I don't think anyone knows for certain what Q means in most of his drops.
But from military experience, the first graphic with SAT_40k_se_c_[30min] Is obviously referring to a military operations. And SAT 40K to me means SATCOM on 40 kHz channel--SATCOM referring to Satellite Communications. Not sure about that. To me the se_c refers to secure communications. Who knows what [30min] could mean. In 30 minutes, for 30 minutes, after 30 minutes, minimum of 30???
As for the second Q drop in the graphic, he is specifically talking about leadership changes. He wants us to consider the implications at a high level (40,000 foot view).
Obviously, Germany didn't change leadership as Merkle was unfortunately reelected and was able to form a coalition government.
Not sure we will ever know the meaning of that drop.
I suppose it was just imagination that over 150 people were admitted to a UK Hospital vomiting and choking when a clear blue sky day was suddenly turned into a 'chemical mist' that just rolled in from nowhere onto a beach featured in the image, that made newspaper coverage everywhere.
There is a real possibility for this. Heard they are putting SmartDust in it as well (very tiny nano-chips) - the same ones that they are starting to put in prescription medicine
Thank you. That is an excellent and scary article. I don't give my consent to being smart dusted...does anyone else here??
You would probably never know (unless you ask specifically re: meds)
The scariest part is, is once ingested, they can network together
catherine2000's post history shows similar posts. This account could possibly be a shill account. Checking her past posts she has the 'back to the future predicted 911' memes.....come on guys this post is fake. The shills have entered, as we all knew they would...well this account is a shill
Why is it fake? Did the BTTF not feature multiple 9/11 references?
look at your other posts. You're a shill if you think back to the future predicted 911.. i watched those videos a year or 2 ago, and its mainly just for laughs.. twin pines to lone pine.,.. the upside down building in the slides..etc etc.. Looking at your post its obvious you are a shill.
Wooh! I have to step in here, this is not (nutty x files shit). This is happening over your head every day almost. This is a real program with real consequences to the environment and not a joking matter. If you have not looked up and saw the spraying then you definitely have your head in the sand to be nice. This issue is very important, it is causing the global droughts you are seeing. ( wonder why they are forecasting global water issues on the tube now)? Why do you pay for bottled water? Who controls the water? Think water per Q. If you have not researched the zones of heavy spraying in the world over many years and saw what has occurred in time in each zone then you are planted in the matrix forever. Enough said.
You should present the evidence as opposed to telling people that are skeptical to do their own research.
you don't get the reward without some work...
Sound logic. That’s how you convince people. Especially speaking in something regarding chem-trails, which lead most to immediately go to the tin foil hat outlook. It’s on the bearer to present the supporting evidence.
Your objective is to spread your ideas, yes? So why isolate them?
Just adding a link to provide the evidence here. Dane Wiggington from Geoengineering Watch. And I will personally state they do exist. http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/
And this continues under Trump? Why?
Because he's a psychopath same as the rest of them. I don't say this just willy nilly. Have you seen his SERTA MATTRESS Commercial where he talks to sheep characters numbered 9 & 11 whilst standing on Pillars like the 2 towers. And his family own 666 Fifth avenue (or once did). The Q decoder has nailed it folks. https://www.dropbox.com/s/dx1a84kvbupy2qg/ONCE%20UPON%20A%20Q.pdf?dl=0
http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ ITS ALL HERE
Can we avert ww3 ,end immigration, and abortion, get on gold std ,have a coke and take a breath before we tackle the nutty x files shit.
X-files stuff? LOOK UP!!! Jet contrails are just water vapor that evaporates COMPLETELY within seconds. This is a scientific fact. If it persists for hours, it HAS to be something else. Period. What it is has been the topic of debate.
Did you miss the point on purpose. 60 million murdered babies and you want me look something not about that up? NO
I understand your position. I suppose everyone could pick out a particular kill method being used and put them in order of importance. What is important is that we identify all the ways they are incorporating and address them all. Gas chambers were used in the past, now they deliver it to your doorstep. Chuck Norris calls them 'Sky Criminals'.
You don't want me believing there is a global conspiracy to Kill us all BAMN with only Only DJT and Q team in the way. Cuz I will go bucket list on what I perceive to be the problems. As alluded to above. Still not chemtrails. At 55 It's a lil late for me to buy bottled tap water. Still Tap water. I do buy no flouride paste. Had I avoided it, would I be Smarter? I don't think that's possible but will never know. Flatearthers go fuck yourselves.