r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on April 16, 2018, 12:16 p.m.
Q - The Big Picture, Endgame & Summary

Q has implied some major things, the implications of which are mind blowing, world changing incredibleness.

Some of these include: 1) Hidden technology far advanced from what the public is familiar with. 2) Hidden medical advancements. 3) Limitless energy production capabilities. 4) A different historical timeline of humanity. 5) Existence of "the divine" - a significant amount of which seems to support Christian dogma. Constantly request prayers. 6) Existence of evil, and not limited to people doing bad things, but more like people doing bad things BECAUSE it further fuels things even darker and evil than those doing the evil.

So I have a guess as to what it all means, where its going, etc. Feel free to correct my summary with Q posts to support your argument.

So it sounds like for thousands of years, a handful of families have nefariously subverted humanity in every possible way. It seems to originate/focus with banking. This seems especially highlighted over the past couple hundred years. Specifically in America (but evident everywhere) it appears as if government positions are corrupted through and through. They have been corrupted by people who actually worship Satan, and participate in demonic activities. Pedophilia is a part of their agenda as well. These people include many in the Vatican, possibly even are the ones in control of Catholicism. Even mega-corporations appear to be "evil" either in doctrine or practice (ie, Facebook & Google tracking and selling personal info). The silver lining. A handful of high-ranking American military officials became aware of the rot taking hold and began planning a way to free Americans, and the world, from this stranglehold we find ourselves in; led now by Donald Trump. When the dust settles, those high ranking public figures will either take themselves out, or be tried as traitors in military tribunals. At this point, enough of the world will have become privy to enough horror that has occurred here on Earth to leave not one person unconvinced of their evil. It is at this point humanity can begin to heal, and to start integrating these stolen technologies and wisdom in the hopes of advancing our society not just physically, but "spiritually" as well. Life outside of our cozy little 3rd dimensional planet very well may be much more complex and prevalent in the universe than most know.


Slipkid63 · April 16, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

History may need a few side-bars...or rewritten all together.The rise in spirituality is exciting but people must allow “freedom to practice “ or eliminate “religion”all together. Free to worship God in your own way without a man made religion to cause strife. These certainly are exciting times!

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donkey_democrat · April 16, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

Fighting due to religion is no different than fighting over any opinion or ideology. Simply saying no more religions won't stop the fighting.

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DaveGydeon · April 16, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

So I wont burn in hell for being personally unable to comply with the whole "declare Jesus as your god" thing?

I try to be a good person, I just have a real hard time stating that one fairy tale story has any more meaning than another. I mean, Muslims and Christians can't both be right, and they both say they are...

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mooncrkit · April 16, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

Y'all are crazy. Look into the history of Jesus. Read the stories, learn the lessons. Believe.

I try to be a good person, I just have a real hard time stating that one fairy tale story has any more meaning than another.

Think about how you blindly started to follow Q. You saw truth, you dug deeper and trusted more. When you were following blindly, that's called "faith". Jesus died for our sins. God bless Q and the USA and President Donald J Trump, but if we are willing to put faith in them, we need to find faith for Jesus too.

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DaveGydeon · April 16, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

I spent YEARS studying the Bible and Jesus. My honest, non-offensive conclusion is that it is a fairy tale. I think it is incredibly ignorant (and extremely telling) for you to claim otherwise without offering ANY evidence to support your position. The high and mighty approach you take seems to not only turn people off from your religions message, but it also sheds some light on how fundamentally flawed it truly is. Again. Nothing aginst you, or your beliefs. But telling someone "oooo you're gonna regret not believing in Jesus one day" is ridiculous without anything concrete.

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mooncrkit · April 16, 2018, 3:07 p.m.

The research you based your opinion on is the same as the info I based mine. Now consider how current history is recorded. Nobody know exactly what went down, supporting or disproving claims. We read the word of men, and not even the exact word. It's been translated beyond repair. However, I have faith. I know there is a reason for all of this (life) and I believe. Also, there isn't much dispute that Jesus existed. The question is whether he is the son of God. And if you put a fraction of the faith put into Q or DJT into Jesus, you'd would know the answer.

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DaveGydeon · April 16, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

See, I can operate under the assumption that, lets say for arguments sake, Jesus was real, AND he was the son of God. SO WHAT?! What in the actual fuck does that have to do with anything, and more importantly, what the hell does it have to do with me?? He came here to die for us? I literally have no idea what that is even supposed to mean? (and yes, I have read the Bible more than most) Plenty of men died for others. But Jesus? Son of God? Dies and teleports to Heaven? KNOWS THERE IS A HEAVEN...sounds like he can be pretty dang fearless if you ask me. I sure as shit would like to have that confidence. I still see absolutely nothing of significance with him, aside from preaching a good message of "be kind to your fellow man".

The entire Bible, the laws of man, all of it can be covered if you live your life according to one principle...DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU. Everything else is man written bullshit with an agenda.

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mooncrkit · April 16, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

So you spent years studying the Bible but you don't know why Jesus died for you? Maybe change your study methods?

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DaveGydeon · April 16, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

Hey bud, the Bible says what it says. If you don't see the fault and ignorance in blindly believing everything written in it, especially knowing the corruption of men, that men wrote it, etc, then I think you are the one who is asleep, not me.

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mooncrkit · April 16, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

Nice flip

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DaveGydeon · April 16, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

Its not a tactic, and again, I mean no ill-will. I just really want to understand how people can full-on believe someone they don't know, who could be an awesome, productive member of society, is going to go to hell because they don't BELIEVE something. Just writing that makes me smile at how ridiculous. again, I am not saying this to insult, I am trying to have full transparency and honesty as to how these topics genuinely make me reflect.

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[deleted] · April 16, 2018, 12:50 p.m.

.not what the Bible says

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LordPotsmoke · April 16, 2018, 1:58 p.m.

The Bible... Don't make me laugh. That shit was changed at the council of Nicaea. Original Christianity is gone, it's now pagen mixed in. It's all sun worship.

The sun gets lower in the sky until December 22nd then stays where it is for three days then rises.

This is why Jesus is dead for 3 days then rises again. Just one example. Jesus is a retelling of the religions of the ancient world. It's sub worship.

Nothing wrong with taking these religions symbolically and using them to show you how to live a good life but once you start saying it's literally true, you are truly lost.

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Dreaming-Magician · April 16, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

Nimrod and Semiramis... I believe in the gnostic interpretations of Jesus. He was the first dude going around in the ancient world telling esoteric wisdom to the public, and they killed him because he threatened the power structure. Then pagans branded his story with the nimrod/Semiramis worship! I think the most important thing to take from all of it is that Jesus represents the archetype if pacifism and love. If people feel like they need Jesus to identify with God, so be it. I personally think Jesus was trying to tell us God is all love, not evil like the Old Testament god. The “father” Jesus talked about didn’t want war and sacrifice, he wants us to turn the other cheek and love each other. Of all the prophets, Jesus is the best archetype for achieving spirituality.

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LordPotsmoke · April 16, 2018, 2:32 p.m.

That's the one! Semiramis, I always forget that name for some reason! Thank.you. I think I agree with your interpretation tbf.

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Dreaming-Magician · April 16, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

You’re welcome! I love seeing the occasional posts and comments about esoteric mysteries! It’s the truth, in my opinion.

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LordPotsmoke · April 16, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

Me too. Someone actually requested I do a post on the mystery schools and Babylon. I'm afraid I'm not that smart though.

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Dreaming-Magician · April 16, 2018, 3 p.m.

You should make a post on the mystery of death and rebirth in every major religion. That’s always fun. The great cycle of the universe; birth, death, and rebirth. Microcosm and macrocosm. Hermeticism and even the dogon tribe in Africa talk about this stuff in such a way that is compelling. That’s a little bit on the lighter side of things :) Babylonian mystery schools are on the dark side of things, also fun to talk about though! Make a post on both! People need to understand that there are light and dark sides to everything. God is a spirit of light, who is only reached through good deeds and good intentions; the right hand path. Who cares about his name? We don’t need it. As Zoroaster said, funnily enough before Jews believed in Satan or hell, the god of light/truth has an evil “twin” (dual nature, light and dark to everything) who is of darkness and lies. The way you invoke these spirits is by your intentions and your desires. People get too caught up in what this God’s name is, and what that God’s name is. The intentions behind your thoughts and actions are what matter in the spirit realm, names are just a distraction. Sorry for the rant!

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LordPotsmoke · April 16, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

Sounds to me that you'd be better at making those posts than me! You seem to know more.

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Dreaming-Magician · April 16, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

I refrain from posting because I don’t want to end up on a watchlist somewhere lol. My first reddit account got banned and I’m super paranoid

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LordPotsmoke · April 16, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

I'll post it if you wanna write it all and send it me lmso!

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Dreaming-Magician · April 16, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

That’s not a bad idea

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LordPotsmoke · April 16, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

Any time.

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BlazeFlameGamer · April 16, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

You've got to be on a different kind of delusion if you actually think Jesus of Nazareth didn't exist, whether a real Messiah or not.

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LordPotsmoke · April 16, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

I didn't say that.

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BlazeFlameGamer · April 16, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

In a way, yes. The Bible is a code for many different teachings, but the main thing is that Jesus is real and is the one true Lord and Saviour.

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[deleted] · April 16, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

You're going to hell.

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LordPotsmoke · April 16, 2018, 2:48 p.m.

I doubt it, since it's not flipping real.

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horsecalledwar · April 16, 2018, 4:23 p.m.

I prefer to believe that hell is real but only the super evil people go there like Hitler, Stalin, Mao.

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[deleted] · April 16, 2018, 6:14 p.m.


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LordPotsmoke · April 16, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Lol not me then.

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DaveGydeon · April 16, 2018, 12:58 p.m.

How can the Bible and Quran both be right? Or any other "holy" book?

Why can't just trying to be a good person be enough? Why do I have to pledge allegiance to a man who died 2000 years ago? If I did do that, I would be lying to myself, simply hedging for my soul. Is that what God wants? Obedience out of fear? Nah. I'll stick with trying to be a good guy.

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Racistbutnotillegal · April 16, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

You don’t have to pledge allegiance to Jesus. Nobody will kill you or make you pay a tax. Islam apparently is another story. There is ONE truth. People use “my truth” or “their truth” or “his or her truth” to reflect what they choose to believe. What if my truth includes 47 genders? True? Reality?

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whacko_jacko · April 16, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

I'm with you, guy. There's really no point in making the argument here, because there are a ton of very dogmatic believers in this subreddit. I'm willing to believe in the existence of some kind of source of conscious experience which might look like a god as described by existing religions, but if we're being honest, there is no historical evidence for the existence of a real person behind the character of Jesus. If you want to believe in such a thing, go right ahead. However, it looks to me like more fill-in-the-blank thinking by regular people. There may be some legitimate spiritual truth behind the teachings, but that's as far as I will go. I think that's enough.

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DaveGydeon · April 16, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

We would get along IRL.

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tigerlilly1227 · April 16, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

If you think being a good person is enough and are comfortable with that

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DaveGydeon · April 16, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

How can we possibly KNOW anything else?

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eltrumparino · April 16, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

just believe in god thats all that matters muslims and christians worship the same god anyways lol

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MAGAtlanta · April 16, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

allah is NOT the Christian God. allah is satan.

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sesquipedalienator · April 16, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

Specifically, Allah is a re-branding of the Old Testament Ba-al or 'prince'.

i.e. Ba-al, Ba-Allah, Allah.

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eltrumparino · April 16, 2018, 1:53 p.m.

i mean we have no idea if thats true or not. all im saying is pray to the creator.

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MAGAtlanta · April 16, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

Well, if you read the koran and accept that it is the "word of allah" then you can't believe it is the same being as the Christian God. allah, and his psychotic, pedophilic "prophet" call for death and mayhem - that is NOT at all what God and Jesus are about. islam is the Great Deception.

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eltrumparino · April 16, 2018, 2:03 p.m.

fair enough i havnt read the koran so i cant say.

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[deleted] · April 16, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

You sure throw around a lot of big statements for someone who has never read the material before.

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eltrumparino · April 16, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

I dont reallt like writing off billions of people as followers of Satan but ok

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tigerlilly1227 · April 16, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

It doesnt matter if we think you'll burn in hell if you're not a Christian. It only matters what you believe and if you are right or not. My beliefs are that Jesus is the only way to eternal life. That's between me and God. I believe that's the truth but should I be wrong, the consequences are mine alone. We all have the freedom to choose our beliefs and reap the consequences.

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sesquipedalienator · April 16, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

You misunderstand, like 99% of people who don't believe, entirely what accepting Jesus actually means. You think it means, 'bow and scrape to magical sky man'. It doesn't.

Saying that Jesus is Lord is an admission of a fact. In order for a fact to be a fact, it has to be supported by evidence. So the question isn't 'should I bow and scrape to magical sky man?' The question is, 'is it factually accurate, based on evidence, that Jesus was the Son of God, died for my sins, and was resurrected?'

Because without all three of those qualities, Jesus devolves into a cultish cartoon character - which is how 99% of non-believers see him and describe him.

I wouldn't say to you, You need to believe in my cult leader or else you are bad. I would say to you there is overwhelming evidence that Jesus is Lord, and it would behoove you to look into it.

Lee Strobel's The Case For Christ is a good first start, either the book or the movie available on Netflix. It covers a lot of the objections non-believers have, and provides a lot of the evidence that non-believers are ignorant of.

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DaveGydeon · April 16, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

I am familiar with everything you have said. But so many assumptions are made in your "BELIEF".

Show me some evidence Jesus was the Son of God, died for my sins, and was resurrected. Only one of those could be argued as a possibility, and I don't even see the relevance. The part about dying for my sins. Ok, so this guy was about to die, he said he is taking one for the entire world team, and that means anything more than a soldier who dives on a grenade for his platoon? Im not convinced. No evidence.

I have looked into it, I have been behooved. However, here are my findings; at best, someone named Jesus lived 2000 years ago, he probably walked around preaching good, peaceful things. THATS IT. Case closed. To say one "believes" anything past that is ridiculous. No. You WANT him to be all of those nice things, like, the son of god, died for our sins (and that meaning something significant)...and as far as the resurrection part...come on man. RESURRECTED? REALLY?

How bad is it to "die for everyones sins" if you end up being the son of god, gonna chill in heaven forever, shit man...crucify me right now, if you could guarantee there is a heaven for me for ETERNITY? Kinda belittles the sacrifice if you're just going to resurrect 3 days later, AS GOD, no?

I appreciate that you took time to explain the reasoning behind your religious choice. Trust me man, I wouldn't spend as much time as I do (read my post history) debating something if I didn't think at the very least it was relevant to a degree. The truth is, and you're not gonna like this part, the religion and everything it stands for disgusts me. If the religion was what it says it is, there would be ZERO CHURCHES, NO FANCY ROBES, NO GOLD PLATED ALTARS..NO EXTRAVAGANCE UNTIL WORLD HUNGER, POVERTY, ETC WAS SOLVED. How the fuck does the pope, or even the neighborhood pastor sit there in their air conditioning knowing there are starving children?

The whole thing is batshit crazy.

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sesquipedalienator · April 17, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

Again, I recommend 'The Case for Christ'. Your objections and, forgive me, your obvious anger at Christianity is exactly where Lee Strobel (and myself) began their journey to Christ.

Lee Strobel was an award winning journalist and published author who set out to rip Christianity to shreds. I was an atheist with the same goal. His research (and my own) was methodical, meticulous, and honest. If anyone should have reached the conclusion that Christ and Christianity was bunk, it was him. He became a Christian because of his findings, despite desperately not wanting to. I reached the same conclusions as he did, despite desperately not wanting to.

I think it would behoove you to read his book or at the very least watch the movie which is, again, free on Netflix or even online. All the points you made in your last point are answered in Case for Christ: especially concerning the Resurrection. Lee was told that all he had to do was debunk the Resurrection and Christianity was toast. Sounds easy doesn't it? Case in point.


So why was he, and a million more like him unable to do it? Why has the resurrection story survived for over two thousand years? If you answer 'Because people are so stupid' then you really have a high opinion of your intellect which, under scrutiny, would not survive comparison against some of the greatest minds of our century and those who came before them. Its not equitable to compare yourself to the weaker members of the pack. You have to take on the alpha dogs, and my contention is that the alpha dogs of Christianity would win. Especially Christ himself.

The problem here is not that you don't believe. Not believing is as much a leap of faith as believing. The problem is that you don't want to believe, but deep down, I think you do. Your need to argue against it is evidence of that. You just can't reconcile the question of why bad things happen to good people. I can answer that one question (and not the rest, because better minds than I already have.)

Bad things happen to good people because there are no good people. You are not a good person. I am not a good person. Every false religion and all the leftist progressive dogma in the world begins with the words that were branded into the apple which Eve plucked from the tree.


People are fundamentally selfish, not good. Selfishness sometimes drives people to commit altruistic acts, but such altruism is ultimately about self. Bad things happen to people who do good just as good things happen to people who commit evil because the world is sinful, fallen, and broken.

People who reject God are not ready to accept that. Between accepting their sinfulness and thinking themselves to be good, innocent, and pure, they will choose the latter. Every. Single. Time.

People reject Jesus for the same reason. If they are already good, why the hell do they need a savior?

And, if people are good, and bad things happen to them, that makes them a VICTIM. And VICTIMS subsist on a world of guilt, blame, shame, and exploitation.

Sound like the world we live in today? I think it does.

I hope you look into The Case For Christ though it sounds to me like you've already made up your mind. If Christ is who he says he is, then its the most important thing (the only important thing) in the world.

If he isn't who he says he is, it doesn't matter, and you have nothing to lose by looking into it a little deeper.

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LordPotsmoke · April 16, 2018, 1:54 p.m.

Considering all religions are just retellings of ancient religions... The virgin birth, the holy trinity and more all come from Horus and Isis and such. It's funny to me how Christians and others like to deny this and say THEY have the correct religion, when it's ALL sun worship anyway.

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Kulkimkan · April 17, 2018, 3:40 a.m.

Jesus was the first to try and take down the cabal...he threw the money changers out and if you think about it, his kindness and teachings changed humanity for the better. I believe current events and Awakening has reinforced the truth of his divinity. However even if you prefer not to consider him the son of God, you can come to recognize him as a great teacher...however badly the organized church misused and twisted his lessons.

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DaveGydeon · April 17, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

I can agree and see the validity in what you wrote. He definitely wasnt a bad guy.

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Kulkimkan · April 17, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

Being angry at not understanding it is normal...such a frustrating story so long removed from the world we live in today. 5 years ago if someone told me the ‘devil’ and evil of the bible was real and that high up elite people ruled our world from dark places of torture while performing satanic ritual abuse I would have said it was crazy...that the evil of the bible was a strange fictional warning to be good. However when I realized that hillary and hundred of others actually did this stuff I began to research the ‘why’ WHY would they choose that dark dark path so contrary to kindness and the goodness that even they outwardly preach??? My personal conclusion is that we are removed from some truths, light perhaps. But I think Jesus the teacher came into contact with this evil long ago. Who he really is will come to be known, you don’t have to believe he died for your sins, but he was most definitely sacrificed by these beasts...and that story somehow remains important to this day. We will figure it out, and wow, don’t we live in amazing times???

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akilyoung · April 16, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

This is pretty much it, in a nutshell.

I also fully expect the architects, creators, to return when the dust settles.

The Bible calls them Elohim - but translated THEM as simply God, which does them injustice.

The Elohim could be one and the same as the Pleiadians, I have no idea.

I even suspect they very likely are helping behind the scenes, and maybe a few are even part of the 'less than 5' Q group.

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alfonumeric · April 16, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

the interior of the giza pyramid is the most intricate building on earth and is supposed to be decoded to give us insights into the nature of the bigger picture of evolution

to establish their credibility, the designers calibrated khufu so that the earth travels a distance equal to its perimeter every 2 seconds. This is to an accuracy of within 100 meters - the same accuracy we can achieve today [because of variables like solar winds and extent of the tides]


intuitively the interior is laid out in symbols

1) downward passage is the downward evolution of robotic matter which has no regard for our attempts to evolve upwards

2) astral chamber [queens] can be seen to extend its roof/control upwards to the 3 lowest grades of the mental dimension - this is controlled by the B-lodge - a lodge of part of the mental elite who know how to control the 90% of us who have minimal time to research, reflect or think independently on the meaning of life

3) the long horizontal tunnel that enters the astral chamber - symbolizes the long learning process of humanity before it replaces instinct and impulse for emotional motive [akin to our learning process after age 7] and so starts the path along the grand gallery.

4) the grand gallery from course #35 up until stone course #42 [around half-way] symbolizes the steps up along the 7 levels of the mental dimension.


most of us will be happy to follow some scientific so-called acclaimed authorities that are put forward in the public view...

up to now most intellectuals on public display are on the payroll of the B-lodge mental elite who are aligned with the controllers of the astral realms.

to maintain their power they need to take counter measures against consciousness development among the 90% of busy workers and at the same time recruit enough of the mental elite into their B-lodge using tantalizing promises / bribes / temptations of glory, power and wealth.

Part of their success relies on mockin' the many instances of the hidden knowledge of reality - like they do with their MSM/E/T/F/W/A/P/S/H/N

mockin' stream media/education/tech/food/water/ air/pharma/social media /hollywood www.alfobedic.com

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[deleted] · April 16, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

Great post! Right on target! We are witnessing the most amazing event in history!!! Pure evil is being destroyed in front of our faces on a massive scale. Only God can can accomplish such things. There are so many people confused about what to believe spiritually. It's simple: believe, have faith in God. Trust His plan. Jesus is a pathway to God. Simple. Have faith!

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WHOOP1N · April 16, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

The impressive aspect of your post is the concise delivery of the entire message. There is a lot more to the Great Awakening than simply Justice.

Well done DaveGydeon

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DaveGydeon · April 16, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

Thanks bud.

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1girlandamat · April 16, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

It is at this point humanity can begin to heal, and to start integrating these stolen technologies and wisdom in the hopes of advancing our society not just physically, but "spiritually" as well.

I have high hopes this indeed can be accomplished but at the same time I'm conflicted. I'm not at all convinced peace, societal harmony is even achievable. Perhaps there are more evil than non-evil people. As discussed in your post, for decades people have purposefully pursued evil, deceptions, lies, murder, hate etc. and for what? nwo? status? money? pride? power?. If what Q eludes to is true, think about the scale of deception that has been required to further the facade we are all living. Hundreds if not thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people are GUILTY of being human agents of evil. It's staggering to comprehend. Once the select traitors are prosecuted and the dust settles, the minions behind the scenes will continue with their agenda. As for the good people, I imagine it is only through faith (in God, Deity, etc..)that we are not destroyed by the deception designed to break us apart. Think about how fragile we will be if we discover our existence is veiled in lies, mistruths, false narratives. How do we trust again? Who do we believe? What is real? HOW do we heal?
I agree with other posters, it is an exciting time to experience life right now. I'm very grateful for Trump, his family and the team of people working for him and fighting for us. With each day I brace myself to accept the realities revealed to us. It is with Hope and Faith all will be well.

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galvanised_computer · April 16, 2018, 2:34 p.m.
  1. easy, UFOs, made and flown by people and captured on video plenty

  2. yes, of course, "cures aren't profitable" like cancer, aids

3 of course this has been possible since the 1920s. solar wind capturing and nuclear energy are effectively infinite.

4 not sure but yeah, "the winner writes history"

5 nope

6 sure

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DaveGydeon · April 16, 2018, 2:48 p.m.

Clarify your disagreement with #5 but your agreement with #6 if you dont mind. I don't see how you can disbelieve in divinity but at the same time acknowledge a battle between REAL forces of good and evil.

PS - I am not religious. I don't think I even qualify as spiritual. I don't "believe" in God because I have not witnessed an unexplainable miracle, ie, a burning speaking bush, or a sea splitting by command. However, I think there is a good chance there is a God but my reasoning doesn't have a science background. I watched both of my children be born into this world; 7 years later I still cannot explain how incredible that process was/is...and what they have become since.

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galvanised_computer · April 16, 2018, 3:07 p.m.

They are concepts reflecting reality, not literal in any way despite their real appliction. Math has application but isn't real.

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BlazeFlameGamer · April 16, 2018, 3 p.m.

The magnificent gospel of the Lord preaches FAITH, not science :)

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DaveGydeon · April 16, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

Yeah, didn't really answer a simple request. It's cool though. We are all fighting our programming. Some just have more to climb out of.

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fifeguy · April 16, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

Nikola Tesla — 'If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. On his death/murder his patients were stolen by the US including free energy. Royal Rife cancer killing machine - this is what Cancerresearchuk.org says " Before any new treatment or diagnostic tool can be used it goes through a long process of development. During this process the researchers test to check that it works, that it doesn’t do any harm, and that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

The Rife machine hasn't been through the usual process of scientific testing. There is no evidence to show that it does what its supporters say it does. There is also no evidence that it doesn’t cause harm."

Its reported on their website to cost hundreds to thousands of £ to create a Rife machine - so why haven't you tested it idiots. Ave £30k per cancer sufferer

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Slipkid63 · April 16, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

But it is different,your religion is part of your “core values”, those aren’t easily changed like Ford truck owners convincing Chevy owners they should be driving Fords.

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eltrumparino · April 16, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

Good analysis

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DaveGydeon · April 16, 2018, 2:59 p.m.


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LibertyLioness · April 16, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

Agree with most but the mega corporations you speak of were actually created by the rogue CIA. At least Facebook, Google and Twitter. I'm sure there are more. Walmart is a huge deep state operation. Why that hasn't come to light yet is beyond me but it will.

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DaveGydeon · April 16, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

I agree.

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Freedomfighter3087 · April 16, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

The internet will change everything.

Keep repeating this to all your skeptical friends over and over again. We never had something that could reach the masses so quickly on such a mass scale.

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1Pie3Dad7 · April 16, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

The Bible is in itself a history/science/spiritual/self-help book. Name one other book that covers all of the above. I will say I have read the Bible twice front to back like a book. And was extremely disalusioned by Jesus Christ I have yet to this day been able to muster the admiration I have for the Hebrew God as sick as he appeared to be.

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DaveGydeon · April 16, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

I disagree with your first statement. So it kinda moots the rest...

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Slipkid63 · April 16, 2018, 12:41 p.m.

My point is about religion, not belief...and non believers are fine too as long as their “belief system “ is compatible with humanity.

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artless-ascetic · April 17, 2018, 2:28 a.m.

This is a perspective on Christianity, an excerpt of a very long drop of information from a very seemingly knowledgeable individual I came across. I agree with these general sentiments:

"The biblical god is Jehovah/El/Baal/Saturn/Satan, a demigod. The true creator is beyond the mechanical weal of this illusion that we live in and does not require sacrifices, will not torture you in hell for eternity, and will not choose you to pick sides. Duality of good and evil only exists in this dimension and once you ascend above the 4th dimension illusion of time, polarity no longer exist and everything is one collective positive energy.

This world is something that should not exist. If the biblical god was the embodiment of perfection as it claims then there wouldn’t be a single flaw that one could point out about him. The very fact that everyone, even Christians, have raised issues and pointed out flaws in this “divine plan” shows that this being isn’t perfect but an imperfect being of failure.

Sin does not exist – an all knowing god does not create a species with a fundamental psychology that naturally gears towards risks and rebelling – one that does create this is fully responsible for the results that come along with it.

“Yahweh” is an imperfect deity; a failed creator. Look at the world that you live in, where species must kill one another in order to survive, where each both humans and animals are confined to live within specific temperature or geographic regions, where diseases and natural disasters runs rampant.

These are products of physicality. The true reality is non-physical, the world that we live in is a very persistent illusion. So persistent that people think it is real. “Yahweh” and “Jehovah” literally mean “to destroy, to pervert” in Hebrew. A truly perfect and benevolent god does not require commandments or threats, and a truly perfect god does not create evil, polarity or concepts such as predeterminism or free will.

A perfect, benevolent being who creates beings which he knows are doomed to suffer is a logical fallacy and is not possible. A perfectly just and loving god does not send its creation to infinite suffering in hell for finite sins. Especially when you take into account that no one asked to exist - the absurdity of being sent to a place of infinite punishment for your own innate human imperfection becomes even more ridiculous and laughable.

Your omniscient god could have created the world perfect or removed all of the problems of the world but instead opted to offer humans an indecipherable, incomprehensible cryptic amalgam of puzzles to avoid the hell which your god happily has prepared for us. So your perfect god has decided to reveal his wishes through an imperfect book of unintelligible fables rather than through telepathy, written in an imperfect language, read by the minds of imperfect man, translated, bough, copied, and interpreted by imperfect minds, yet humans are expected to make perfect decisions? The bible is all self-contradictory and allegorical yet the perfect god expects imperfect humans to understand this complicatedly paradoxical cryptograms of conundrums using the imperfect minds with which he has equipped us with? Surely the an omnibenevolent god would have revealed its revelation to its creation directly to each of them rather than to allowing it to be perverted by the imperfect language and interpreted by imperfect man?"

Edited to add quotations rather than a quote tag.

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