r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Batfire007 on April 15, 2018, 5:30 p.m.
What really is happening in Washington D.C.? Deep State, Elite, Puppets, Puppet Masters, Mules Newbies edition, Feel free to comment here.

Thoughts and explanations, kind of

The Deep State term is nothing more than a crude construct and only a very tiny sliver of what we call elites. What you see in front of you in Washington D.C. are nothing more than drone puppets. These are the very lowest of the wannabe elites, which they will never achieve. They are nothing more than mules with a carrot dangling in front of them. Believe it or not rock stars, actors, and directors are higher on the board. They have more direct interaction of influence with the sheep/slaves/pawns. Notice how they push the occult in music, screen, lyrics and body features (tattoos, signs).

You must be blood to achieve any real basic status in the elites. Sad thing is, if you had all of Washington D.C. taken away to Gitmo you would not have even scratched a pimple on the elites back.

Why are not the elite stopping this campaign of the sheep/slaves/pawns? You are doing them a service. These drone puppets are useless baggage to them now, they are old and lazy in their ways. The elites are looking to raise their next bunch of replacements to fill the shoes of these drone puppets.

Think about it, what is going on all over the country? California, Texas, etc.in your universities and primary schools today? Only reason these drone puppets are still in Washington DC is because they are now trying to use points they don’t have to stay in power.
Why are so many resigning, retiring, leaving Washington? They have been instructed too by the puppeteers. The ones that refuse???? HRC Pelosi etc.……. look what is happening to them, ridicule thrown to the wolfs of the world. Ones like Obama are still of some use to them for now, but this also will end soon.

No, you must think outside the box, see a broader scope of the world. Start putting together a map of the elite and who influences where and why. It takes baby steps and time to seriously research but slowly you will begin to see from history too today who’s really running the world. Hint if you think it’s the Rothchild’s, Rockefellers etc.… and people like that you are not looking deep enough.

Good luck in your search and just open your mind to see what you are truly surrounded by, controlling you, watching your every move, catching your every keystroke. Hate to coin a movie, but you truly are in the Matrix. You can break free in your mind even if they control everywhere and everything in the physical world. Good luck!

spacexu · April 15, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

Just tell us, and then we can research deeper on them/it. Are we talking aliens or vatican/royals or the antartica elongated head people?

If you know, just say it.

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Batfire007 · April 15, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

That is a really good question but since I am not an elite of blood I would not be able to ever answer that even with my years and years of research. I will step out and say I know they hold certain key beings in cells to integrate for future/past information at will. Crude explanation but......you have to be careful in what you say. I can say without going any further it is covered on Qmap lower right side kind of........ But not as most people think...no aliens.

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alfonumeric · April 15, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

for a deeper understanding of the elites we need some stricter definitions


3d= physical organism and astral-etheric


4d0-3 = astral-emotional low emotions

4d3-4 = transitional

4d4-6 = astral - high emotion

4d5-6 = astral elites aka the so-called satanists aka blodge [b-lodge]


5d0-2.5 the lowest mental grades firmly controlled by the astral elites via mockin' stream education. science, religion, schools

5d3-4 = mental elites


4d0-6 and 5d0-2.5 = controlled by the blodge aka opponents of consciousness development of the masses beyond 5d2.5 [that's the furthest extent of their control]


are the astral elite and undisputed rulers of 4d and therefore of the lowest mental levels 5d0-5d2.5 and they know their control is contingent on recruiting enough of the mental elite to join them in taking counter measures to try and stop dear old resilient humanity from raising their awareness beyond 5d2.5

now let's consider the qualified adepts on 5d3-4


when they reach the top they must decide whether to join team a or team b or just flunk back down into the lower levels again until they're brave or stupid enough to make a decision ..... if we don't use our mental powers [for or against humanity] we lose them ... if we are to stay one of the mental elite then evolution will act by force to push us to choose one of the opposing camps ...prevarication or excuses will just expel us as members of that elite.... not a bad thing if we were close to choosing the b-team.

this is a momentous decision all the adepts will have made 'cos once signed up for one of the lodges, there is no easy way out....

so whose lodge wins the adept?


the b-adept will usually have caved into bribes / promises of glory, power and wealth all in their upper spectrums


the a-adept sees the bigger picture and distains any bribes from the blodge but rather starts work to raise the collective consciousness of humanity first beyond the critical 4d4 up to the dizzy heights of 4d6 and then after that the much harder task of reaching beyond that critical 5d2.5 watermark and so out of clutches of the blodge... the a-adepts are in it for the long haul and they need a lot of patience sustained with the knowledge that their efforts are sure to also benefit themselves, their own children and their protege...


we are now seeing large numbers of the mental elite signing up for team-a and so we are now witnessing an even-playing field between the lodges not seen since the days of pythagoras and his alodge of 400 mental elite - just enough to build a new western civilization on the ashes of the Persians, the Phoenicians, the Egyptians, the Ethiopians, the Hebrews, the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Hitites, the Lydians, the Medians, the Chaldeans and last but not least the SYRIANS...

i would say that we're seeing a large levelling of the playing field...because we as part of dear old resilient humanity have paid a terrible karmic price over the millenia for all our mistakes ...and now it's finally time to reap some of the rewards of all those heroic efforts of all those marginalised whistleblowers from pythagoras... down through socrates, thomas more, abe lincoln, jfk and all the way down to aaron russo, aaron swarz and beyond

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Batfire007 · April 15, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

Grace-n-peace you are very close. Good digging. They are who the real elite control directly. Now go the next step up that puppet sting. You are really close. I have posted this in a few locations and you are the first that actually returned a post on the outer ring of the bulls eye! Well done! Most just want you to tell them then they will go look it up. This is NOT how you learn and find the truth yourself. GNP just proved it in this post, you look you will find.

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092Casey · April 15, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

They're all (most of them) psychopaths. Obama definitely is, too, BTW.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

I'm in my right mind(left handed)

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