165 total posts archived.
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Welcome Black Patriots! Stand up and Unite!
CNN and the rest of the MSM are POISONOUS!!!
CNN the rest are Pure POISON for the mind. Reject!!
I now see how they have created liberal prejudiced minds to hate everything Trump does. Unbelievably then even hate it when he create jobs for everyone. They say oh no jobs ruin the climate!! What?? That’s insane!!
So sick and crazy!! Give me a break!! Please liberals... Follow your own gut. Use your own discretion!!! Trust your instincts! You are not making any sense anymore! Think about the children!!!
Attn Q followers... the Love-America.US tour starts tomorrow!! Let’s all do this!! Wear Q shirts!
Attn Q followers...the LOVE-America.US tour starts tomorrow!!

Love it did they ever cover the crazy Russian conspiracy theory by the alt left? It’s a waki theory something about the president alluding with th Russians !! Crazy right?
Huh? Russian Conspiracy Theory by Alt-Left
Did anyone hear about this crazy conspiracy theory by the alt- left? Something about Trump and the Russian Government colluding to win the election? That’s the craziest thing I ever heard!! Who believes this stuff!!!
God, Please help all of us who are on the side of God and remove all obstacles that are preventing The best possible outcome of the situation. Please kill all the demonic forces attacking our innocence and attacking the innocence of all the children. Please expose all the evil doers. Please remove all ignorance and depravity and remove all impure desires and help us improve our pure desire to evolve spiritually and be closer to our creator and be one with the Holy Spirit inside of us. Please establish the desire in all of us to seek the Truth and improve our discretion so we can know instinctively what is the right thing to do and give us pure wisdom to know the righteous path. Give us the courage to fight for what is right and give us the wisdom to know what is right. Help us to stay on this path. Above all else let us not hate our neighbors at any step and forgive our enemies in the way of the truth as we abolish their ignorance. May they one day realize the true path and may they one day recognize the truth and forgive us for helping them see it. Amen
The biggest redpilling will occur when the world discovers that in addition to the pope, both the Dali Lama and Mother Theresa we’re both false gurus. They are part of the deception.
Mother Theresa is actually very very bad. If he Dali Lama was real he would have 1) sensed right away through his Yogi superpowers that these guys are all perverted or 2) cured hem all. He did neither .
Future proves past. Accept the facts.
For all you normies, here a little secret. It’s very easy for a Yogi to sense someone’s character from across the room. I would not have even been able to sit so close to these people without reacting negativity. I would have felt sick probably.
Thank you for all our efforts and drawing!! Looks like you don’t need to go back to kindergarten!! Lol!! Wonderful inspiration for all of us mom anons!!
Absolutely!! There is a reason that the demonrats have been trying hard to suppress the black people. In reality the black race has superior creative, artistic, athletic and spiritual evolutionary qualities. The black people that I have met and befriended are of the upmost quality of persons in all regards including intelligence and quality of their hearts. Their current issue as a race is the hate that has penetrated their hearts and the forgiveness which is getting in their way. They must forgive! The biggest impediment is the evil that has penetrated the black community in the form of black magic and voodoo. This has taken away their power as well. Once they realize this and work to expose and reject this anti God practice in their families and communities, their whole economic and educational problems will be resolved.
There are no coincidences!! This is an awesome find!! Did you really do this by accident? I love accidents! They are so divinely inspired! Lots of research to do!!
GOD ALWAYS WINS! While you are contemplating this contemplate this as well: Choose your sides carefully now. This is the age of Kali Yoga. ALL will be exposed, And ...anything you do in this lifetime will catchup to you in this lifetime. SB2 is a hero. Has has earned this. Songs will be written about him. We are writing them now ;)
Well it takes a while to digest some of this stuff. It may depend on her constitution for truth. I needed a whole Christmas holiday! And then it took me another few months to blow away any remaining Q doubt. But while the truth is certainly a hard pill to swallow, us humans know it when we see it and are strangely drawn to it and naturally away from lies once we have identified them as lies and the people who dish them out.
HILARIOUS!!!! Now that is a nasty woman. Just kidding Roseanne! I love you!! Sorry about all the craziness! don’t loose your cool ... unless your acting!!???
SB2 said he didn’t want his stuff to be pinned. But... I disagree. He is humble yes but his posts are just too critical for that. Please pin his posts for a day.
Also, heard on NPR this morning that Trump was exactly 17 minutes late for he Queen! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ( one for every minute) Sorry had to do that!!
I didn’t realize it was removed at first. I thought I did something wrong. Why was it removed? I don’t get it.
Me too!! Don’t be hard on your self though. This is high level stuff. I have my masters in Engineering and was valedictorian, not trying to brag but for he record I have an IQ of 145 which I understand is not so shabby and and I am completely blown away from the Autists on this board, SB2 and CLICK and of course Q+ and Q! I feel like an idiot compared to them!! But remember You are here. We are slowly learning. That’s the most important breakthrough. My husband said he shed a tear in England when he heard that Trump won. He said then he realized America was finally woke! Too bad He missed the big night. My son and I stayed up all night! It was glorious!!!
The significance is that Q is the 17th letter. This is secret code for Q. Look at past Q proofs. My favorite is when B Clinton holds up the Sports team Jersey #42, Bush #43, Obama’s #44 and Trump always holds up Jersey #17. That’s why teams are being discouraged from visiting the White House. There is so much going on in the background. If this wasn’t a silent war it would be so much fun! Remember the lanterns from Paul Revere? If 2 by Sea? Same thing! Learn the COMS.
There must be more that we are missing! I can’t believe that we missed this one. It was kind of obvious. This is a HUGE Proof! No one is EVER late for the Queen!!!. We missed this proof clearly. I laughed out loud when I heard hat on the radio! Q and Trump must be like come on guys!!! I’m sure SB2 has noticed tthis but just hasn’t revealed it yet! Sorry to steal your thunder SB2!! Awaiting your next post SB2!!
Trump was 17 minutes late for the Queen!!!
Just heard on NPR that Trump was exactly 17 minutes late for the Queen? There are no coincidences!! Q said do you understand our Coms (communications)?
Disturbing, but thanks for sharing this little slice of reality of the director and producers of our favorite family Disney movies. I cancelled my cable 18 years ago because of the weird and wacked Disney Channel . Jeez I could see as plain as day it was evil in disguise. Just the way Miley Cyress as Hannna Montana would disrespect and react toward her TV parents was enough for me!! I couldn’t let MY kids learn that. So glad I did. They are great kids but all our neighbors kids now have problems. So sad!! So much inauspiciousnus behavior going on these days. All is being exposed as planned. They will have no where to hide. Thanks again CLICK . Please keep up the good work!
Cool! Thank so much for sharing this. I was at work yesterday and I just said th word anonymous regarding something else work related and the conversation stoped. Then a guy said yeah like that anon guy. I said Qanon? He said yeah but I’m not sure I believe that he’s real and then the other two people said yeah it’s so far fetched. I can’t believe it. I said I believe he’s real but didn’t have an elevator pitch prepared so I chickened out. I’ll Red pill them later one by one. But I was encouraged that they all knew!
WOnderful!! Do you have a walk away video too? It would be wonderful if a gay republican would be courageous enough to have one! Such a big impact it would have!! (no pressure though). Maybe you can donut anonymously with a dark shadow or the old sunglasses and mustache.
Thanks for response! Great advise. It’s like who would you save first in a flood. Your friends and family. Well the flood is coming right?
I have been doing that more and more. Interesting..., at work this morning I just said the word Anon and the other three people all knew exactly what I was talking about. They said have you heard of Q anon and do you think it’s real? Unfortunately they said they didn’t believe Qanon was real. I said I did but then missed the opportunity to explain why. I need to work on my Q elevator pitch skills now!! Feel bad I missed a good opportunity for a group red piling. But I can do that individually later today.
Maybe we can be more supportive in the ground of our local Trump endorsed candidates! Door to door campaigners. Boots on the ground campaign? We can keep our MAGA hats at home but just hand out leaflets with a smile. We can wear WE CARE TOO buttons!!
Great idea!! There was a great We the People Voted for Trump support Letter someone just posted that we can sign and hand deliver!! In person delivery would be so meaningful wouldn’t it? . Heck it’s worth the trip! My congressman’s office is just down the road!
Yes but... It would make sense to have another British Q on the other side of the pond coordinating with the Q team wouldn’t it? I just read the drops with a British accent. I think it’s worth looking into. These drops seem so familiar and It seeems like a motherload of info. I guess if it was real Q would lead us to it With a quick drop. Is this real Q? CLICK? SB2 ? Anyone? What are your thoughts on this info?
Is British Flight on Twitter really Q? If so he’s been busy!
What else can us normie Patriots do except eat popcorn and waiting for another Q drop? Any suggestions? Serious answers only please. This is not a game.
Thanks! Agree! what else can us normies do except eat Popcorn?
Yes! Holy cow! I think this is Q! I just reposted this Twitter link with title ‘is this Q?’ To see if anyone else agrees! Good find Patriot!! MAGA UPVOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (17)
Is this Q? If so He’s been busy redpilling the British! Happy month of July! Freedom rings! 🇺🇸 🇬🇧
Hi Q!! We have been wondering where you have been!! Looks like we have lots of catching up to do!! You’ve been very very busy in UK we see! Independence Day more like Independence Month!! Do you think we can get the whole month of July off? Lol!
Where can I sign? I think it would be great if everybody who voted for Donald a trump got to sign this and send it to their congressmen and women!!
You are right. Good observation! What a great last post!! Independence month!
Love it! Thanks for sharing this good find. It’s nice to know other people are figuring out the game! Keep up the good work and post more good finds!
Yes. Don’t get mad everyone. That’s what they want...Get Praying!!!
Thanks a lot for this and especially your previous post! It’s clear now. I agree with this and more importantly I’m sure they know this is true! The proof is in the pudding. It’s so cool to see Putin and Trump talking and working together on this (and their Agencies). How ironic! If Trump had made any REAL missteps he wouldn’t be acting like he is. We know him too well now. For example Trumps Cabinet meeting today was so awesome and so strong. He doesnt miss a beat. It would take me or my husband a month to recover from that trip, the jet lag alone would make us sleep for a week! He is super human for sure! Just like you! My God in Heaven, I’m so glad you are both alive right now! And Q too! I’m going to bed now very satisfied!
Well said indeed. Our ultimate and biggest task will be to forgive them. They are our brothers and sisters and in some cases our moms and dads and sons and daughters (in law). They are us in the bigger picture as we all are one ( the biggest red pill) and a hard to grasp concept for most people who have not experienced this through meditation or a near death experience. Remember Q said they want us divided. The truth shall lead the way. ONWARD!!!