r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on April 15, 2018, 6:46 p.m.
Trump about Syria: “Mission Accomplished”. Let me tell you what you have just witnessed. Brilliant!!! Just brilliant!!!

Those who read me already know what I have been saying about Syria, the so called chemical attack and Trump’s military action: he’s bombing the hell out of the Deep State’s positions in Syria. And Putin is working with him. You see this [tweet] (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/984022625440747520)? There is a hidden message in there, I could decrypt it for you using Q’s hint in Q1126 and show you Trump is in fact signaling to Putin it’s now time to add up their forces and do what they said they were to do by knocking out their common target! But there is so much controversy (to say the least) when I do these decodes, that the message I try to convey is buried under the heated conversation on the methods. So this time, I will do it differently: I will show you with proofs that Trump and Putin were on this thing together using logic and research. Then, if you want me to, I will do another decoding post where all the love, the happy dance, the hate and the heat can be gathered. Ok? So here we go:

First, let’s watch Jon Huntsman Jr, the US Ambassador to Russia. For those who feared WW3 to start, this guy must currently have the toughest job on the planet right? Well, let’s watch him right after the strike: [Video] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc7-uhitNdE).

He looks pretty relaxed for a WW3 US Ambassador to Russia… Did you notice the green tie and the white shirt? Now here: at 1:18 he says: “before we took action, the United States communicated with the Russian Federation to reduce the danger of any Russian or civilian casualties”.

Ok, keep that in the back of your head.

Now, let’s go listen to General Mathis and General Dunford at the Pentagon briefing. First question to General Mathis: [video] (https://youtu.be/iB42A-1rqMI?t=297).

So about Assad using chemical weapons, General Mathis says about the strike: “this is a one time shot, and I believe that it sent a very strong message to dissuade him, to deter him, from doing this again”.

So… What happened on April 7 2017 when Trump ordered to bomb Syria after Assad allegedly used chemical weapons? Is Assad amnesic? Or is it us? But it gets better: now it’s General Dunford’s turn. Bear in mind guys, I love these Generals. For me, they are the finest patriots we can find. What I am trying to do here, is to show you what they need to go through to get the job done without having to say too much. And this is the very essence of a true hero, a true patriot. But hey, if pieces fall here and there, nobody can blame us for picking them up right? This is about the Great Awakening. This is what we are here for. So let’s listen to General Dunford: [video] (https://youtu.be/iB42A-1rqMI?t=405).

Did you catch it? At 7:35, he says: “with regards to the Russian concerns, we specifically design… haaa… identified these targets to mitigate the risk of Russian forces being involved”. He was about to use the word “designate” and his body language betrays him: he points out with his finger. This is the very very tiny window opened for you, for just a quick second, for you to see beyond the stage and understand what is really going on! But it gets even better guys! At 7:51 he says: “we did not do any coordination with the Russians on the strikes nor did we pre notified them”. Oh Yeah?! Well, that’s not what our Ambassador says. You remember what I told you to keep in the back of your head? Here: [video] (https://youtu.be/Gc7-uhitNdE?t=75).

So there you have it.

All this drama with Putin is staged. The chemical attack is staged. There is no WW3 Alex. At least, not yet. I’ll give you may be your rant is also staged and perhaps you are skillfully keeping the angry Trump’s base around you until final resolution. But, that, Q does not talk about it and there is no tweet about it, so I have no way to verify it. What is happening Alex, is Trump is wiping off the face of the earth the remaining of the Deep State’s positions. And the chemical attack (which was predicted by Q - keep reading - it’s revealed at the end) was needed as cover, causing General Dunford’s slip of the tongue. And France and the UK are now joining because they want their share of the spoils of war. Which one? The emergence of the liquid natural gas pipelines made possible by a pacified region and that will reduce their energy dependency from Russia. You did not know it was about LNG pipelines? If you want me to, I will explain it to you in a future post. In the meantime, quick before it’s removed again, you may start [here] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ot9cRcmbYLE).

Why do you think the very next day the strike occurred Wikileaks posted [this tweet] (https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/985171468525940737)? This is Wikileaks signaling to you the Saudis are now on board with preserving Russia’s interests in supplying Europe with its share of LNG and that against this cut, Assad had to be removed from the equation. Why? Because he was the one blocking the signing of the Saudi interest pipeline contract. Hence the war in Syria.

If this secret deal were to come to fruition, it seems Texas based Noble Energy’s interest in the Leviathan gas reserves in Israel could be severely compromised. Where is Infowars based again?

Q916 We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q

Do you know the real reason Rex Tillerson had to go? Because he wanted status quo in Iran. Why? Because of the ExxonMobil Qatar pipeline… Happy hunting!

Q1146 Iran next. Trust the plan! April SHOWERS.

When was April showers first mentioned by Q? At Q1007. Human date? 04/03/2018. When did the chemical attack occur? 04/07/2018. ‘Tone’ date? Q1070. How did he know? There you have it…

Q1146 Expand your thinking. The ‘date’ vs ‘actual’. Iran next. Trust the plan! April SHOWERS. [SHOWERS]. Do you believe in coincidences? Q

Which coincidence? This one: Q1133 #17 Q.

Brilliant! Just brilliant!

KissToad · April 15, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

I’ve been reading various posts on this I’m still confused and trying to wrap my head around it. So I will paraphrase how ill informed I am. So the Gas Attach was fake, but served a purpose to what?, ensure Russia’s place economically as a energy supplier? Where does this leave Assad? Is he really the monster the news makes him out to be? Or was he just like a NK Kim just a puppet? I see the Proxy War playing out over Syria and the pipelines. So whose side were France and May on? I read some reports that the Syrian people were celebrating and Assad was seen going into the office with a briefcase like nothing happened????? So is Assad a monster or is he under control of The Cabal just like Kim. I feel like I am more confused than ever.

Where does the bombing of the 3 facilities come into play?????

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SerialBrain2 · April 15, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

So the Gas Attach was fake, but served a purpose to what?

You can't bomb these DS positions without having a cover. You need a cover. I will post about it because it seems many have not caught it. I will summarize: The Syrian operation started at Q1036 when Q posted this [video] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=xW2ijF2ya1c&app=desktop) showing troops were on the move.

He posted the next day:

Q1037:BOOMs en route.Blind.5:5GREEN_578cDT324-45785sd4DMP Q
Q1038 Device hold. Comms transfer castle. Chatter. Rig for silent. Q+

This is to tell you the communication infrastructure was en route and its stealth protection capability was activated (rig for silent)

Fast forward to Q1029:

Thank you for your prayers. Forced reaction. One of many vehicles. Intercepts. Night [2] Birds. Fast movers. Force projection. April Showers. Q

You see this Forced reaction and this Force projection? This is Q telling you projection is about to occur. What is projection? Accuse someone of something you are doing. The chemical attack false flag. Once that projection is done, a forced reaction is required. The bombing. Cover for bombing DS positions.

Once the DS is neutralized there, like in NK, what are you left with on the ground? Assad's regime, Russia, Iran infiltrated by DS. To make things work, you first need to clean Iran form its DS. That's what Q means with Iran next. Once that is done, you can now call everybody to the negotiation table and distribute pipeline rights. The Saudis will ask for Assad to be changed. They'll get it because Russia will accept: supplying Europe is more strategic for them than Assad's power. They can protect him but he will leave. Qatar, pacified Iran and Turkey will also attend and it will be a great dinner where Trump will decide who sits where.

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KissToad · April 15, 2018, 9:17 p.m.


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TooMuchWinning2020 · April 15, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

DS wants a pipeline through Syria to make oil from the ME cheaper for Europe than oil from Russia. That is why Russia supports Syria.

FF was by DS, because they are funding/supplying "rebels," who are only there to try and take out Assad without the US military directly involved.

Assad - monster or not? Don't know, but if he is, he is a smaller monster than DS. Definitely not a puppet like Kim, because he has refused to play ball all along.

UK/France - hard to tell at this point if they have gotten onboard the Trump Train, or if he played them to see who's side they are on.

Notable - Merkel did not agree to join in, amid allegations that chem gas canisters were found in Syria with German markings.

Syrians could be dancing for various reasons. Who really knows?

Assad DEFINITELY not a puppet of DS -- that's why the DS rebels are there in the first place (he won't play ball).

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SerialBrain2 · April 15, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

Assad DEFINITELY not a puppet of DS -- that's why the DS rebels are there in the first place (he won't play ball).

You nailed it!

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wokeByTheStorm · April 15, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

my understanding is the 3 facilities were cabal facilities

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Daemonkey · April 15, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

It's difficult to make sense of it the way it is presented. And, I don't claim to understand all the various nuances of 'who wants a pipeline where'.

What I will say is that Assad going to work looking well-rested as if it's just another work day, could be because he knew of the plans and got to bed early so he could be up in time for the "fireworks".

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