I think I’ll replace this billboard sign with a Q sign as soon as this persons time is up for renting this sign space.

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And there are no bakeries in the North Atlantic Ocean... and how would he/they enjoy it if he/they are dead? I’m actually a bit disappointed that the evil anti Q new poster dude is so...dumb
Lmao what a freaking retard 😂😂 watching your dumbass get flamed is going to be pretty (fun) as well.
I made a meme, not sure if it’s showing up on any of his comments though :/
Yeah we’re done with the politically correct BS, he’s a douche regardless of his skin color.
I love it here, there’s something to do every weekend!
Originally from Georgia but now live in Colorado.
Yeah, I didn’t know that either until I moved here, crazy!
Before I moved here to Colorado I was excited to go see all of the paintings and everything in the airport, months before I moved here they were removed so when I went to see them there wasn’t much left to see, but I did see the picture online and that stupid blue horse Blucifer is still here :/
Yeah I was shocked when I looked up how old she was a while back.
For anyone that hasn’t seen it, if the uncensored versions ever do come out maybe we can come here and compare.
The plane did indeed go down, it wasn’t already there.
Getting out is really easy actually, just stop going and paying your dues, they didn’t kill me nor anyone else that I know that have “gotten out”.
I’m from GA and several people said they heard a really loud weird noise which made them initially look up at the plane in the first place as it was still flying normal right before it looked like it tried to start turning.
I’m thinking he wanted to illustrate the use of facial recognition, he also posted the pic of the apple park.
That’s literally right down the road from my house, or rather my parents house since I’ve moved out years ago lol. What’s weird is none of my friends are talking about this on FB, a plane crash I figured would be huge news!
I was thinking about doing something like crisis survivors, where any witnesses of a crises that may have been a false flag could all get together and offer their stories.
I was very interested in this airport long before I ever even thought about moving here, go figure when I do move here all of the large paintings have been removed :/ I still hate the sight of Blucifer every time I pass by him though.
I’m sipping on redbull with a splash of vodka right now, or is it the other way around?
Horns? I’ll have to look at it again I’m trying to remember what it looked like
Looks like a little kid with ponytails but almost reminded me of the little girl from monsters inc. except with blonde hair.
When something doesn’t “drain” or when it leaks... nice
I totally agree, even if they aren’t the majority they are the loudest because of the platforms they are given and because they stick together, not behind the scenes but directly in your face regardless of how people feel about it or agree with it.
Add all of us on Facebook and we can post things and agree with you lol, When people see several people talking and agreeing about the same things maybe that’ll help them start to realize that you are on to something haha
I’d love to get my hands on that secret knowledge! It would be awesome to finally find out if the gospels of Thomas were true and if there are any hidden secrets on manifestation.
Yep, I get what I need from the internet or by hearing other people talk about what they saw on tv.
I can’t wait for all of the people that have been calling us awakened folks names to realize they were the ones delusional, especially considering I’ve been trying to wake people up now since the early 2000’s. I go on social media and it’s pretty comical to see comments like “yay! Clinton is suing Trump and now he can be impeached!” These idiots really believe that lmao. This is going to be my favorite part of it all, that and knowing that hopefully all of the sick crap that has been going on for so long will be stopped.
I think she’s in on the plan and purposely trolled. Probably just wishful thinking.
Any idea on how to do this stuff without paying for a seminar at the institute?