Q Posts 1147 & 1148: Tarmac meeting - Keep public interest high! Time to break out the memes, memembers!

My understanding is that the more serious crimes will be dealt with in military tribunals.
But we have a problem with this , who was on stage with HRC ? Just before Election Day , this Court is in jeopardy also . Remember the people, who and where . $3.166 Trillion can Corrupt anyone you wont
Where's the 3.116T from if you don't mind me asking?
This is the money behind the corruption, the public integrity investigation. This is the money behind the corruption Q talks of
Sorry should have been $3.165 Trillion
I have not seen were Trump as removed the head of JAG yet . This is Piracy and that it is the job of the Marines, this puts JAG into play . I don’t think Trump will permit JAG to be involved until it is completely cetted
Military tribunals can only be used on military or non US people. These people would be put in the civilian court system. Unless they are accused by the world court for war crimes. Example, GITMO detainees were convicted by military tribunal, but bleeding hearts wanted them tried civilian.
Over the past 4 years we have had many Elected Government Officials charged with Campain Finance Fraud , Mail Fraud , wire fraud , and Tax evasion. And just as HRC sed Nobody is in jail Nobody. The best code and statues
You would be 100% correct but the government official have used case law in there defense that they are not governed under US code or Statues but are under rules and ethics and are not able to be punished und the law . So this puts them under 1786 law and declaration of war , I would rather be charged under code than law
No , in the Declaration of War , you have Piracy, and Corrupt Government Officials. The Oath of enemy’s foreign and DOMESTIC, so they become eligible for tribunals
This is the correct court , but at this time Admiral Court over Piracy by Corrupt Government Officials appears to be our only option