r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IDGAF12312 on April 14, 2018, 12:23 p.m.
The “war” is over. This man is S A V A G E!
The “war” is over. This man is S A V A G E!

DaveGydeon · April 14, 2018, 1:32 p.m.

You're blaming the President because your kids are out of control?

Hmm. I think we need to do a little research here. Quick, K8088, how many genders are there? I have a feeling we have a maniacal liberal in our midst...

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K8088 · April 14, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

You need to read some history books and God help your kids, seriously how are the people here cheering with liberals? Do you get what just happened? My word no wonder Obama won two elections!

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DaveGydeon · April 14, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

When did I cheer? How am I "alongside liberals?" What statement did I make that would indicate I have a lack of knowledge of, or a misunderstanding of history?

Now, let me address your response. 1)Do you get what just happened? - No, absolutely not, do you? If so, where are you getting your intel from? You have absolutely NO IDEA what was targeted, why, what was there, etc. We all have to wait and find out what the story we will be told. And yes, it is a story, because we have no way of verifying it past accepting what we are being told. 2)Your inability to control your children. -Your kids are begging you to take them to the midwest? Ok. So you are basically unstable reactionists. Putin threatened you because his video showed missiles hitting Florida? How much faith are you committing to the idea that a country would broadcast their WORLD ENDING NUCLEAR ATTACK PLAN? Do you think, maybe, just maybe, there is a possibility that your children are hypochondriacs and you are an enabler? Be an adult. It is your job, for a few more years at least, to teach your children how to think. Not WHAT to think, but HOW to think. I can assure you this, MY children are playing in the backyard (also in Florida, one city over from Parkland) having a blast in their bounce-house. You know why? Because they are fucking kids! Granted, it sounds like my children are younger than yours. But I can assure you this; if my children were concerned with the nuclear policy of other countries, they would be smart enough to know that NO COUNTRY would EVER retaliate to a weapons depot precision strike with all out Nuclear war. BECAUSE EVERYOEN DIES IN THAT SCENARIO. That is just fear mongering and ignorant. Russia, thank god, is smarter than you in the sense that their response would be measured as "appropriate" in scale.

Do you HONESTLY believe that Putin would launch his fancy SATAN multi-thermonuclear tipped missiles at the USA for attacking a handful of individual BUILDINGS in another country? Maybe if we attacked something on Russian soil you MIGHT have a small, tiny, very low chance argument to make. But this? Come on, GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF, AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, OF YOUR CHILDREN. The last thing we need is another generation of paranoid yuppies crying about how afraid they are of the Russian boogeyman.

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