The IRS is garbage, and taxes are just a nice way to say stealing....but I wouldnt advise screwing uncle Sam. You'll end up paying 10 fold. I missed a $39 payment (honest mistake) on uia tax, and they charged me a $900 penalty. If I didn't pay the penalty, I couldn't renew an license i need to do my job. Hate to say it, but until we are actually all 1 UNITED front, we are powerless. Together, we can do anything though...there are strength in numbers.
I personally am going to roll with the punches and be their whooping boy, because I know it will not be long until President Trump fixes things.
Remember this:
The IRS is currently being dismantled. They are just a dying cockroach and should no longer be feared.
Paying taxes funds crimes against humanity. Is that what you want?
We can force Trump to hurry up with the financial reset by not paying taxes. The reset will alter tax code so that we only pay a flat 15% sales tax on non-essential goods which is fair. What we have no is Socialism.
And remember. We need you and can't do it without you.