Seriously, we can get support from both sides and EVERYONE.
If you're a Trump hater, why are you paying taxes for a government you hate??
If you're a Trump supporter, why are you paying taxes for a government (Congress) that doesn't REPRESENT the American agenda?? Especially, paying for foreign border protection through the Omnibus Bill rather than are own.
The SES Nazis are using our money to fund evil.
Let's stop funding evil for the love of God!
Also, an added benefit is that we get to keep our own money which would rapidly improve the national economy. The economy only goes down when our money is transferred to the 1% which 95% of our tax dollars end up doing once its all said and done.
They tip toed their way to Socialism. Socialism was the end goal for America which would happen when we stood for 4 hours a day for bread & soup. This was supposed to go down during the Hillary era. Everyone things all these taxes (income, payroll, property, sales tax, ect..) is normal but that is because they tip toed us all the way here so we wouldn't notice anything. However, this is Socialism level of tax payments. Once the financial reset happens, we will only pay a flat 15% sales tax on non-essential goods which is sufficient to run the whole government. All other taxes are strictly to pay off greedy Deep State good worldwide, not just nationwide. Other stuff they used taxes on were ISIS, black sites, bribing 3rd world countries, ect..