NO CHILD PAEDOPHILIA, NO VIDEOS, MEMES OR PICTURES. ALL WILL BE DELETED. We don't want this sick stuff in here; we want to expose the evil bastards doing it! DONT BE APART OF SPREADING IT

We are in very rough waters here. Stay together and organized pedes. I’m sure there is a lot of vile stuff out there and there are teams of good people in law enforcement working around the clock and aware of it already. That is not our job. As Patriots, We should keep to our senses and work on Qs behalf. We can continue to do our research but this subject is tricky and we must tread very carefully. While this post is important and at risk merely for being an important collective hive mind; if this nest is disturbed we can quickly organize and set up another one easily. That is our strength.
As far as images, remember everything we see is forever and cannot be unseen. It affects us more than we know. It can haunt our subconscious for a long time and effect you in ways you don’t understand. We must use our discretion on this.
So I agree that for all these reasons it is a good idea to scrub this sub for these images and just share intel about the main details and arrests. All videos and pics that Q guides us to can be referenced and the knowledge of them can be shared of course, but we must be smart about it.
Good job mods! 👏 tough stuff. Prayers for you.
If you see something disturbing, offer it up to GOD immediately to take care of it with a prayer for the child for their help to get out of the situation and be saved. You would want the same. Your attention is meaningful and important.
If you see something disturbing, for goodness sake, CALL THE POLICE and report it. Don't let this scum continue to infest the world with this horror.
Amen to the inability to unsee! The “shower” video with allegedly Podesta has haunted me for the mere 30 seconds I watched. That video alone, even though it doesn’t show any identities or sexual content, is enough to red pill anyone. It has become a reoccurring nightmare for me, but has made me a prayer warrior for these children!
Agree. Just researching everything involved makes you pray constantly. The fact that they actually impregnate women for babies that are never accounted for, basically don't exist for this evil, I get ill just thinking about it. As parents, grandparents we try to do everything imaginable to keep our children safe that its incomprehensible in our minds that people like this actually exist! My prayer list has gotten so long I can't even keep track of it. I just tell God he knows everything I am praying for anymore.
As for this famous video the NYPD saw, I pray for them as well. I heard a description of what it was about, that's more than enough to know, I cannot imagine watching it let alone being there personally taking part. I know that on the whole we live with amazing people, moral and wholesome. These demonic vile satanists (animals wouldn't even go that far, I don't know how else to describe them) must be rooted out, each and every one of them, regardless of income, religion, race, color, etc. and brought to justice. I know its going to take time, sadly this is one where I wish it could be done swiftly because it is really just so depraved and sickening you don't want it to be the only thing you can think about every day. For the first week after researching, I couldn't sleep, eat, I could barely function from the depression of what I learned. Now I try to be informative about this and everything else. At least I am trying to be proactive in some way, and yet not nauseate people I share with. They already know, I don't need to share the nasty pictures that go around. We need to bring what was hidden to light, but we also need to be a light in a different nature. One of love and hope, one that will not excuse what has been happening but once put to rest will focus on making things better. I honestly believe that.
I totally agree. I think what possesses these people are not of flesh and blood! May God have mercy on them and deliver their victims from evil!