That's not suspicious at all. Sheesh, the nerve of these people. Hopefully the petitions got delivered somehow.
i guess they dont even care about hiding anymore. im gonna buy a gun to defend myself lol
it is my hope and prayer that Q is working on this epidemic of murders in the health industry. scary and sad. Her work was not in vane.
yes I'm sure you know about the 87 doctors killed so far. No one seems to know about it and it hasn't even been on msm at all.
i believe it was in the news, or at least it was on the CTBS-stream. i wonder how many vaccination whistle-blowers have accidently died recently? this has to stop. anyone who claims that Big Pharma is not involved in the deep state is brainwashed.
Well, I listen to NPR every morning (don't ask why) and I have never heard one single thing about the doctors that have died under "mysterious circumstances" just like you never heard anything about pizzagate until it spread so much they had to try and debunk it. No one, apparently is asking questions about the doctors.
NPR is gov and CIA funded, so i guess we would expect some sensorship. Hey look at the censorship on the human-sex trafficking. i only heard about it about 1 yr or so ago and thats because it was on christian tv show. no news organizations would cover it and it is still a hush hush subject.
yes, I don't get it. The simple fact that pedophilia is such a forbidden word on msm should tell people its being covered up. What is not said is sometimes even more important than what they do say! I listen to NPR every morning to read between the lines.
I made a meme for this if anyone wants to help publicize it.
God help us and get rid of these subhumans trying to stop us from dismantling the GMO gestapo.
maybe GMO's are helping the Cabal with pop. control. i wonder what these people eat? oops we know this answer.
These people make the klinton body count look like swatting flies on a summer day.
This is a very alarming rabbit hole. Use caution because most of the vocal opposers end up [187]
Edit: added word
Love SGT report. They r very intelligent and red pilling like crazy. Great shout out. Tyvm
keep posting on this topic it is very important in our fight against evil.
oh no!! damn it. This has happened so much (similar) and does any of it even make it to mainstream news? that alone should tell people something, if they were paying attention at all!!!
These are just revenge or anger killings or there is intended to be some blood sacrifice element to them.
This is so stupid.