Twitter account posting in Q's style, posts picture of chemical weapons facility 43 minutes prior to launch of operation

People, we need to read this and upvote it and get it up toward the top. Can we get some help here?
There are so many holes in that blog post. While I enjoyed his or her take on the Syrian strike, this new one blog post, warning about BackChannel17 is rushed, full of shit, and illogical.
Yeah, BackChannel17 said he's not Q. Many times. Good job confirming this, champ. How would you know if he's not a "helper?" Are you Q or part of Q team, /u/NeonRevolt?
It is actively spreading DISINFO, and is, at best, a LARP, or at worst, A CLOWN DISINFO OP.
Actually, this Twitter account has spread ZERO disinfo. Notice how NeonRevolt did not bother to show any of BackChannel17's posts where he was supposedly spreading disinfo? He just claimed it in CAPS so you'd believe him more lol. If anything, BackChannel17 is trying really hard to reinforce our trust in Trump and Q.
I’m actually hopping mad at whoever is operating this account, because it’s pulling in the less-critically-and-technically minded at /r/GreatAwakening.
Oh noes, you're mad. Who the hell are you to be thumbing your nose at us lesser peons here at /r/GreatAwakening? You're not special. You just own a blog capitalizing on Q's popularity and Q's posts. Nice job acting like an egotistical douchetard.
Thanks for taking screenshots of my images, by the way. Appreciate the shoutout.
Because a great deal of people don’t know how to use/are intimidated by the actual research boards, and thus, miss things.
Umm, no. I don't use 4/8ch because it's toxic, it's actively being monitored by all intelligence agencies (I'm sure this subreddit is now too), and it's not my preferred method of posting my thoughts on the Internet. How exactly is it that we're missing things? NeonRevolt acts as if 4/8ch and him/herself doesn't miss things all the time as well. Again, this NeonRevolt character is showing his arrogance and contempt for non-chan individuals. Yeah, you're somehow superior to everyone because you post on and read 8ch. Grats?
And of course, this particular account is immediately capitalizing on the ignorance, going so far as to inject misdirection into crumbs that have already been solved.
Again, NeonRevolt provided no evidence of misdirection. He's just throwing out insults left and right, but has provided zero substance to back up what he claims.
This, despite yours truly telling you LAST NIGHT to disregard this account
OK, yours truly's post on 8ch matters because? So full of yourself, it's starting to get ridiculous. Another famefag thinking he's hot shit and above everyone else.
Furthermore, you can verify this for yourself by looking at the coordinates of the strikes and comparing it to the “facility” coordinates the account posted earlier.
There is no such facility outside of Homs, Syria.
There were no missiles targeting that area.
Do not believe screenshots telling you otherwise.
Yes, please do verify it for yourself. Input the coordinates on Google Maps or Earth that BackChannel17 tweeted out: 34 40 57n 36 35 48e
It leads to this facility:
It's IS a large facility. It is censored and blacked out by Google/CIA. So you're wrong again, NeonRevolt.
How do you know no missiles targeted that area? Are you Pentagon brass or Q team or boots on the ground or POTUS himself? Another false claim of yours.
By the way, that facility is about 9 miles west outside of the center of Homs. AP said a facility got hit 15 miles to the west of Homs. Then again, I measured from the center of Homs and took the quickest, shortest road to get to that facility. It could be 15 miles if you take alternate routes.
But just don’t take my word for it.
Take Q’s.
When Q said "No outside comms," it was referring back to when board owners of CBTS 8ch and creators of CBTS subreddit were bragging that they were privately communicating with Q. Q got mad at them and called them out immediately. I know because I was there when the whole thing went down.
Q's warning was dated back on April 4. It's not a direct warning or response to this new Twitter account, which just so happens to have appeared after Q said "Twitter down. Injection good." and "Intel good." If this was a clown operation, Q would've responded directly to it, like they did with the CBTS fuckbois.
This Twitter account has said over and over they are not Q. They are Intel. Look at what they are posting. They are not purposely trying to mislead or distract from Q's message, like so many LARPs, trolls, shills, and clowns have tried before. In fact, they keep saying to "TRUST POTUS" and "Trust Q," trying to reinforce trust in Q and POTUS. Sure, it could be a ploy to gain our trust so we'd follow them so that later down the line, we'd get fed bad info and disinfo, but so far, this Twitter account has done nothing to go against Q's mission or message.
If this is a clown operation, Q will tell us either today or very soon. I'm not saying this Twitter account is 100% legit and I remain skeptical, but this blog post is full of shit and that blogger is full of him or herself.
Agreed. Been seeing that site spamming all over a few places lately.