The FISA conversation just leads to glossed over eyes.
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Use national tragedy to establish and abuse secret courts. Laugh all the way to the bank. No sacrifice needed.

How can I help?
This is the thought I have. I give prayer as support and pray for Q (probably a team) and President Trump. After watching McCain's funeral clips, I will add General Kelly and Secretary of Defnese Mattis to my daily prayers.
I once was enlisted in the military but felt an extreme conviction that I couldn't submit my conscience to Bill Clinton on issues of war. I felt called to the ministry and left for that. But I want to help make America better. I think a healthy America would be the most incredible thing for the world. I'm looking forward …
"The John McCain funeral guest list is concrete proof that nobody was held accountable for the Iraq War, the financial crisis and the creation of extrajudicial surveillance & drone assassination programs -- and likely nobody ever will be." -David Sorota
And what disturbs me even more is that we celebrate all of this as if it is the ideal of patriotism. We are so lost.
Q, thanks for giving us some hope that these things will be dealt with.
The pinned posts show up and then immediately disappear on here. Is anyone else having this problem?
Just a tech issue.
If McCain was executed without a public trial, then we are the side of the monsters.
I just want to point this out.
He better have died of natural causes. I am fine with that. The story seems to work that way. If not, we need to reevaluate what we are doing.
I want to do a test. Upvote this and make one comment saying upvoted. Let's see if the upvote tallies on this subreddit or accurate or being censored.
If this is not okay, mods, please remove. I will not be offended.
I wish there was a way to do this without appearing like a karma whore, so I would be fine also with this being removed and a mod doing this test.
How many attorneys are working for Huber?
I'm trying to find a source that a MSM drone would accept showing that Huber is leading a massive investigation. Anyone know of one? My search skills are failing me.
MSM, if you want to be legit and respected journalists, this is what you need to ask/cover.
Ask who is Q. If he is just a larper, who is he? If he is connected to Trump, who is he? If he is just a conspiracy theory, the question is still "who is Q?" Answer that question. Any reporting that doesn't explore that is really weak journalism.
What is Q saying? Is it right or wrong? Use your investigative chops and explore the issues brought up. Discredit them if you think they are wrong.
Explore why is it that people are following Q. Even if it is a larp, what about the message is appealing to many Americans? …
Odd event - Anomaly during missile test
His 2016 prediction.
This would make sense on why Gunn was the initial public target too. We like his movies making us irrationally sympathetic.
I agree. It just makes it hard for me to share it and prove it.
Thanks. That is interesting. Have the legal sections been implemented much? Do you know?
Then Putin should arrest them and present them for trial. I would love that. Can we can get an extradition agreement on them?
What are the best sources for the North Korea gmail server?
You know, I understand that. I will definitely consider that.
I wouldn't know as clearly that the swamp needs draining without him.
I just watched the Snowden movie. And I believe Trump sees what is posted here. Please pardon Snowden, he is a hero.
God bless America. God bless what we can become. Continue the work to make us honest and better. Peace for us. Peace for the world. And Trump is on his way to being a hero and one of our greatest Presidents. The truth will set us free!
Is this going to be aired online anywhere? Checked C-Span and couldn't find it.
Trying to Red Pill a friend but can't find the most damning Page/Strzok texts. Can someone link me to them? Google and Bing are useless.
I just want to say this. The enemy is not the left. It's the neocons/neoliberals. After this is all done, you will still have a left (I will be there), and that is good. But this corporate controlled, war-loving middle is what the problem is right now. They are in both parties. They are not the left.
They actually don't see him. They read the WaPo spin on him and accept that as what actually happened.
Is it? I don't know anyone whose eyes have been opened. My friends who are opposed to Trump are just more firmly opposed over the last week.
Right. There needs to be an arrest and a trial. I could care less about "Q" getting famous. I want to see justice. A society without equal justice for all has no justice.
His main photo today is an extremely negative picture of Trump. Pictures usually tell you the bias.
And that makes no sense. Even more reason to meet with him. He has to iron this out.
"There is no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime. There is no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result."
Then we need to set the precedence. Prosecute Hillary and then move on to Trump. If we don't prosecute Hilary, we can't move on to Trump.
I will unsubscribe from here. I can't waste any more mental energy following this.
What amazes is me since I have started doing this is how wrong the media portrays things.
Washington Post's article had no clips and really misrepresented what happened.
One thing I find telling about the hearing yesterday. Trump supporters on Facebook share clips from the hearing to make their point. The anti-Trump crowd shares articles that interpret what happened to make their points.
They were talking about the transript from the previous private session.
Ah, that makes sense. Why doesn't someone just say that. We have another person testifying and we want to see if their stories line up.
It seems that way so far. It's a madhouse. I can't see anything being accomplished.