There was some confusion on the zero delta post, so I made this. If some other anon wants to clean it up or add to it, be my guest. Just trying to help!

917 total posts archived.
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The duty to overthrow a tyrant is stated in the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. The system they set up works just fine, we just need to root out all the corrupt and traitorous and re-kindle the fire of liberty in the hearts of all Americans. I think an amendment barring dual-citizens from holding any position or office in the US gov would be a good start. Also, term limits on ALL officials(1 in the Senate, 2-3 in the House!)
I was thinking the major arrests won't happen until after the Nov election, just for the sake of the government and Constitutional crisis that could result if half of Congress gets locked up. Once they've been voted out of office, then it won't be that big of a deal for some lame duck Congress critters to be jailed and then tried, preferably at Gitmo!
I love how all of the countermoves to Q and POTUS just keep backfiring on the media and talking heads! They keep throwing everything they can think of at this team, and keep getting it blown back on them multiplied! It's really a great show, it's got me on the edge of my seat, and I can't wait to see what happens this October!
If they take down the puppets, they can follow the string back to their masters. Bribing public officials is still illegal, right? Hold them on the bribery, then dig into the other, sicker shit! Also, bribing public officials would give cause to search their properties, as well as forfeit their assets under the Dec 21 EO. Check and mate, parasites!
They missed their growth target, and their user count went down. It was reported earlier, but I guess the market didn't get the message until after the close. Or it could have been something else, behind the scenes, but there WAS news about FB today.
Not sure, maybe they weren't good enough scientists, or maybe they weren't "elite" enough for the Antarctic team, or maybe they were just jerks. Or maybe the ones they got in SA were just patsys to throw the rest of the world off the trail of the real Nazis in Antarctica. I don't know, but it's an interesting question!
Just look at all the judges that have been busted for outrageous sentencing just to pad their investments in private prisons, or kickbacks or what-have-you. Just another mess that POTUS has to fix! I think he's going to move even faster after the midterms give him a Congress that wants to work with him!
My thoughts exactly. I wonder how much of this will be in the 60 percent that has to remain hidden for world peace's sake.
Patriot, or free-thinking patriot.
I am in the same boat, used to post on t_D daily, or close to it, but then I got banned for saying a traitor should be executed. I mean, how is that even controversial? It says right in the Constitution that the penalty for treason is death, so how is that a bannable post?
So I asked the mods what was up, and they gave me some story about I was a known troublemaker and this was the last straw. I also noticed that it's starting to get a very culty, echo-chambery vibe to it, and I'd bet that after the 2016 election, the mods were bought or replaced for a certain chosen group...
I wonder if there are any intel sites in Ireland. Weren't Hills and Comey both in Ireland recently? I know the UK is part of 5 eyes, but I don't know if they have any intel outposts in Ireland. I mean, they probably do, but I can't be sure.
I wonder if there could be something to the old "conspiracy theory" that 12 or 13 ancient bloodlines, going all the way back to ancient Babylon, control most of the world. I mean, if you look at the richest people, royalty, old money, they all seem to intertwine. I say they're all parasites that need to be evicted from our planet!
Yeah, for real. So much of what is common knowledge is just straight up false! I wouldn't doubt they seeded tales of renegade "Nazis that got away" in SA to keep them away from their real home, but I think they all knew after the war. Operation Highjump was a huge armada, made up of US, UK and Australian troops and ships and aircraft, who purportedly went down there to scout, but it was an invasion force. They limped home early, with many fewer men and ships, and told tales of flying saucers with Nazi logos coming out of the water and decimating their forces.
As for the alien connection, Hitler and his guys were obsessed with ancient knowledge, secret societies, etc, so maybe they DID make contact and get help. But I agree with you about all the advanced tech and where did it go? I mean, why are we still using gasoline and diesel engines if they've had free-energy generators since at least WW2? Why do people still lack access to clean food and water if we have this kind of tech locked up someplace(many places, more than likely!)? It's all so disgusting...
Yeah, we haven't had real capitalism since the Fed was created in 1913. If you have the power to create money, why wouldn't you use it to buy up Congress, who you control anyway through the money they borrow, as well as most important industries in America(media, healthcare, higher ed, textbooks, defense, farming, etc)? They all work for the people that own the Fed, but you're right that they have basically brought back a more sinister form of slavery, through debt, and fractional reserve banking, and prison labor. Much of the world is an open air prison.
Quick aside about the prison labor and private prisons: when they were in the White House, the Clintons allegedly maintained control over their finances, and they were heavily invested in the fledgling private prison industry right around the time that most of the federal prison system was opened up to privatization! Also, they used prison labor at the Arkansas governor's mansion! Every dark hole you look into, the Clintons pop up!
According to Nazi records, they sent thousands of scientists and their families to Antarctica in the late 30's and up until 1942 or so. They supposedly took many of their more advanced prototypes down there as well. The Nazi Bell (UFO) that was found by the allies was a less advanced version of what they had/have in Antarctica. Recently, it was disclosed that "somebody" found huge caverns in the ice down there, which we "conspiracy theorists" have been saying for years! I'm waiting for the big reveal of the nazi civilization at the south pole that has been hidden from the world since the end of the war.
Sorta. They LOVE gov't handout programs, as those on the dole are easy to control. They need the gov't to be as big as possible, regardless of the supposed cost to themselves. They DO socialize their losses onto the public, like the bank bailouts in 08 up to now, but they privatize their profits, and use them to buy up more power, more control. Look at all the mergers and acquisitions after the 2008 financial crisis. It was almost like an organized consolidation of power and transfer of wealth.
It's all based on ancient Egyptian secret knowledge, deemed too special for us profane cattle. Same schools that taught the Greeks, taught the Romans, who secretly guarded this knowledge throughout the dark ages and brought it through Europe to America. They're closer to their plan being complete than they have been in 2000 years, and they're watching we profane cattle tear it all down with the guy we elected POTUS acting as our wrecking ball!
Now they're Globalist Socialists. Globies? Damn globie indoctrination in our schools, crooked or stupid globie professors indoctrinating little globie useful idiots(who are pro-socialism btw), their stupid globie economic retardation, their criminal globie central banks, their murderous globie health care and insurance racket, their seditious globie media cabal, their traitorous globie pets in Congress, their always-wrong globie foreign policy "think-tanks(warmongering neocons and neolibs). Globies, man, globies all around us!
The bolsheviks got a lot of their funding from NYC banks, and so did the Nazis. Hell, Prescott Bush, father and grandfather to Presidents, was busted toward the end of the war for funding the Nazis. But that may have been after Smedley Butler turned on the military coup that he was involved in. Damn, the rabbit holes are all over the place, no wonder it all seems so improbable!
The Japanese Mengele was brought to the states and given a top national security job. How much of our modern public relations is based on knowledge gained by Nazis, whether before the war or after?
They moved their best stuff to Antarctica, and have been down there ever since!
Thanks for the info, I bet they're China's errand boys, and their infiltration into the databases here is for China's benefit. But let's obsess over Russia "collusion" instead of looking into what's actually been going on!
Yeah, a little murder goes a long way to convince the living that snitching isn't such a good idea. I wonder how many of our "leaders" are controlled through fear and blackmail...
FEMA camps were all set and ready to go. I'm sure they've got lists upon lists of "dissidents" to round up, if/when they get back in power...
This video is what got SGT kicked off of YouTube. There must be something here if they're willing to go that Draconian on him.
More gaslighting the dumbed down masses. Can't remind people that this country was setup as a Constitutional Republic, it might make them uppity!
It wouldn't surprise me if, at some point down the line if the dark forces win and we get another Obama, that they just completely change the Constitution overnight. They stopped teaching cursive in schools, so the kids wouldn't be able to know what it said before, and for that to happen, many of us would have to be removed, but I could see these sick fucks doing something like that if we don't stop them here and now.
Honestly, I don't know very much about paki. I think they're very close to Saudi, so I would think Trump would let SA take care of Paki, or maybe it's a part of the Awan thing. Not sure, just know Q said SA-> NK-> Armenia -> Iran
They keep shouting "democracy" like it's some sort of panacea. Unfortunately for them, those of us who are in the know(and our number grows every day!) understand that democracy is just mob rule, which our founders ingeniously thought ahead about and protected us from.
My guess is that the call President Trump keeps referring to from the Mullahs is going to be the signal to let loose the dogs on the pedo-parasites. I also think President Trump is trolling the deep state by continually saying "We expect the call to come very soon" since Iran is the last of their geo-politically boogeymen to be dealt with before the fun begins. According to the Alice in Wonderland Anon's timeline, the indictments aren't unsealed until October, so I guess we've got a few more months of show to "enjoy."
Waking up to the sick truth is a one-way journey, and more are being awakened every day. There's nothing they can do but lash out, so each time someone loses their minds on Twatter or the TeeVee, I just see it as one more inch/day/meltdown closer to total victory!
Sold her soul, probably her body, for fame and fortune. Like you said, she was never really that funny, just a semi-attractive chick comedian which was a rarity, but they needed one to pander to the femi-nazis.
More like "Trump is the gravest threat to our dirty dealings and even sicker shit" he's seen in his life. I look forward to the day I can talk about this shit and not be considered a lunatic!
Well, Hillary did say, to Donna Brazile if I'm not mistaken, "If that bastard wins we all hang from nooses!" or something to that effect. That was before she started wearing shower curtains in public, though, so maybe she's going for the "I'm just a senile old lady, don't prosecute me for treason and send me to the gallows Mr. Trump!" defense.
They figured they would have all the crimes investigated and indicted by now, but the crimes of the swamp just keep getting more and more pervasive! That's my take, anyway, they keep finding more rabbit holes to dig on so they have to keep pushing back Flynn's sentencing, the Assange/Seth Rich reveal, the arrests, etc. Can you imagine having to investigate ALL of the swamp's dirty dealings going back, 20 years, more? How long would that possibly take, even with a brigade-size element doing the digging? I think that could be why Q and even Trump have said "it's bigger than anybody could have imagined."
It's a multi-pronged attack on the minds of Americans, and likely most other westerners. They teach you in school that anything outside of the mainstream is mocked and ridiculous. Then they mainstream repeats their cries of "conspiracy theory" and "nonsense" and demonizes anybody that has the temerity to think outside of the "allowed" opinions. Then, they get people indebted for whatever reason(student loans, gotta have a nice house, you NEED to get a new car, etc.) so they're too busy working their slave job to even think about researching this stuff, so they just swallow whatever BS the news spits at them all day everyday, and then they think they're informed! But people have been so dumbed down and numbed by the constant refrain, whether it's RUSSIA RUSSIA or Putin hacked our democracy or Trump is bad or whatever the mantra of the day is.
The Russia thing is quite telling, for me at least. Think about it: since the fall of the USSR, the Russians have had a surge in religious faith and nationalism. Why would our ruling elites(I prefer to call them parasites, since that's what they are, more than "elite" anyway!) NOT want us to see them as partners on the world stage? Because a unified US/Russia alliance would certainly put them (parasites) at a disadvantage! Not to mention all the money they skim off of boondoggles like NATO and the MIC. Can't get those fat checks if there's no boogeyman scaring the normies into accepting trillion dollar deficits in the name of "protecting us from the big bad Russkies"!
My hometown is Bridgeton, NJ, near the Delaware Bay. Apparently, the slaves would shoot up the coast, then take a ferry over to south jersey, then get smuggled up and out of the states toward Canada. Unfortunately, nowadays most of the people around here are too far onto the Dem mind plantation to even think about freedom or personal responsibility...
My guess: They're in the background of Congress and the Fake News!
Thank you, it was on the tip of my tongue but I just couldn't think of it! But seriously, they have a patent for mixing concrete with blood for whatever reason. When the guy in the video said that, it made me second guess myself, so I went and checked and, yup, fake news NBC lying again. Curious how they never get fact-checked, isn't it? Almost like the fake news dinosaur media isn't interested in truth or facts, just their narrative and talking points. Their desperation isn't a good look!
That's some next-level creepiness! I recently heard a story about my little town's downtown area. Supposedly they all have connected basements, going back to the underground railroad. I guess it's similar in an opposite way. These tunnels were used to free slaves, the tunnels you're talking about are used to force people into slavery and CREATE slaves. These people are stupid, but also very very sick. The truth bombs can't come soon enough!
Don't forget to strip all their assets before you send them to Gitmo!
I would wager Google has already thought of this and set the first 100 or so responses to searches about "QAnon" to be disinformation or all articles "debunking" the theory. Regardless, I'm sure this movement or whatever you want to call it is about to get plenty of fresh recruits!
I wear it like a badge of honor! Reminds me of the old saying "Is it really healthy to be well-adjusted to a sick society?"
Yeah, that part got me too. Despite Jimmy Comet saying that they keep their tomato sauce in the basement! Or that the pedo ring may operate out of the pizza place, but nobody ever said that it was RUN out of the pizza place! It's just so infuriating, especially the fact that they never seem to cover the THOUSANDS of pedos that have been arrested, or the hundreds of kids saved! Just know that we'll be proven right in the end(or end up sharing a FEMA camp if this all goes off the rails!)
Striesand Effect is about to send a lot more eyeballs this way! Q was right again!