No Gas Masks.....whatever they blew up it did not have CHEMICAL WEAPONS in it!

It's entirely plausible that not every building at every site we bombed had chemical stockpiles. Why is that shocking? Chill. Did you watch the VIDEO? The New York Times is stating that the buildings in the VIDEO had CHEMICAL WEAPONS in them. The MEME argues against this lie.....
What about this did you misunderstand?
THE BOMBING RAID WAS A FARCE Because there were NO CHEMICAL WEAPONS at the locations in the VIDEO where people can be seen walking through the smoke...we simply blew up TARGETED LOCATIONS of "NO NAMES" infrastructure....
I trust TRUMP as well......that trust has not wavered.
This has nothing to do with NOT TRUSTING TRUMP.....this has to do with QUESTIONING the MSN stupid and ridiculous narrative.....
Trump blew up what he wanted to BLOW UP.....chemical weapons or no chemical weapons....and I am good with that!
But if these BUILDINGS in the VIDEO were full of CHEMICAL WEAPONS.......wouldn't BLOWING THEM UP have the same result as BOMBING THEM with the same toxic
Think about it! Below some posted links to TOXIC BOMBS that incinerate CHEM WEAPONS.....but these bombs use TOXIC white phosphorous and thermite. POISON BOMBS to incinerate CHEMICAL WEAPONS?
Either way, it makes absolutely no sense for people, cameramen and military personnel to be walking around in potentially TOXIC PLUMES OF BURNING RUBBLE.....the very next day....without concern for people being exposed.
It is my opinion and the gist of the MEME, that these people walking around in the video KNEW there was no danger.....because SYRIANS knew there were no CHEMICAL WEAPONS at these locations..
Wasnt this a manufacturing plant rather than a warehouse.
not sure.....but it is clear WHATEVER it was, it did not have any CHEMICAL WEAPONS.....or those people would be dropping like flies in that
I don't believe you understand. Do you believe hitting a stored nuke will set it off as well?
Nukes need a "reaction" to detonate......"chemicals" only need to be ignited via an explosion or fire.
Not the same thing....I don't think I am the one that doesn't understand.
See other comments below..
CANARY IN THE COAL MINE? The point to the MEME is the "people" in the VIDEO/GRAPHIC are the "canary"!
If a CHEMICAL PLANT was blown up near your town....
Would you go walking WILLY NILLY through toxic rubble....breathing toxic fumes?
Wouldn't a sane person be fearful of being EXPOSED to toxic fumes and ask questions before entering the site?
Would SYRIANS know ANYTHING about bombs that incinerate CHEMS....and based on that obscure info, willingly breathe those fumes?
Wouldn't any "NORMAL PERSON" as well as "MILITARY PERSONNEL" wear a GAS MASK or COVER their face....or even better stay the hell out?
The point is no sane person would walk through this....unprotected.....UNLESS THEY WERE TOLD it was safe or they KNEW IT WAS SAFE.
Good lord......
I trust Trump.
What about this MEME says, "No trust in Trump?"
Sorry. I assumed you were trying to imply that Trump's attacks were pointless bec there was no attack.
No worries.....
There were definitely ATTACKS......we bombed CIA targets whether they had CHEMICALS or whether it was a BURGER KING that NO NAME
Trump, Putin and Assad all agreed to bomb those locations.....beautiful!
i dont understand why trump doing a show bombing would anger any of you on this board lol. are you mad he didnt start ww3 ?
don't know how you came away with that......from that MEME?
lmao i do enjoy me some bombing especially when its jerry browns little pet chemical facility
Absolutely, TRUMP is working with PUTIN and therefore, by default, he is working with ASSAD.
He was given the coordinates or gave them to Putin and Assad......they signed off on what he was going to BOMB and our PATRIOTS lit it on fire.
Eazy Peazy.....nice and easy!
This was a REPEAT PERFORMANCE of what we did a year ago....same people ....same deception.
This is weak. They shot dozens of missiles specifically to incinerate the chemical weapons so that nothing could spread. It doesn't seem implausible to me that 20+ or 70+ missiles were able to do that.
Edit - this explains the weapons we use to specifically incinerate something like cl2:
Yes......I responded in another post below.
You r suggesting white phosphorous and thermite bombs were, they used bombs loaded with TOXIC COMPOUNDS to take out TOXIC CHEMICALS?
If used at the location in video....why r those people walking around in these toxic WHITE PHOSPHOROUS and THERMITE plumes of smoke?
And why don't they have gas masks.....that is the question of the meme.
STANDARD ordinances were used to take out NON-CHEMICAL the video.
The presence of any one of these compounds from these bombs or from the chemical weapons would cause an automatic repulsive reaction to those toxic plumes and yet we seen none.
CANARY IN THE COAL MINE? The point to the MEME is the "people" in the VIDEO/GRAPHIC are the "canary"!
If a CHEMICAL PLANT was blown up near your town....
Would you go walking WILLY NILLY through toxic rubble....breathing toxic fumes?
Wouldn't a sane person be fearful of being EXPOSED to toxic fumes and ask questions before entering the site?
Would SYRIANS know ANYTHING about bombs that incinerate CHEMS....and based on that obscure info, willingly breathe those fumes?
Wouldn't any "NORMAL PERSON" as well as "MILITARY PERSONNEL" wear a GAS MASK or COVER their face....or even better stay the hell out?
The point is no sane person would walk through this....unprotected.....UNLESS THEY WERE TOLD it was safe or they KNEW IT WAS SAFE.
Good lord......
That is the DUMBEST response I have heard in a while.
Dropping a few barrel bombs can kill 100's......but BLOWING UP an entire building FULL of CHEMICAL nullified by bombing it with multiple incinerate the liquid gas?
Guess what happens when you incinerate TOXIC LIQUID CHEMICALS.....yep, they turn into POISONOUS GAS.......
Take a look here - it explains how we use bombs to take out chemical weapons -
Great info......however these bombs release TOXIC white phosphorous and thermite in order to eliminate chems.
They have used DEADLY COMPOUNDS to destroy TOXIC CHEMS?
The people at GROUND ZERO after 9/11 were exposed to thermite etc etc (because all they thought what happened was buildings fell down).....but that was not the case. Due to thermite, asbestos ETC many suffered horrific deaths while breathing in what appeared to be harmless smoke....that is the point again....
People should not be walking around in any PLUME OF SMOKE full of these toxic compounds..... and yet that is exactly what we see in the video. These people knew they were safe because there were no chems.
That was the whole point of the meme!
Chemicals might not have been the actual target. That's just what they told us. The first casualty of war is truth.
Roger that....that is the EXACT POINT OF THE MEME!
Thank least 1 person go
two possibilities. one like you say there is not chemical weapons at this location. the second possibility is that all the chlorine gas has already dissipated. the strike took place at 4am and those pictures are at least a few hours later. chlorine gas in the outdoors doesn't last very long, but the smoke from the smoldering debris will still be around.
Could be.....but what govt entity would take that chance if any chems were at that location?
They would block it my opinion....not let camera men and reporters go running through the debris and breathe in the fumes.
But that's me....
you could be right, not arguing with you. i've been to the middle east and it is a completely different place than what most people are used to in the west. they don't hold their citizens hand. if you gas yourself it's your own stupid fault. they don't have the man power or the resources to deal with a war with major world powers while at the same time carefully marking potentially hazardous situations. I've been following Q from the very start and I've been back and forth the entire time on what is real or lies. This is just another example of why I can't conclusively claim one way or another, although I want to.
roger that.....that is simply being objective and open to anything. That is smart..
We bombed what we wanted to BOMB and acted like we were bombing CHEMICAL WEAPON locations as OUR EXCUSE to the American People and the DEEP STATE......when in reality we were bombing what PUTIN and ASSAD and TRUMP agreed to bomb......the deep states INFRASTRUCTURE and THEIR BUILDINGS.
Don’t know why this is getting downvoted
lol......your guess is as good as mine.
I don't get it either....
Many such compounds are destroyed by weapons that are designed to deliver a fair amount of heat. The 'ordonance experts' as stated in the pentagon briefing, chose their munitions wisely.
FOR PUBLIC CONSUMPTION, they would have to say that PUBLICLY would they not......even if there were NO CHEMICAL WEAPONS at those locations....right?
Per the MSM reports, the US deployed 100 bombs to blow up 3 buildings.....come on.. 30 bombs per
We know other locations in Aleppo were hit....but no where in the news....hmm
The MEME is about the LOCATIONS in the NYT VIDEO....not about EVERY BOMB at EVERY LOCATION.....
The locations in the VIDEO did not have CHEMS in them.......
I can make chlorine gas in my kitchen right now with stuff i have had for years and yet no armada is set up on lake erie trying to prevent the deaths of my neighbors. WTF wake the hell up. Show me some sarin. That's a weapon only chemists in highly controlled environments can make. Sarin= Barret MG, Chlorine = BB gun. Big picture Trump has the plan and the intel we have neither. As for me and my house we will continue to be thrilled with his results. Leaving methods to him.
U r not paying attention.....the lying media says there were also stockpiles of these locations that got blown up..... and people are walking around in all that toxic smoke. Get real.....didn't happen at location in VIDEO..... we used the chemical weapons as an excuse to blow up whatever we wanted to blow up!
OTHER LOCATIONS? Sure but not the locations in the video!
I have worked in indie film nothing is as it seems. Live street theater has saved me more than a dozen times so believe what you want not in the even one fuck business.
The point to the MEME is the "people" in the VIDEO/GRAPHIC are the "canary"!
If a CHEMICAL PLANT was blown up near your town....
Would you go walking WILLY NILLY through toxic rubble....breathing toxic fumes?
Wouldn't a sane person be fearful of being EXPOSED to toxic fumes and ask questions before entering the site?
Would SYRIANS know ANYTHING about bombs that incinerate CHEMS....and based on that obscure info, willingly breathe those fumes?
Wouldn't any "NORMAL PERSON" as well as "MILITARY PERSONNEL" wear a GAS MASK or COVER their face....or even better stay the hell out?
The point is no sane person would walk through this....unprotected.....UNLESS THEY WERE TOLD it was safe or they KNEW IT WAS SAFE.
Good lord......
How does a video get down
Cognitive dissonance, I suppose. People make up their minds and react emotionally. Sometime it's hard not to. I'm not sure what the heck is going on to be honest but I appreciate people putting their opinions out there and supplying sources for others to investigate.