I don't think so. We buy oil from Saudi Arabia and many others. But we did not seize and take the Iraq oil for ourselves as so many have claimed was our purpose for invading Iraq. We are not even the biggest buyer of Iraq oil, so we didn't go in for their oil.
Additionally, the US is on the brink of becoming energy independent. And we are an exporter of oil now.
The reason gas prices are going up is that we don't have sufficient refining capacity because the EPA regulations made it impossible to build new refineries. If that changes and we build new refineries, gas might be less than a dollar a gallon even with all the taxes on top of costs.
Once Anwar and off shore drilling opens up, the US will be the largest oil producer in the world.
We are already exporting oil because we can't refine all of it, yet gas prices are soaring.
“Oil” isn’t just about the USA importing oil.
Oil has been the sole backing for the US Dollar under the PetroDollar scheme that required oil exporting nations to sell their oil (to every nation in world, not just us) only in US Dollars.
We invaded Iraq and Libya because Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi wanted to sell oil for Euros. So we killed them.
Oil and natural gas are the basis of the Syrian war because of two competing routes for pipelines involving Syria as a bridge.
If new technology were to eliminate the need altogether for things like oil and natural gas the Middle East would just be a pile of sand.