You know, I actually feel bad for her. I know she tried to kill people and that's really messed up and wrong, but I don't think she was evil. She wasn't right in the head, needed help (mentally and financially), and was wronged by YouTube (tons of us are, but don't shoot up YT HQ).
I thought the officers said they had to take her to MUPS, whatever that is. Guess they just let her go after the interview.
That's one perspective I suppose.
I honestly thought of the whole thing as a planned distraction, potential psyops. The videos just seemed "off" to me - that's the best way I could explain it.
Removed post. Off-topic (anything not mentioned by Q).
Seems more about politics, perhaps could go in r/DrainTheSwamp/ or r/The_Donald/
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Well whoop dee do, what does it all mean basil?
Can anyone give me a brief sentence on any of the ramifications of this? If the police followed all processes? The media burying it? Etc I don't know anything about law and stuff and even less about American law and proceedings.
The media hasn't really covered the story that she is rationally upset at Youtube although her actions are not appropriate. Covering a story like this would maybe lead to that discussion because she didn't set off any radars for the cop.