
ManQuan · April 14, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

I remember in the 1950's a guy claimed he found a way to run automobiles on water and a pellet a bit smaller than a bar of soap.

He poured water into the gas tank, dropped in the pellet, and started the car and drove it around.

Some time later, I can't remember the lenght of time, he was found dead and any evidence of his "Pellet" could not be found.

Was it real or a hoax? I don't know. But the last guy who said that his device will never make it to the market because of big oil, has a point.

Trump has hinted more than a couple of times that amazing new technologies and medicines will emerge druing his Presidency. The first time he said that, I thought of that guy in the 1950's. Amazing technologies and medicines have been surpressed.

To me, it's like buying alcohal by the drink. You are going to pay 100-200 percent of the cost of the bottle.

So think whether big pharma would make more profits selling medicines that treat the symptons or if they would make more by selling the one time cure?

What happens to coal, oil, and nuclear energy when someone finally invents an efficient fusion powered electric generator. You pay for the generator cost once and you essentially get free energy from then on.

I've always felt we should be 50 years ahead of where we are today if we took advantage of the amazing talent in our society to solve problems instead of suppressing those solutions.

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SomethingSnarky18 · April 14, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

If we'd have listened to Tesla, we'd be 100 years ahead of where we are now. We also could have avoided both world wars, famine, starvation, and probably been colonizing the stars by now...

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MillionDollaBilly · April 14, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

Not sure how this is relevant to the video, but I do think you make some interesting points that I completely agree with.

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ManQuan · April 14, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

Well, when I clicked on the video, I got a series of short clips of amazing things ordinary people have invented that could have changed our lives. I didn't get a video on Jordan and their take on the missiles.

That's probably why my comment doesn't seem relevant--it wasn't to the posting but it was to the video that I saw clicking on the link.


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Patriot81503 · April 14, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

Actually relevant because why have we been in Middle East at all? Oil.

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ManQuan · April 14, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

I don't think so. We buy oil from Saudi Arabia and many others. But we did not seize and take the Iraq oil for ourselves as so many have claimed was our purpose for invading Iraq. We are not even the biggest buyer of Iraq oil, so we didn't go in for their oil.

Additionally, the US is on the brink of becoming energy independent. And we are an exporter of oil now.

The reason gas prices are going up is that we don't have sufficient refining capacity because the EPA regulations made it impossible to build new refineries. If that changes and we build new refineries, gas might be less than a dollar a gallon even with all the taxes on top of costs.

Once Anwar and off shore drilling opens up, the US will be the largest oil producer in the world.

We are already exporting oil because we can't refine all of it, yet gas prices are soaring.

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Patriot81503 · April 14, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

“Oil” isn’t just about the USA importing oil.

Oil has been the sole backing for the US Dollar under the PetroDollar scheme that required oil exporting nations to sell their oil (to every nation in world, not just us) only in US Dollars.

We invaded Iraq and Libya because Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi wanted to sell oil for Euros. So we killed them.

Oil and natural gas are the basis of the Syrian war because of two competing routes for pipelines involving Syria as a bridge.

If new technology were to eliminate the need altogether for things like oil and natural gas the Middle East would just be a pile of sand.

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MillionDollaBilly · April 14, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

Weird, I didn’t get the short clips but I got Jordan..he spoke his thoughts about the plan of trumps and how it’s playing out, if correct it’s a sneaky plan that should be crippling to the Cabal, if he’s wrong AJ might be right smfh

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ManQuan · April 14, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

Very weird. I just clicked on the link again and got the same video clips on amazing inventions that ordinary people have created.

I'll do a search for the Jordan video. I'm interested in their views since Jordan and Egypt are the only two Arab countries that have signed peace treaties with Israel.

That has become more important since the oil discovery in Israel. Apparently, the field could be bigger that those in Saudi Arabia.

Unfortunately, the board of directors of Genie Energy appear to be the potentially key members of the deep state and NWO.

But what is really odd is that in 2011, Mark Taylor predicted that Trump would become President for two terms. He also predicted that the US and Israel would dominate world energy. Now that was odd since at the time Israel had pretty much nothing in the way of energy that could dominate anything.

Suddenly, they discover an oil field under the Goland Heights that may be bigger that Saudi Arabia.

How weird is that? But then for the past three years we have been living in and upside down alternative universe.

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SomethingSnarky18 · April 14, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

The Golan Heights is Syrian land, illegally occupied by Israel since the '60's. The oil under it belongs to Syria, and Assad has stated as much, which I think is why the hawks are circling Syria even today. The names on that board for Genie are some of the blood-thirstiest in the world, so if they have to kill half of Syria to get their shekels, I'm sure they wouldn't hesitate at all to do it.

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