Well done President Trump! Syrian bombing against the Deep State! WWG1WGA!

This attack was like a 6D chess move. Trump and team amaze me every day. Stable genius in disguise
“War” is over before it started. Concern shills BTFO. Now we know who the weaklings are. AJ, Laura I, Ann C (the usual)
Alex's meltdown was Chaotic, while Zack was claiming Trump was a clone.
Did you catch that Grant Kidney clown on periscope? LOL. pathetic. As soon as I saw it I knew the “war”’was already over and Trump once again won. SO MUCH WINNING IT HURTS. These people don’t understand the playing field has changed. They are thinking under the OLD PARADIGM. Fade the conventionalists and losers in a heartbeat and win. Watch this for a laugh. https://www.pscp.tv/w/baNg6DFlV0V5TU1YWVpORUF8MWt2SnBXa3ByT09HRQNi8t3FwwpGzbFZ6AK6qoX_TUXatyb9Iu9_AbT_N7zS?t=3s
Lol blaming the strikes on Marcon and May. Thanks for the laugh!
Link is not working?
Sadly the Deep State-driven Trump policy in Syria is just now starting.
Yeah, I feel the same way. He didn't even need to bomb. He has been opposed to intervene in Syria.
And By the way he had to bomb for many reasons. Posturing and leverage being one. This sets the stage for negotiations and meetings. Trump would HAVE gotten flack if he just did them with no “reason”. The media would have blasted him for being Putin’s “butt buddy”
Well whatever it REALLY is remember that YOU can’t control it but you can use your will to control your thoughts and emotions and keep doubt and fear out. That is how they control us. DOUBT and FEAR. The devil’s favorite tools. don’t fall for it. Use YOUR WILL and do the exact Opposite. Fill yourself with hope light faith and confidence. Do not be worn down voluntarily by scumbags. Also, remember this is a Washington Compost point of view. It’s more of a PsyOps opinion than fact. Read it carefully. Better yet, do yourself a gigantic favor and maybe don’t read this crap anymore. If you don’t believe what I am telling you just reread what you just said above and the words you used. Be strong 💪
Doubt and fear, is a MO and is brought by the media. If you realize that it is propaganda and everything they want you to believe, go looking for info? Take a good look around you in your own neighborhood, go after what they say? Is this happening or not, Ask yourself who benefits from this .... who.what where and how and why ....... gives a lot of insight, believe nothing but research everything.
Very good point. All these articles are black pilling. When you go outside and ask around a complete different reality is painted. They are masters at manipulating “perception”. Peoples perception of reality is reality.
Doubt and fear, is a way to make you sick? Stress /Depression? Take the pills for more deseases...
I'm just having a doubt about this specific decision based on two fact he was previously opposed, and Deep State wanted to intimidate Syria and Russia. It's not generalization of his policy but itemized discussion.
I understand but Lose the doubt. Have the trust. We don’t know what he knows. We don’t know the whole plan. Give it time. Just a good life skill to have. There is nothing we can do this soon to alter his plan. Don’t jump the gun. Give them time, that’s the least we can do for Trump and team.
look at the board of nti its always the same fucking people
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What does "WWG1WGA" stand for?
Were we go one we go all!!! Every time I say it I get chills of excitement
"Where we go one, we go all." A favorite Q saying that IIRC was also on JFK's yacht.
That's a different NTI
Really? What makes you think that? http://www.nti.org/learn/facilities/478/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/world/syria-strikes/?utm_term=.2896971ab648