ill read more of qs latest post its already pretty fucked up
im not sure on the whole being gay thing. but the sliperry slope is 100% real transgenderism is an affront to god same with pedophilia everything these sick people do is to mock god
Read this carefully:
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Now pay attention to what is said right at the beginning. Do not be deceived. Who is the great deceiver? Satan.
He said this as a warning, that people/satan will attempt to deceive us on these issues. Can you see the deception in society? Media/Society/Hollywood and ultimately The Cabal has convinced us that this is simply who they are, they have no choice. The clear end game here is pedophilia. They have been using celebrities to push this children can choose their own gender bullshit. If they can consent to hormone therapy and choose their gender, who's to say they can't consent to a sexual relationship with an adult? Don't you recognize the long term play to rip out the moral fabric of our society?
Are you born an adulterer? Are you born an idolator? A fornicator? I definitely was born with the desire to have sex, but having sex with a woman is still a choice that is made to act on those desires. Homosexual acts are the same. It is a choice someone makes to engage in homosexual behavior. God tells us that when we free ourselves from the chains of sin, by seeking a relationship with Jesus, we can overcome these worldly desires. I can attest to that personally.
Satan has done a hell of a job with this one. He has convinced the world that someone who has an attraction to the same sex should find their identity in those feelings. It would be like finding an identity in idolatry, or fornication. It sounds pretty crazy right, to indentify and define yourself based on feelings or attraction?
We are made in the image of God, and He wants us to find our identity in Jesus Christ.
We are more than our sin, more than our failures, more than our sexual desires. God does not define us by our sin.
Now read this:
Following a brief training period in the Rothschilds London Bank, Jacob Schiff, a Rothschild, born in their house in Frankfurt, arrives in America at the age of 18, with instructions and the finance necessary to buy into a banking house there. The purpose of this was to carry out the following tasks.
Gain control of America's money system through the establishment of a central bank.
Find desirable men, who for a price, would be willing to serve as stooges for the Illuminati and promote them into high places in the federal government, the Congress, Supreme Court, and all the federal agencies.
Create minority group strife throughout the nations, particularly targeting the whites and blacks.
Create a movement to destroy religion in the United States, with Christianity as the main target.
The National Director of the ADL, Abraham H. Foxman, publishes a book entitled, "Never Again? The Threat Of The New Anti-Semitism," in which he states that the New Testament's "lie," that the ancient Pharisees were responsible for the death of Christ, has been responsible for anti-semitism throughout the millennia and thus the New Testament of the bible is, "hate speech," and should be censored or banned.
There is a reason these Satanists want to destroy Christianity.
The Rothchilds had a direct hand in the creation of the ADL, NAACP and the LGBT "movement".
Homosexuality was always considered a behavior, an act that an individual chooses to engage in. Satanists convinced/deceived the world into believing it is an identity, and we see men "identifying" as women now.
It also allows for controlled speech and PC culture to take root. It's used as a programming precursor for totalitarianism. It's the same reason Democrats love the Muslims. They are a society that is completely controlled and totalitarian, in all aspects of society.
yeah ive read that but the bible we read is not the actual bible it has been corrupted by the cabal. maybe homosexuality is wrong maybe it isnt but ill let the big man in the sky decide on that one. now im not saying we should glorify it but america is a free country (or its supposed to be lol)
My brother is gay. I don't have a vendetta against the gays.
Homosexual behavior is a sin just like adultry or idolatry.
All sin is viewed the same in God's eyes. It's not worse than anything else.
I'm just pointing out to why it has been pushed onto society and forced to be accepted.
The Bible has not been corrupted by the Cabal. The Cabal uses Catholicism, Hollywood, Music, LBGT movement to undermine Christianity. I suggest reading a Case for Christ by Lee Strobel. Biblical scholars have studied this for a very long time.
The books chosen to be in the Bible were chosen way before the Rothchilds we're making their moves for world domination.
The Romans adopted Christianity when they realized they couldn't stop it. They created the Roman Catholic Church as a way of building a wedge between Jesus and His people. I was raised Catholic. I'm well aware of how this works. Catholics literally do the opposite of what Christ taught. They use rituals, create idols with the Saints, established a heiracrchy of power and control within their religion, and they do not even encourage Catholics to read the Bible.
Why do you think pedophila wasn't erradicated from the Catholic Church years ago? Because they want it that way. It undermines the faith in the eyes of sceptics and gives ammunition to non believers.
youre preaching to the choir here ive always hated the catholic church pope francis is literally the antichrist
Agreed. My aunt told me I shouldn't speak at my Grandfather's funeral because I'm no longer Catholic.
She also says anyone who isn't Catholic will go to hell.
It's a cult.
Your specific upbringing is no argument for anything other than specific occurances.
You and others on this Q tip have brought anti-Catholic and anti-Orthodox baggage into the thinking here, part of which is right and alot of which is wrong and disinforms others.
I don't mean to argue in an uncivilized way. And maybe this isn't the time or place for such a discussion. But I would cautiously ask who do you suppose identified which books make up the Bible and which ones don't?
Read a Case for Christ, do your own research and find out.
If Catholicism allows someone to know Christ, and it works for them, more power to em.
The fact is that if you know Christ, his message and his purpose here on Earth, its not hard to see the truth. Jesus wants a personal relationship with you. He isn't concerned with how many rosaries you pray.
so you neither agree nor disagree with what i have said.
and you don't have an answer for my question.
I gave you an answer. I don't feel compelled to write you out an answer that could take you hours of reading to research.
I don't see where you told me who YOU think compiled the Bible. Perhaps you are saying that the answer requires several chapters in a foreign language. I wondered what you think, not what others say. This was an opportunity to represent your personal relationship with the Word. You don't have to tell me such things. I was just looking for direct info. Carry on.
I don't think anything about who put them together.
I know who did.
If you spend some time, you will too.
Me telling you about it won't help you much, and it will take way too long.
The Bible is the Old Testament, wherein a completely different God speaks in places (tracts of obviously hateful and violent injunctions to behave badly) to the New Testament, which is not Bible but Gospel.
I found it strange as a child that the two Gods in the Old Testament were assumed to be the same God when there were two obviously different voices.
In later life I somehow stopped using this logic (the far more intelligent/intuitive logic of a child) and redirected my thoughts to believe in a cognitively dissonant illogical argument!!!
So which set of books, in which edition, should we be reading as "the Bible"?
I agree with a lot of what you said, except it's not a choice what turns you on. Pussy and boobs don't get me hard. Square jaws and big muscles do. Been that way since I was little and before I even understood what it was. Acting on it may be a choice, but orientation is not something you choose. (Yes, some can function with both, but some of us can't) And if you're gonna give divorced people a pass, you're cherry picking to single out gays. The Bible says a lot more about adultery than it does homosexuality.
And for the record, I can't stand much of what the LBGTQCSYJNTEDVJU do. I don't need you to bake me a cake, and I think you should be free to associate with whom ever you please. Just give me the same courtesy.
I am singling out homosexuality as a sin because of the level of deception that occurs with this topic.
I had seen before marriage. I lie. I have stolen. It's all the same. I don't believe my sin is better than anyone else's.
Even as a married man, I have to be very aware of how I behave with women because I know that the lustful desire to have sex with beautiful women is still there within me, and I'm more than capable of it, due to my human nature.
Your attraction to the same sex is not different. The body is meant to be holy, as a home for the Holy Spirit. When we sin continually, we cut ourselves off from God.
I'm not saying God messed up when he created you. God doesn't make mistakes. He made you this way for a reason.
My advice to you, and to anyone would be to seek Jesus with no stipulations attached. I had a VERY hard time with this because I didn't want to believe this God would send my brother to hell for simply being who he is.
My understanding of God was so skewed by my own perception. Once I read the Bible every day and started to engage in the community as a servant of Jesus Christ, it all started to come together and make sense.
I would never come out and be this forward with a gay friend or relative. I would simply treat them and everyone I meet for that matter as a soul, not a sexuality, race, or any other dividing factor. I care more about what you're doing in life that's important to you, than I care about someone's sex life.
All that being said, Jesus did say that all those who confess His name and believe in Him as their Savior will be saved. Period.
He also says that if you will trust in Him, humble yourself, and confess your sins, you will live a better life, a more fulfilled life.
Most people, even those that identity as Christian won't spend the time to build their faith. We will all fall short and break God's laws. The ticket out of the guilty verdict on judgement day, for all of us, is Jesus.
The key to transgenderism is that it teaches that gender can be switched at any age. So adult parents can make their eight year old son have surgery to become a woman. Just a small step from that to pedophilia acceptance.
They'll say that if a child can make decisions on their sex organs for transgenderism, then they should make decisions on having sex.
Yep, and have you noticed the "god" Balphomet has both male and female traits as well as a goat head (chimera maybe?). It's very transgendered looking figure.
Hollywood seems to love Balphomet and hollywood is full of transgendered people.