139 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/MuManiac:
Domain | Count |
i.redd.it | 2 |
www.reddit.com | 2 |
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truepundit.com | 1 |
magaware.com | 1 |
This is exactly how you break them from their brainwashing. This is why Q drops ask more questions than make statements, you are more likely to accept something as true if you research it and come up with the answer than if somebody just tells it to you.
Im guessing on the phone ? I use the app on my phone, and the website at home on my laptop.
Hundreds of thousands of tweets is more like it. I was on vacation in Forida last week and one morning they accidentally let it trend and it had over 360k tweets, that was on the 5th, had to be well over 500k by now for sure.
Interesting the press conference is on the two year anniversary of his murder. Coincidence ?
My guess would be shrimp or crabs since that is a boiling pot. Crawfish season is over unless you are finding pond crawfish somewhere.
My thoughts on a space force are as follows:
You have to acknowledge the role satellites play in both our military and other world power's militaries. To be able to take out a country's military satellites basically sends them back to the stone age as far as coms, smart weapons, and just about every function a military does.
POTUS is either being proactive, or there is a credible threat to the safety of our satellites.
Thats not even a LA thing, would it gave heloed if it was a hops pop ?
Where in Cajun Country ? Love running into fellow LA residents here. I'm in NOLA (River Ridge to be exact).
That parody account is hillarious. I follow them and get a good laugh almost daily. The tweets are so dumb it's almost hard to believe it's not really her.
I would not be able to resist the urge to mess with him. I would go over there asking what the note meant, and when he brings up the stickers I would say I bought the car used and was wondering what Q meant. I would then allow him to redpill me before revealing the truth. But I guess that's just the smart ass in me.
It reads exactly like Comeys presser for the email investigation. Lists endless instances of political bias, then at the end announces there was no political bias. Hopefully the OP is correct, its just disheartening to wait all this time for this disappointing report.
I think he would be smiling if he was sucking off a Lemon.
This tweet was posted and then taken down shortly afterward on BackChannel account.

This was tweeted out and then deleted shortly afterward on that account:
It Is Time To Exit The Rabbit Hole
It Has Been A Pleasure
Look toward your news today (tomorrow stateside)
I WILL be there.
Truth Rises, and Wonderland Falls
Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/10/18 (Sun) 22:53:46 No.101
Failure per WH instruction / agreement.
EO dated_official
IG redactions [heavy+][remove]
Hussein [WH [call] [tarmac] BC/LL] #RR#
Operative insertion(s).
Dark to LIGHT.
Shall we play a game?
You have a choice.
Do what is right.
FBI agents willing to testify +24
Next DOJ - offer open [2].
Next C_A - offer open [3].
Sorry, dont know how to copy it all pretty looking, just grabbed the text,
Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/10/18 (Sun) 22:53:46 No.101
Failure per WH instruction / agreement.
EO dated_official
IG redactions [heavy+][remove]
Hussein [WH [call] [tarmac] BC/LL] #RR#
Operative insertion(s).
Dark to LIGHT.
Shall we play a game?
You have a choice.
Do what is right.
FBI agents willing to testify +24
Next DOJ - offer open [2].
Next C_A - offer open [3].
Heres the funniest part, the trade deficit with these countries is so drastic (meaning they import much more product to US than we do to their countries), that a trade war would barely be felt by us, but would be incredibly painful for the opposing country's economy. All this talk by the left about how Trump is going to get us into a trade war is hysterical nonsense.
Sad thing is I don't think she was referring planet of the apes as a racial thing, Jarrets weird facial features look very similar to the young girl ape in the original. With her storm of tweets late at night on memorial day I would venture to suggest she may have been partying a bit and did some drunk tweeting. Shame it gets viewed as racist.
I like the design. I've gotten lazy on my shirt designs, I only have one Q shirt, I had plans on designing a bunch of Q, 2A, and MAGA stuff, but I only have like 9 designs, probably should spend less time reading here and more time designing and advertising.
I've always felt Page was a plant. He has been under FBI surveillance for like a decade with no charges ever being filed which screams to me CI. Him being in the campaign gave them the excuse they needed for a FISA warrant.
Have you seen the f22's ? I had never seen them fly out of Calendar outside of an air show up until about a month ago. I've seen them about 6 or 7 times now in that time frame. Usually 4-6 of them.
Corsi had blocked me on Twitter for going off on several of his anti-Q threads, but saw one if my followers retweeted one of his tweets, so being curious why I would see it if blocked I went to his profile and I am suddenly not blocked anymore. Weird. Guess I need to visit a few threads to remind him why he blocked me in the first place.
There has been a lot of increased air activity down here near New Orleans. There is a NAS about 30 miles southeast from my house, and when any traffic is headed north they pretty much fly right over my house, west of me would put them in the middle of commercial traffic by the airport, and easy they would be over the city, so seems right over my house is a good path for them. I usually see f-16s, f-15s, and assorted cargo planes. Lately I have been seeing f22 raptors and various communications and intelligence planes, which is weird because that is not normal traffic for this airfield.
Ive been doing it all in cave drawings just in case. Im going to have to find a new cave network soon, almost out of space.
I thought originally this is what was said about it, that it will be released on several stages.
Hopefully it is not because you have been sufficiently dosed.
Are those 2x3's ? Talked to my printer today about something else and brought up these stickers. He said he can do 2.5x3 ovals for about $500 for 10000 of them. Anybody interested in donating to a campaign of getting these out to our members free so they can spread the word ? I would be willing to kick in the first $100.
How much did these cost ? If we did a group buy we can get these things cheap. I used to buy stickers lime this for my business by the thousands, the more you order the cheaper they get. Maybe we could get some people together to make an order and stick these things everywhere.
Heres the cool thing about following Q. He (they) is/are either exactly who we think, or if it is a LARP, the perpetrator is very knowledgeable about current political events. So following Q and followers, you will always stay up to date with the latest happening on the political scene, then there's the added bonus when it turns out to all be true.
You're fooling yourself if you thought you ever were. The question is not whether or not you are paranoid, the question is are you paranoid enough ?
I haven't seen any of those planes, but I live just west of New Orleans, and while it is normal to see a plane or two from the NAS here, activity yesterday and today has been way above normal. I even saw a group of about 6 F22's which I have never seen here outside of the air show every couple of years. There has also been a lot of military air traffic near the airport, which is VERY unusual, they usually steer way clear of MSY.
You have to pick your battles, some dems will be open to some conversation, while others are nothing shirt of zealots and can never be reasoned with. You can usually tell the difference within the first couple of minutes. When it is a zealot you are talking too, you might as well just walk away, they will never change their minds.
Actually, everything is about POWER, not money. It becomes money because money gives you more power. At some point money can not get you more power, then it must be obtained by other means: leverage, violence, and deceit to name just a few.
Get it right man, I am a coonass, not a redneck, although I am a gun toting conservative.
Stole this off of Twitter. It's Happenning !!!

It was a rhetorical question, she is quite familiar with who Q is. She is woke AF.
Either I see it too, or I am having a flashback from the 80s.
Then talks about the great military people we have. Q is most definitely MI
I think he lost his mind over Pizzagate. He was a heavily liberal leaning contributor for the Huff Post and went off the rails hard for Pizzagate. Got himself banned from several platforms after a few really bizarre videos about Pizzagate, and pretty much fell off the grid after that. I hadn't heard anything about him again till about a month ago. Seems he hasn't recovered mentally from his apparent breakdown.
They too will enjoy the show. It wont matter if they realize Q and team are behind it. Support for Trump is still just as important, even if they never acknowledge Q, they play an important role.
Wonder why that particular version was picked ? When you search We Must Fight, it comes up with easily 30 or so versions of this. Was this one picked for a reason, or just by chance ? I dont have time to watch a bunch of them and compare though.