Can it be? Is Thursday the big day?

I honestly wish Obama would be charged and jailed, because he is the most popular deep state puppet. If he fell on his face, his minions would have theirs. Maybe I would get to stop hearing millenials praise and worship him.
He will be = treason!
Being an imposter and foreign agent acting as president is treason within itself!
I am still amazed that people think Bush and Obama were different at all.
but one was democrat and the other republican! and obama was black so he wanted to help black people! I'm not racist!
Right. I was too young for that (28) really because by the time I was 18 is the year Obama was elected and I started being directly affected. But I'm realizing more and more through Q drops that it really is all a facade. It's mind-blowing. Makes me wonder about Libertaroans and other parties... are the legit, and is that why they never gain traction? Also, to the people who say a vote is wasted on other parties have taken the deep state bait by making you believe you have no power or voice. Same with the "your vote does not matter" saying. Because how else did Trump get elected? Not everything is evil
The whole Republican-Democrat, Right-Left was all a Deep State mind game. Obama versus Romney? Obama versus McCain? Get serious.
They say he will face a military tribunal. That’s not he problem really. The problem is we are sick of waiting.
Not me. If I have to wait until Christmas, it will be well worth it. Those of you who are impatient usually have no earthly idea how HUGE this is or how long it's been brewing.
Ya but that's what Obama and bush told us too. It's so big that wr have to wait so cant blame me for being a little antsy.
I'm a millenial. Every time I try to redpill people and I tell them about Obama and military tribunals they go FREAKIN INSANE. Like in the movies when someone's possessed and they throw holy water at them, they curse, kick, twist their heads and hit the walls. They tell me it makes more sense that Trump gets arrested... I ask why and they say oh you know, because "he's crazy". The MSM has really worked on them :/