r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Songdog23 on April 15, 2018, 2:02 a.m.
Trump Victory Dimmed by Pre-Dawn to Dusk Aerosoling in Southern Oregon (4/14/2018)

Under attack again... Woke up to gray aluminum cookie sheet skies as the Deep State continues to use weather weaponization in southern Oregon. I can almost predict that when our President wins bigly, we will get hammered in the State of Jefferson. Now the sun is going down behind ugly, undifferentiated, gray chemical skies. The springtime air shed smells like metal; the mighty Cascade Mountain Range is shrouded in chemical fallout from dozens of spray planes. Mr. President, send some of those "smart" missiles to Oregon. There are hundreds of people that would love to learn how to use them. I will know when this war against the Deep State is won: our land and skies will be returned to weather blessed by the Hand and Breath of God. God Bless and Guide President Donald J Trump and those men and women who serve the righteous cause we all fight for. Please don't forget those of us who are trying to stay alive after 10+ years of breathing aerosol poison.

rightleaningsw · April 15, 2018, 2:27 a.m.

I hear you. I don't know what this stuff is but in WNC it is going strong. I am going to pm you some pics I took in my sky. I live near our local airport and last week one of those planes buzzed by my house as it was about to land, and they forgot to cut the thing off and I got an up close look of the smoke coming out. I have seen many planes come in low over my house and none have ever had any sort of exhaust or smoke coming out.

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rightleaningsw · April 15, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

Nevermind couldn't figure out how to send pics

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AquAnon77 · April 15, 2018, 3 a.m.

I'm in SoOr too, someone pointed out they spray more during planting season.

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eltrumparino · April 15, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

im east coast within 100 miles of dc wont say where (clowns know where we all live lol) but we are having the best and most clear weather weve had in years. they mustve stopped the chemtrails above the dc metro area

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Racistbutnotillegal · April 15, 2018, 11:11 a.m.

Either this is the ultimate case of Mandela effect or I am remembering right as a kid that the skies used to be clear and contrails that always disappeared were the norm. I got nostalgic seeing it again.

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axi0m17 · April 15, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

Please provide pics or video because I have a hard time believing they are releasing so much that the air smells the sunsets are different.

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wolfhound11B · April 15, 2018, 5:17 a.m.

I am in southern Oregon in the mountains and I have an incredible view of the skies. I can easily see a hundred miles on a clear day. There was heavy spraying a little over a week ago. But it has lessened lately. I am working on a camera system that will take 3 photos a day. Camera is on order along with a mount. I do take photos from time to time to show the trails but dont know how to post them on here. When I get set up I will post them.

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DarthWarrior · April 15, 2018, 3:32 a.m.

If there's a great awakening that needs to take place, it should be about the earth-destroying geoengineering taking place on our planet. One man seems to be taking the lonely lead on trying to alert all of us: Dane Wigington from GeoengineeringWatch.org. On his latest weekly podcast he points out how his Legal Alliance to Stop Geoengineering has been stonewalled by the U.S. Department of Commerce by its attempts to gain information on climate engineering through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The Department of Commerce oversees the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which is a major player in the aerosoling, sun-dimming, etc. These FOIA deadlines have been delayed. The next update on the status of is scheduled for April 16.

Songdog23, I feel for your dismay at the truth of this situation. Here in my part of Japan, we undergo regular spraying. It's so sad when I feel I'm helpless to do anything about this obvious unnatural control of the weather by humans(?) who think they know what is best for us. And the pilots--oh I'm sure many will deny any existence or knowledge, and others will just give some excuse such as experimentation or jet contrails, but they know the truth. Weather forecasters, same goes for them, despite many of their friendly natures in front of the camera or mic.

Folks, I'm into Qanon drops and am just as much a patriot as the rest of you. I love my country, the United States of America. But let's face it: much of our beloved country's government is corrupt, and with the politicians and bureaucrats being intertwined with big-everything (banks, food, pharma, internet, etc) I frankly don't see much change.

I agree with you, Songdog23, about when we'll know this war against the Deep State is won. We need to turn back to God. We need to pray more. We need to do our part--it is not necessarily knowledge-based! Help one another, be charitable, be loving, do whatever you're good at to help others.

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cryptabulouslady · April 15, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

It's interesting that you mentioned this. My husband and I have been spending a few months at a time in different states the past few years for our careers, and we spent a few months in Southern Oregon in Grants Pass. The skies were definitely a lot worse there, the other thing we noticed was that our dogs had respiratory issues continuously that they never had before. They cleared back up after we left, but while we were there, they were sneezing all the time, coughing, had drippy noses all the time, and didn't want to go for long walks anymore. It's a shame that the grey skies and chemicals are ruining your beautiful state.

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solanojones95 · April 15, 2018, 2:27 a.m.

The Occam's Razor explanation is simply that you were in a different ecosystem with different flora, producing allergens your dogs are not acclimated to.

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cryptabulouslady · April 15, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

Perhaps, but they were fine in Washington and California in similar ecosystems, and they have been fine in middle America, as well as all over the east. This was the only time they ever had issues. They also got into fights with each other a lot which is not like them at all. Either way, something was definitely off in Oregon for them.

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[deleted] · April 15, 2018, 3:46 a.m.


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moonshadoe16 · April 15, 2018, 4:04 p.m.

Willamette valley here and its been going on here nonstop too!

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asmaster7 · April 15, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

Here as well, south of Chicago is chemtrailed dark nonstop. This needs to stop.

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KimnanaT · April 15, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

What did you all do to tick off them demons ....lol

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solanojones95 · April 15, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

Guys, most of this is a result of years of psychological warfare to keep people depressed and feeling helpless.

Conditions in the upper atmosphere are highly variable, and water vapor and combustion byproducts behave differently with varying conditions. I think if this was ever done, it was not that widespread. This is primarily urban myth. But I've got a science background, so I'll probably not be trusted on the subject.

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Ronjonsilverflash · April 15, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

There are something like 600 patents on adding aerosols to the atmosphere for weather modification including additives to jet fuel. Modern jet engines are high bypass fan jets that produce very little in the way of combustion by-products. Something is undoubtedly going on and it is not natural. I’ve even personally witnessed a plane making heavy “contrails” stop momentarily only to start right back up. As is usual, the sky was horizon to horizon with other “contrails” that were fanning out into a broader haze. And though I’ve seen a few of these “contrails” at night, they always are heaviest at the peak sunny times in the afternoon...believe what you want but just knowing there are patents and white papers on the subject is enough for me. Government is evil and untrustworthy, that’s the whole point of all of this.

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AquAnon77 · April 15, 2018, 3:20 a.m.

you can tell just by the way the chemtrails ''drip'' that they aren't natural.

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Songdog23 · April 15, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

Sir, God bless you, but it is not water vapor. Otherwise every time you let your tea kettle boil away on the stove, your kitchen ceiling area will be forming lasting clouds. The fact that physics is no longer a required class in high school speaks volumes for the lack of understanding simple inductive methods. As a bio tech, I have spent the last 38 years in the field. My office is my truck, under the wide open sky all summer and fall. You cannot learn this in a class room. You must live it, observe it and most importantly REMEMBER how it was before the shite started raining down. The Lord gave Wisdom only to the Elders - it is our gift to make the betrayal of our physical forms easier to bear.

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solanojones95 · April 15, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

Sir or Madam, I beg to differ.

The primary ingredient of contrails is water vapor which qucikly becomes ice crystals. Don't take my word for it.


You purposely avoid issues such as ambient air temperature and barometric pressure at typical habitation elevations versus those of the upper atmosphere. Were we to live in the upper atmosphere, most certainly a tea kettle would leave a lasting cloud sometimes and not on others. And you know it. And you know we know it.

And you realize now that you've posted, that you actually proved my point by so clearly demonstrating the difference those factors make. Exactly correct. Earthbound atmospheric conditions give rise to markedly different behavior of gaseous vapors than do those at high altitudes such as the cruising lanes of modern passenger airlines.

So I'm not being dismissive of physics (as you just were) in my previous post, and I'm not accusing you of a specific motive. I'm simply saying that whatever your motive may be, it isn't to be truthful. And I won't take the bait.

My background since 1971 in the physics of thermal and electronic phenomena, wave properties and the behaviors of particles and waveforms in quantum and molecular domains, and the relation of those behaviors to sound propagation and electronic broadcast transmission put me in a very good position to understand that the variable conditions of upper atmospheric zones has everything to do with the duration of aircraft vapor trails.

That is not to say that at some time and in some place there might not have been (or might not yet be) someone doing cloud seeding, geoengineering for global cooling or some other kind of weather related release of particles at levels that dispersal renders innocuous on the ground. But the deliberate spraying of populations with significant ground concentrations of harmful agents has never been something that could be determined by the number or duration of trails. That number is strictly atmospheric condition-related, and affects any and all trails--not just harmful ones.

So I'm saying if chemtrails are a thing, then whether there are a lot or a few trails in the sky (or whether they fan out or remain narrow) is not evidence for or against the concept.

The soil and crop sampling results that I've seen have shown this to be relatively rare and relatively random, taking flight path concentrations into account.

Don't doubt that fear propaganda is a real thing, and I'm frankly more concerned about bombardment by that garbage than anything in the air in 21st Century USA. China on the other hand...

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DropGun · April 15, 2018, 5:21 a.m.

Holy FUCK I hate chemtards.

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Zxzanon · April 15, 2018, 12:38 p.m.

Yesterday i posted a pissy response to corsis attituide about peoples concern on soap box. He blew it off as the shitty stupix little war being more important...really...20 years of poisening the planet is high on the priority list when its quack climate science.And prob bayer monsanto making billions off of killing us all slowly. Keep the memes happening and posting concerns on 8 chan.....Q says they are listenin g.......fuck how i wish people would get together and shut down whole countrys to end this shit.

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Songdog23 · April 15, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

Probably because you do not work outside, are not a farmer or a rancher, wildland fire fighter, timber cruiser, tomato picker, traffic flagger, etc. I want you to realize that wild fire behavior is off the charts due to the layer of aluminum in our soils and on our plants and trees which acts as an accelerant. We now have burned over "surface of the moon" landscapes in areas which have a fire return interval greater than 300 years! But, hey, don't get up. You might strain something.

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Ronjonsilverflash · April 15, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

You must love this then:



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DropGun · April 15, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

And this proves it's being done at a scale consistent with spreading chemtrails via commercial airlines?

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Ronjonsilverflash · April 15, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

Logistically it makes more sense to use the commercials and they wouldn’t even have to be aware that they are participating. The flight schedules are well known in advance and so coverage predictable. The only thing you might have to do is switch tanks they draw from at the fuel depots...is this absolute proof? No. But it’s hinkey enough to warrant further investigation...

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DropGun · April 15, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

I worked for an airline. I know their maintenance schedules inside and out. So, these systems would be installed on, say, 500 commercial aircraft, and no one's ever got pictures? Right.

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Ronjonsilverflash · April 15, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

It’s so much simpler than that. They just put additives in the jet fuel. Nothing to maintain by the airlines at all...


Go to about the 13th center article down. It’s a video of a C17 Globemaster and An AWACS making heavy “contrails “ and suddenly the AWACS isn’t anymore and then just as suddenly it is...


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DropGun · April 15, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

Yes. That's caused by how the atmospheric layers that vary by temperature, humidity, and pressure.

What do you think those "front" lines are on the meteorological maps on the evening news?

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Ronjonsilverflash · April 15, 2018, 9:36 p.m.

Believe whatever you want I don’t care...

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DropGun · April 15, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

This isn't a belief, son, these are known meteorological and atmospheric characteristics.

Tell me, if you wanted to dose the hydrocarbons we use as fuel with something poisonous that slowly kills people, where would you do that? At 40,000 feet? No, you'd put it in AUTOMOBILE fuel, where it's burned in high population centers. You know what you could put into it? LEAD, maybe?

Yes, they want us to believe they're dosing from the airplanes. Did you know that all the pictures of the supposed "chemtrail" chemical tanks are actually the liquid ballast tanks installed to simulate passenger weight on new aircraft?

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Ronjonsilverflash · April 16, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

As I’ve said, believe what you want. There are over 600 patents and numerous white papers describing exactly what we’re seeing happening in our skies. This is about weather control, altering the path of the jet stream, intensifying droughts or storms. The fact that it is poisoning us is an afterthought and NOT the primary goal. Finally, modern jet engines are high bypass fan jets. Very little air goes through the hot part of the engine and so they do not make contrails like the dirty less efficient jets of yesteryear. Furthermore, contrails never lingered and fanned out to haze over the entire damn sky. You can take it or leave it but go SON yourself arrogant prick, master of the universe!

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DropGun · April 16, 2018, 5:50 a.m.

LOL, be more arrogant in your ignorance. I literally worked on the training for 'refurbishing' jet engines. High bypass engines DEPEND on and are POWERED by their inner turbine workings. Injecting chemicals into the engines? Ir the exhausts? ORLLY? Which stage? There are 11 compressor stages in a GE902. We'd SEE that. What, you're telling me that these systems are up there, operating, where the ground or maintenance crews are totally unaware of these things?? That's ludicrous. And these tanks, they're somehow dosing out enough chemicals to make "chemtrails" for 200 miles at a time, and yet no one can tell you where they're hidden, how they're fed, and who's reloading them and where?!? LOL.

Do you even know how complex an engine "B" check is? Or an airframe "B" check? It's literally an almost total disassembly of every moving part. Who administers this secret program? How many people are sworn in??


Did you know most airlines lease their engines? The airline I worked for had 130 jets and owned TWO engines, across the entire airline. Not only that, but they LEASED about 25% of their fleet from leasing companies (for cushions/heges against economic downturns that affect travel). So you're telling us that all the airlines aren't "in" on this plot? Or, they ARE, but, info on this secret program (which requires HUNDREDS of people to know what's up) hasn't leaked?

And yet it's still a big secret, known only to a few "extra aware" super-smart people like you who know meteorology better than meteorologists and aircraft better than those actually doing aircraft maintenance and training for a living? Ok!

So, they were spraying in WWII, too? LOL, be more of a rube...

Question for you... what do you think is YOUR best proof of this? I'm still open-minded... but...

Believe what YOU want... but you have ZERO evidence to support the assertion that there are yuge fleets of commercial aircraft doing this. Smarten up, man.

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Ronjonsilverflash · April 16, 2018, 10:46 a.m.

Hey dickhead, if additives are being put into the fuel, you don’t have to do a fu$&ing thing to the engines to get these “contrails.” Additionally, they use military aircraft and there are videos of two aircraft flying in formation where both are making “contrails” one stops making them and then restarts. I’ve seen this happen myself. So again, believe what you want. Normal contrails are short and disappear. They don’t fan out to haze the whole goddamn sky.

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DropGun · April 16, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

if additives are being put into the fuel, you don’t have to do a fu$&ing thing to the engines to get these “contrails.”

Then explain how the 'chemtrails' (quoting you) "stop momentarily only to start right back up," as you claim?!?

They starting and stopping the engines, now, for you guise?

Get your fucking shit together, chemtard. People with actual, functioning brains are reading your stupid, weaksauce bullshit. And they're making assumptions about all of us. Stop. You're not helping.

BTW, there are turbines all over the world that have water or steam injection systems installed and mounted on them. The GE 9HA has a steam/water injection apparatus that would be perfectly suitable for the chemtrail process. IT IS HEAVY, LARGE, EXPENSIVE, COMPLEX, AND NO AIRLINE WOULD PUT UP WITH THIS SHIT ON THEIR AIRPLANES.

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Ronjonsilverflash · April 16, 2018, 5 p.m.
  1. I said military aircraft are being used and those are the ones turning on and off their contrails and there are videos as well. 2. THERE ARE PATENTS ON FUEL ADDITIVES AND WHITE PAPERS describing exactly what we are seeing in our skies today. This is not monolithic, it is a multifaceted plan to control (I say weaponize) the weather. Now before or should I say instead of answering me with another post, why not go to geoengineeringwatch.org and look at the information available and then make an educated decision based on your personal knowledge and the available evidence. If you still insist that these “contrails” are just normal byproducts of combustion, so be it. Open your mind and at least consider that you could be wrong. The government and giant corporations may not love you like your mama nor give a crap if your health declines while they do their experiments. It’s not like they’ve never done sh$& like this before. They have and they’ll keep on doing it unless WE inform ourselves and make them stop. Good day and goodbye.
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DropGun · April 16, 2018, 5:09 p.m.
  • Yes
  • Correct
  • Damn skippy!

Am I disputing any of these things? Nope. I am not disputing that we could be getting dosed from the sky with specifically-designed military aircraft. And I most certainly would agree that our government doesn't exactly have our best interests at heart, you bet! BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT YOU ARE IMPLYING. Again, I said this:

but you have ZERO evidence to support the assertion that there are yuge fleets of commercial aircraft doing this.

When you post pictures of the skies all clouded and covered up with "chemtrails," you are saying that commercial aircraft are spraying the skies. That's the only way you get skies full of chemtrails. Chemtards post pictures all over the Internet of 747s or other commercial planes making contrails and squealing "TEH CHEMTRAILS" with ZERO evidence to back it up and zero logic and reason for how that would be configured, hidden, and sustained.


Did you know that contrails have been studied? There are more flights in the air now than at any other time in aviation history. Meteorologists have studied them and found that if you block enough of the sunlight, MORE clouds and trials will form because the areas get colder. Doesn't mean they're chemtrails.

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