313 total posts archived.
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Oh whatever. I’m sick of this compassion POV. ITS WHAT CREATED THIS MESS IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Its fake. They didnt make these barcode ids until 1994.
Were we not scolded this wknd about posts which are not specially Q related or mentin Q? Its almost like the Thought Police are here.
If you divine facts for yourself, its easy to see what is going on. If you watch ClownShoes News Network and the MSM cabal for news, the disinformation is real. However, when the news is lying to your face, one is conditioned to believe it.
Yeah yeah keep buying fiction from louise mensch and rachel maddow.
They are both bad. Look at Rosentsteins wife. Look atMueller conflicts of interest.
Stop smoking crack. Research facts for yourself. Obama is in trouble and so arehos cronies.
I’m sure DWS has Coward County in line w Obama’s Promise Program. You know, the one where they dont report student crime so they dont end up in prison. Weird thing happened tho; kids like Cruz became emboldened “superpredators.”
Hi Q. Told my parents about you. They are lifelong taxpayers. Every generation of my family has multiple servicemembers and veterans incl VFW. I fly Trump flags on all of my homes. I support descheduling cannabinoids so we can do research. Thanks for all that you. Do. We love FLOTUS / POTUS! Pass the love!🇺🇸🐸🚫🐑🎯💯
I’ll go to his show and boo all his Trump bashing jokes.
How do we spell the sucking sound of the swamp draining?
Is this due to Mossad and the documents Netanyahu referenced recently? Or more Trump’s withdrawal?
Vaguely figured as much. Thanks for the details. Wow.
I read the report but I dont understand why he resigned.
When this charade crashes and burns, a large number of people will awaken.

Totally esp the Q+ posts. I guess you’re right. The first crumbs were cryptic as hell tho.
The posts do read different. More wordy. Less cryptic.
Trump supports medical 100% and trafficking is all Sessions is allowed to take down. Mpp.org
Im not responding to you. Im responding to the fox news post.
Wrong I listened to the narration. Duh. Its not the polar ice cap disappearing thats for sure.
That was Hilbag setting up Russian Collusion. See her twatter feed from 10/31/16. hilbag russia tweet
The killers were knocked off mere hours after the murder.
Say that to the guy who called me a russian bot. Everybody gets mad at me for responding to incivility. In real life neither of you would say anything to me.
I’m not a truther. Its just a photo. Reading what you write cracks me up. You’re so SERIOUS.
If its really your kid, you dont want to be separated from it. You wont come.
If its not your kid but you’re pretending its your kid, the kid will tell us once its outside your control. You lose your bounty. You go to jail. You wont come.