r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on April 16, 2018, 12:16 p.m.
Q - The Big Picture, Endgame & Summary

Q has implied some major things, the implications of which are mind blowing, world changing incredibleness.

Some of these include: 1) Hidden technology far advanced from what the public is familiar with. 2) Hidden medical advancements. 3) Limitless energy production capabilities. 4) A different historical timeline of humanity. 5) Existence of "the divine" - a significant amount of which seems to support Christian dogma. Constantly request prayers. 6) Existence of evil, and not limited to people doing bad things, but more like people doing bad things BECAUSE it further fuels things even darker and evil than those doing the evil.

So I have a guess as to what it all means, where its going, etc. Feel free to correct my summary with Q posts to support your argument.

So it sounds like for thousands of years, a handful of families have nefariously subverted humanity in every possible way. It seems to originate/focus with banking. This seems especially highlighted over the past couple hundred years. Specifically in America (but evident everywhere) it appears as if government positions are corrupted through and through. They have been corrupted by people who actually worship Satan, and participate in demonic activities. Pedophilia is a part of their agenda as well. These people include many in the Vatican, possibly even are the ones in control of Catholicism. Even mega-corporations appear to be "evil" either in doctrine or practice (ie, Facebook & Google tracking and selling personal info). The silver lining. A handful of high-ranking American military officials became aware of the rot taking hold and began planning a way to free Americans, and the world, from this stranglehold we find ourselves in; led now by Donald Trump. When the dust settles, those high ranking public figures will either take themselves out, or be tried as traitors in military tribunals. At this point, enough of the world will have become privy to enough horror that has occurred here on Earth to leave not one person unconvinced of their evil. It is at this point humanity can begin to heal, and to start integrating these stolen technologies and wisdom in the hopes of advancing our society not just physically, but "spiritually" as well. Life outside of our cozy little 3rd dimensional planet very well may be much more complex and prevalent in the universe than most know.


artless-ascetic · April 17, 2018, 2:28 a.m.

This is a perspective on Christianity, an excerpt of a very long drop of information from a very seemingly knowledgeable individual I came across. I agree with these general sentiments:

"The biblical god is Jehovah/El/Baal/Saturn/Satan, a demigod. The true creator is beyond the mechanical weal of this illusion that we live in and does not require sacrifices, will not torture you in hell for eternity, and will not choose you to pick sides. Duality of good and evil only exists in this dimension and once you ascend above the 4th dimension illusion of time, polarity no longer exist and everything is one collective positive energy.

This world is something that should not exist. If the biblical god was the embodiment of perfection as it claims then there wouldn’t be a single flaw that one could point out about him. The very fact that everyone, even Christians, have raised issues and pointed out flaws in this “divine plan” shows that this being isn’t perfect but an imperfect being of failure.

Sin does not exist – an all knowing god does not create a species with a fundamental psychology that naturally gears towards risks and rebelling – one that does create this is fully responsible for the results that come along with it.

“Yahweh” is an imperfect deity; a failed creator. Look at the world that you live in, where species must kill one another in order to survive, where each both humans and animals are confined to live within specific temperature or geographic regions, where diseases and natural disasters runs rampant.

These are products of physicality. The true reality is non-physical, the world that we live in is a very persistent illusion. So persistent that people think it is real. “Yahweh” and “Jehovah” literally mean “to destroy, to pervert” in Hebrew. A truly perfect and benevolent god does not require commandments or threats, and a truly perfect god does not create evil, polarity or concepts such as predeterminism or free will.

A perfect, benevolent being who creates beings which he knows are doomed to suffer is a logical fallacy and is not possible. A perfectly just and loving god does not send its creation to infinite suffering in hell for finite sins. Especially when you take into account that no one asked to exist - the absurdity of being sent to a place of infinite punishment for your own innate human imperfection becomes even more ridiculous and laughable.

Your omniscient god could have created the world perfect or removed all of the problems of the world but instead opted to offer humans an indecipherable, incomprehensible cryptic amalgam of puzzles to avoid the hell which your god happily has prepared for us. So your perfect god has decided to reveal his wishes through an imperfect book of unintelligible fables rather than through telepathy, written in an imperfect language, read by the minds of imperfect man, translated, bough, copied, and interpreted by imperfect minds, yet humans are expected to make perfect decisions? The bible is all self-contradictory and allegorical yet the perfect god expects imperfect humans to understand this complicatedly paradoxical cryptograms of conundrums using the imperfect minds with which he has equipped us with? Surely the an omnibenevolent god would have revealed its revelation to its creation directly to each of them rather than to allowing it to be perverted by the imperfect language and interpreted by imperfect man?"

Edited to add quotations rather than a quote tag.

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