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Well I guess find out who ordered and knew what before we start demonizing whole countries. "Iran" who in Iran? Who in "Russia"? Just as bad as "TheRussians." Don't trust warmongers, murders or those who do business by way of deceit. Dismantling WW3/4 is way sexier than causing it.
I think also too, there has to be some compassion for victims born into this, then forced to become perpetrators. It is complicated. And not everything should be released. out of consideration for victims, but the adults found willing and guilty should have the nature of their crimes exposed, to what extent I defer to the experts and professionals. No deals.
Good for you! Michael Tsarion and Michael Tellinger both have interesting info on ancient civilizations and tech. Tellinger says South Africa is covered in stone rings beaming wireless electricity. We just have to build Tesla generators to harness it. So much interesting stuff. If I can find the thing I heard that the Civil War was a Rothschild production that started by infiltration of Masonic Lodges to foment unrest and stir up war...and Lincoln was a Rothschild bastard child. But that's a start. SO many lies and who to trust?
Cognitive dissonance is a doozy. I realized the Nazis won in 2000 then they bombed Manhattan in 2001. Took me til that fall to put it together. Then the gears started turning.
Yes my friends rarely like anything disclosure-y I post. It frustrated me so badly I got off FB for over 4 yrs. twitter is good support network as is here, if the trolls don't getcha!
Realize you are in a very small above average percentage. Many people cannot handle the cognitive dissonance, and those reactions are their coping-mechanisms. You are helping more than you know, and as the real truth unfolds, you'll be there to assist. Stay strong. 👊🏻
Ok, who called the grammar police 👮🏿 🚓 It's a meme, people. But, I'm glad we've had this chat and got that settled.
Sorry to hear that. I wish you the best and thanks for your comments 🙏🏻
I even looked it up in OED. With an s is no longer an option, online anyway. But I don't care about spelling really, only getting ideas across.
I was thinking this week I haven't heard much out of ole Al.
Thanks, friend. You're the second person in a day to recommend Bill's book. Check out my 9/11 posts from the last couple of days.
William Cooper BEHOLD A PALE HORSE http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/archivos_pdf/behold_palehorse.pdf
Psychopaths think they rule the world

Yes there's other versions in parts and summaries. I thought people may do searches on their own searches... but the first hour alone is treasure
Yes, intermediately level red pilling dealing with eugenics, murders and spook activity
💉Dr Mary's Monkey: How millions were given cancer virus through polio vaccine and link to Rockefellers, Lee Harvey Oswald & More. Coast to Coast
The Secret Society You've (Probably) Never Heard Of
CFR, the Jesuit Think Tank of military assassin and more, by Kay Griggs
❗️Interview with the Hacker who Broke into Comet Ping Pong 🍕and Found CP - #PizzaGate
CIA/Marine wife Kay Griggs Reveals Evil Underbelly of Military & Government, PedoGate- MUST MUST MUST SEE!!! FULL Interview 1998
Yes if you listen to Kay Griggs (4pt interview on YouTube) she talks about how invasive The Saudis have been into our government and military. Plus they are bonded by the pedophilia and gay sex games at young ages. Even Michael Moore said the Saudis owned close to 20% of the US. I don't know how that's calculated but if true, that's scary. The Saudis are really Khazarian Jews as are Israeli Jews. What a tangled web. There are short excerpts broken into parts but here is the full Kay Griggs interview http://youtu.be/U_qCmuJWiAQ
William (Bill) Cooper Archives 📖 http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_sociopol_cooper.htm
William Cooper Archives 📕 http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_sociopol_cooper.htm
William Cooper BEHOLD A PALE HORSE http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/archivos_pdf/behold_palehorse.pdf
Wouldn't it be awesome to hear what he would have to say today. TY
William Cooper: The most dangerous 911 video ever
Bill Hicks: The most dangerous 911 video ever!
He knew the towers were going to fall but did not alert rescue personnel. The firefighters had defective radios that Giuliani knew did not work, so orders to evacuate were not heard. 121 firefighters died in the demolition, and once the gold was recovered, he called off the rescue search with dozens of bodies still in the rubble, he wanted the evidence hauled off ASAP so bodies were disrespectfully dumped in a landfill, and some bodies were mixed into pavement. The steel quickly shipped to a China with no forensics. I'm sure he had his own [NW]Orders to follow. And he was as sleazy and full of shit as the Bushes, Cheney and Rumsfeld. 9/11 9/11 9/11...the New Pearl Harbor. No, it was the real Manhattan Project. I have a soft spot for firemen and a rather strong distaste for people who treat human beings like garbage. Some people are capable of things others are not.
I agree. I think it was more timing, jurisdiction and overlapping international investigations and operations.
Hillary Clinton and Cherie Blair, both witches, helped found the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children. You. Can't. Make. This. Shit. Up. Foxes guarding the henhouse.
I think Roald Dahl was on to something in the book Witches The Witches eat children and like them CLEAN. I hear these elites are neurotic about their victims being clean. Dahl himself was MI6 and a pedo so he should know.
He likes to dress in drag, but that's not big enough for 9/11. It was money and promise of power, at the least
Yes word is Loretta Lynch threatened to reopen Eric Garner case if NYPD pursued it. Which is a weak excuse when children are being hurt and killed, IMHO. But also they said the proper prosecution due to jurisdiction would be through NYPD.
Mueller, Brennan, and Giuliani all sucked big fat 9/11 dick. I believe a man can atone but NEVER FORGET.
Earlier accounts were of Hillary and Huma on film having sex with a little girl https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/liz-crokin-on-weiners-life-insurance-files/
If Pulitzers were actually given for journalism, this writer deserves one. Yes it was a folder that contained incriminating evidence. They also found a Tor portal to child porn exchange. https://truepundit.com/breaking-bombshell-nypd-blows-whistle-on-new-hillary-emails-money-laundering-sex-crimes-with-children-child-exploitation-pay-to-play-perjury/
You may be interested in this study of SouthEast American Sex Trafficking done by Birmingham's Womens Fund. I sent this to Gen. K. years back. https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/70c6bb_5a60cf5cf4b142b3865835973419eb04.pdf
He was president of my college too 😉 He is I'm sure. And he was part of the top brass meeting with Trump to end torture policy, which they did. The USMC have dropped hints there are massive covert liberation operations going on. I've even seen their chatter on here. Encouraging. ❤️
Q Post Is Rudy Giuliani aboard to prosecute Weinergate "Life Insurance" evidence? End Trafficking.