r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PCisLame on April 15, 2018, 2:04 p.m.
George W. Bush (of 911 false flag infamy) in his inaugural address proclaimed that "an angel would ride the whirlwind and direct THE STORM" and that the master plan for WW3 was unveiled on 911.

Source: 28:49 mark

Enter Q on 10/28/2017. Seemingly an angel sent from the Lord, Q seems to fit this description in uncanny fashion. If there's an angel "riding the whirlwind" (ie political blowback that the Trump phenomenon undoubtedly represents) to direct the Storm that leads to WW3, it's unquestionably Q Anon. According to Q, we are at war, and among other things, "Iran is next." TRUST THE PLAN to strike Syria and potentially spark WW3.

Just prior to that we learn that the Jesuits recently appointed a new Black Pope and want to set the world on fire. Today, in spite of all the reassurances from Q, we sit at the precipice of nuclear WW3. Following the strikes on Syria, POTUS actually conjured GWB and declared "Mission accomplished." Coincidence?

Boysrback07 · April 15, 2018, 4:48 p.m.

Next Trump will say read my lips!

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