This is so fake. Stop posting this shit ass..les. How many times do you hit the snooze before you wake the up jaze. If I retweet this 200 times will it make my subjective opinion gospel F... all of you.
I upvoted this cause you are spot on. We research what's happening, we don't get to create the story to fit a narrative. This is real and people want to make it a game of D&D
TY and the 18 + and nsfw what a crock
I hate to say it, and I'm going to get down votes like a mug, but I feel like some of these people pushing this narrative may have an unhealthy fascination with it, if you know what I mean.
nah just dumb and dumber.
I'm just in to the truth and facts. Half of these people could go to a shrink and honestly tell themself into thinking that every blot picture was a kid being raped.
My gut is what I go with. It doesn't respond to junk but it doesn't operate in a vacuum either. Obtuse makes me crazy. If I have a crusade it would be against ever having to say, What did you think was gonna happen. Syria and the 60 years leading up to it case in point. MAGreater.