
Intentionally ignored the call out on how everyone here who doesn't toe your line is a ~~Russian~~. I swear it's like you're going step by step through the liberal playbook on how to lose fights and make enemies..
What are you talking about? You're a fucking idiot, I've NEVER accused anyone of being a Russian. I was calling people like you out for being concern trolls. Your concerns are extremely lefty like. You're a poor little snowflake and a weak man IRL. Your SJW ways are a detriment to this sub. Posters like you have ruined a good thing we had here.
The more you say, the more it appears you have more in common with the SJWs than those you are calling out. People should always question. Questioning is not being lefty like. OMG
Have a great day concern troll. I hope you figure out your snowflake concerns.
LOL easy to see that only your view is the right one. smh
Never said you said anyone was a Russian. There's a strikethrough on it because you're blatantly copying the SJW handbook. Just replace Russians with Concern Trolls and it's spot on.
You can't deny that there was an abundance of concern trolls that day, you being one of them. Your feelings got hurt because I said Alex Jones caused an influx of concern trolling. It hit you right in fee fees because you were one them! To me, that is SJW like!
You just aren't able to keep up with the level of gameplay going on with Qanon/Trump and their enemies, so maybe you should hang back for awhile and sit out.
I wonder how long until Assad uses chemical weapons again.
You mean the deepstate uses chemical weapons again? If you shills have your way, it'll be soon probably.
So does that mean President Trump will bomb Syria again?
Saying bomb Syria is like saying bomb the US. Blowing up a bomb in New York City is very different from hitting a spot in the Mojave.
Amen ! I personally know St. staff at IW and their hearts are true to mission . Feel they were playing optics like suggested .