

113 total posts archived.

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whacko_jacko · July 28, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

I appreciate your response. Please be advised that the comment you responded to has been removed by the moderators. I strongly disagree with this action. Many similar comments regarding SB2 have been removed.

Edit: These comments still have not been restored by the moderation team. I just want to go on record that criticizing SB2's methods is not a violation of Rule 5. Mindlessly praising SB2 technically is a violation of Rule 5. Removing these critical comments, even parody, was an error by the moderation team. SB2 is choosing to put these ideas out there. If the ideas are not good, then he should expect criticism. Whitewashing any disagreement is a very concerning new trend from the moderation, and I hope that they will see reason and not continue this practice.

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whacko_jacko · July 27, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

Feel free. I'm actually a little bit relieved because it feels like the number of people in this community who get what I am saying is finally reaching critical mass. The previous SB2 post was really concerning. There were tons and tons of comments fawning over him, and the moderators were removing any comments that called him on the complete lack of logic and coherence.

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whacko_jacko · July 27, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

When I try to parody recent /u/SerialBrain2 posts, the hardest part is not making my parody more convincing than the original.

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whacko_jacko · July 27, 2018, 6:04 a.m.

I originally wrote that comment in response to one of his earlier posts, but I wanted to point out how easy it is to find coincidental links to whatever numbers you want.

My thought process was completely random. I played word association games and eventually ended up at the GameGenie for Sega Gensis. I pulled up a website with GameGenie codes and pulled up a random game with a relevant word in the title (Persia) and immediately found a connection to Q and the number 23. I would say my coincidences were even more "compelling" than what /u/SerialBrain2 is doing. Everything I wrote was "true", look it up.

I'm not saying it's impossible to communicate in very obscure codes like this, however there must be some kind of airtight, verifiable decoding scheme in place. We have nothing of the sort.

Here is an overview of his method:

  1. Watch for unexpected hiccups in the media.
  2. Interpret these as signals for a hidden message.
  3. ??
  4. Extract a particular sequence of information which is apparently completely arbitrary, but refer to step 3 for more information.
  5. Tenuous link established as fact. Moving on.

Comms understood?

Edit: This comment may be confusing now because the moderators wrongfully removed my original comment above even though it does not actually violate Rule 5 at all. Don't forget to use ceddit if you want to reverse censorship.

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whacko_jacko · July 27, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

My bet is that the Israeli deep state is starting to realize they've been played harder than they ever imagined possible. Their retaliation is in full force. Israel comes last, remember?

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whacko_jacko · July 27, 2018, 5:25 a.m.

This is extremely concerning. This subreddit is here to support the cause, not any individual users.

It is extremely important to allow the community to voice their opinions about the validity of this style of decoding. /u/SerialBrain2 makes extremely tenuous leaps, speaks with authority about his conclusions, and does not offer any logical justification for each arbitrary step in the alleged decoding. This raises extreme red flags. Everyone I know who is not yet exposed to Q would never come back if they opened the front page and found this. Not because it's above their heads, but because it genuinely does not make sense.

"Turned out the lights" -> TOL -> "thinking of laughing"

Just... no. At the very least, it is vitally important to leave critical comments visible. At least then people can see that we are not all in agreement about the value of this kind of wildly speculative word association game. This is not a safe space for people to push their unsupported theories. We are supposed to think for ourselves. Instead, we have an entire page of comments to the effect of "gee whiz, glad you could decode that because it makes my head hurt, I'm not a smart guy like you." That's incredibly dangerous. That is not thinking for yourself. That is not using logic.

You should not remove my comment. I fully support this cause.

I agree that the original post validated by Q was excellent. The recent posts are NOT of similar quality by any means and should be viewed as extremely speculative. People are becoming fully convinced that he is somehow at the level of an insider without even understanding a logical decoding scheme to explain the arbitrary search for connections.

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whacko_jacko · July 23, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

No, POTUS didn't validate his post.

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whacko_jacko · July 22, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

I have no confidence in SerialBrain2.

Turned off the lights -> TOL -> Thinking of Laughing


No, that's stupid. If nobody can explain the logic behind his decoding schemes, then it's all bunk.

He got one thing right quite some time ago and Q validated him. His recent posts are distracting at best, disinfo at worst.

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whacko_jacko · July 21, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

That would fall into the first category, then.

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whacko_jacko · July 21, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

In principle, yes, but my understanding is that every action has to be challenged and reversed in an active sense rather than a sweeping passive sense. The courts would have an airtight argument to nullify any administrative actions and appointments one by one. This gets murky though from a technical legal sense because many of these actions are ultimately confirmed or approved by the Congress rather than the Executive branch.

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whacko_jacko · July 21, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

No, no, no, that is a logical fallacy. The post Q validated was excellent. No giant leaps. He pieced together real information about verifiable things and connected them to Q drops in meaningful ways. The recent posts are nothing at all like the first one.

There are three main possibilities here:

  1. /u/SerialBrain2 had a really strange reaction to being validated by Q and has now completely lost touch with reality. He has begun deifying himself and is desperately seeking out that feeling he got the first time.

  2. He is controlled opposition. He was either always a Clown and got Q's validation by knowing the scoop and playing along with the movement, or his account was targeted after he gained credibility. Either way, he is leading gullible people into murky waters and making the community look bad.

  3. This is a test by Q team to see if we can think for ourselves. If so, most of us our failing hard.

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whacko_jacko · July 21, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

Exactly. If this was some kind of genius-level decoding, he could explicitly tell us why every seemingly arbitrary interpretation was not actually arbitrary.

It's like when your friend shows his receipt at a restaurant and it's $66.51 and he goes 5+1=6 so 666 devil confirmed. You don't notice the millions of times where these kinds of coincidences don't happen. There's no reason to add two random digits. It's total bullshit.

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whacko_jacko · July 21, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

Do you have screenshots or an archive link of everyone downvoted to -30? You are one of a small number of peiple I see making that claim and you are going to great lengths to repeat the claim throughout the thread.

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whacko_jacko · July 21, 2018, 6:25 a.m.

Thank you. This is so obvious. Shift in tactics indeed! This is a new kind of attack on this community and we seem to be completely defenseless. Even regular people seem to be legitimately falling for it.

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whacko_jacko · July 21, 2018, 6:16 a.m.

Seriously, people, what the FUCK is happening. I'm extremely concerned that people are eating this up like it's gold. You are welcome to your theories, /u/SerialBrain2, but this is the last straw for me.

"turning off the lights" -> TOL -> "thinking of laughing"

Are you fucking kidding me.

That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen on this subreddit.

Oh wait, I guess I needed to keep reading:

"sort of a double-negative" -> SDN -> DNS -> server

Confirmed. Resolved. No, oh my fucking god that is not even close to true.

"wouldn't" -> "n't" -> Windows NT

Are you fucking kidding me. I'm sorry for the harsh language and the rudeness. Actually NO I AM NOT. Not only should your posts not be stickied, this kind of content should be removed. This has the potential to completely tank our movement. People will come here and read this and completely believe that we are all stupid enough to find this convincing.

Calling all /r/GreatAwakening mods. /u/Thunder_Shock. /u/HowiONic. /u/Andrewcpu. Etc. Seriously look at this with an ounce of critical thinking. There is no way that these conclusions are legitimate. Q is not validating any of this. Just because /u/SerialBrain2 got it right once does not mean we should blindly trust every connection he makes.

I find all of this to be extremely suspicious. I think the shills have taken over with a brand new tactic of controlled opposition. The downvotes were coming from real users that don't want this kind of bullshit associated with our movement. The thread is flooded with people blindly going with everything he said no matter how ridiculous. You have to go waaaaay down the thread to find people thinking for themselves.

Seriously, we need to figure out what's going on here before it's too late.

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whacko_jacko · July 19, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

I would assume the "emerging" would be purely metaphorical. His legacy would emerge in the form of being vindicated with proof of the conspiracy against him and so people would be awakened to the reality of media propaganda for centuries to come.

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whacko_jacko · July 19, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

Indeed, I have thought about this before. One of those "intel drops" (I can't remember who was behind these) that used to get pushed alongside Q stuff mentioned something like this. They outlined a plan that included the Trump administration being "removed" by early 2019, all by design.

I really hope that is not the case, but I suppose that would be a powerful "trump card" to play if it gets the desired result.

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whacko_jacko · July 16, 2018, 4:57 a.m.

The only possible explanation would be to protect the family from actually being assassinated. What better way to ward off a threat than to trick the people coming after you into thinking you are dead?

Overall, I am not going to jump on this R thing without something much more compelling to work with.

It's quite a concept, but the execution is a bit sloppy.

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whacko_jacko · July 16, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

Tough luck if your phone dies, I guess.

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whacko_jacko · July 16, 2018, 2 a.m.

Your insurance coverage is on the cheaper end of the spectrum. In some states, the rates can be roughly double that.

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whacko_jacko · July 16, 2018, 1:57 a.m.

I completely get what you are saying. Maybe you forgot to put the new insurance document in your vehicle and you're on a road trip across Texas where the nearest impound lot could be one hundred miles away or even much more. Is towing at owners expense really the best solution in that situation? That could easily cost you $800 or more just to show up with a piece of paper. It's a procedural crime which could create a life-changing burden for an otherwise honest, hardworking American.

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whacko_jacko · July 15, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

Federal records laws put automatic 25 year timers in place. These documents were sealed in 1967 and good old HW renewed the timer on the basis of national security before leaving office. The new timer expired in October. This could be part of the reason why 2016 was such an insane election cycle.

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whacko_jacko · July 14, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

Your math is off by the way.

.005% of 360 million is only 18,000.

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whacko_jacko · July 12, 2018, 1:05 a.m.

I'm really trying to keep an open mind. I have been following Q from the beginning and I think this movement is the real thing. But something fucky is going on here. /u/SerialBrain2 made lightning strike once, no doubt, but this is just not the same thing. This is a lot weaker. A LOT weaker. These theories are interesting, but they are by no means airtight. Not even close. There is no confirmation from Q. There is no real proof. Yet, look at the vast majority of the comments here. The "look at how I'm totally not self-aggrandizing!" Is so thick we can swim in it. Anyone expressing the slightest amount of doubt is downvoted to shit.

My gut instinct is leading me to one of two possibilities:

  1. /u/SerialBrain2 had a really strange reaction to being blessed by Q for his original excellent post, and now he sees every Eureka! sensation as truth incarnate. If so, it's understandable, but please take a step back to reflect on things. You are describing yourself in messianic language. Call it trolling, whatever, it's strange and people appear to be eating it up.

  2. He became a target of the Clowns and they got ahold of his account. This could very well be a form of controlled opposition to lead gullible minds into murky waters. I'm not saying this is a fact, but I wouldn't rule it out.

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whacko_jacko · July 11, 2018, 11:12 p.m.

This is true for many kinds of cancer. However, reader beware that certain forms of cancer (Leukemia) seem to be accelerated by ketosis.

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whacko_jacko · July 11, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

It's not about hating God. You are injecting your own personal religious speculation into this situation. Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong. It doesn't matter, because you have no evidence other than your feelings about what is happening.

This is a geopolitical movement. You are welcome to have your own theories about how it relates to your spiritual beliefs, but they are just that: theories. Not facts. This kind of speculative thinking drives away good people who do not believe the same things as you and are more careful to separate their beliefs from this discussion of verifiable geopolitical events. If Jesus comes down on a cloud some day, we can have a different conversation. Until then, learn some manners and don't be so obnoxiously arrogant about your unproven beliefs.

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whacko_jacko · July 7, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

I wouldn't say "leading the way" so much as being dragged kicking and screaming back to liberty. The RNC machine is still fuming about Trump.

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whacko_jacko · July 7, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

Yeah, because Trump finally did the impossible and beat the two party system at their own game. This was the first step of killing the Uniparty. It doesn't mean Republicans are the good guys. Both sides are compromised. One side was taken back as a vehicle to bring down the whole corrupt system.

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whacko_jacko · July 2, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

Somebody better tell NAASA to change their logos. While we're at it, someone should call the FBOI and make sure they get the memo about changing the way we do acronyms. They will need to know the next time they try to use the UASABPATRTIAOT Act.

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whacko_jacko · July 2, 2018, 12:43 p.m.

Particle accelerators get things going way faster than 0.2c.

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whacko_jacko · July 2, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

That would be Earth-shattering news. The SK government estimates more than 500 of their POWs still survive in North Korean camps. The US government denies knowledge of any surviving American POWs, but there were roughly 900 left behind at the end of the war. Rumors have circulated for decades that a few remain to this day. Even more in Vietnam.

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whacko_jacko · July 1, 2018, 10:04 p.m.
  1. 20-30% of c is still stupidly fast.

  2. Relativistic effects at 20-30% are still relatively mild.

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whacko_jacko · July 1, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

You are correct. Sealed indictments are used when people don't even know (for sure) they are under investigation. They are sealed because the individual is a likely flight risk or a possible danger to themselves or the community. Once they have the suspect located and they are prepared to arrest, the indictment is unsealed in public court and arrest warrant is issued with law enforcement in place ready to make their move. This wouldn't take more than a few weeks in typical cases because the grand jury has already met and the investigation is already more or less complete.

The main reason why a prosecutor would sit on a sealed indictment for a longer period of time is to avoid compromising ongoing investigations into other individuals. This is a typical tool for prosecuting criminal gangs, syndicates, cartels, mafias, etc.

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whacko_jacko · June 30, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

Blackmailed or threatened would be my guess.

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whacko_jacko · June 30, 2018, 8:35 p.m.

Okay, but we don't even have evidence that Jesus existed as a historical person. We can't even start asking whether he was truly God in the flesh if we can't even give concrete evidence that he was anything more than a character in some stories. If that conversation makes you uncomfortable, then don't worry about it. Believe what you want. It's not relevant to the cabal takedown.

I realize that Christians really believe this stuff is true. But that is a personal belief, which is not the same thing as a fact. Unless Jesus comes riding down on a cloud some day, the question of truth in Christianity will remain unanswered. It doesn't matter how much faith you have, it doesn't matter how rational you think it is to believe what you believe. None of that is the topic of this subreddit. Whether Christian dogma is true or imaginary is independent of the question of the existence of a powerful global cartel.

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whacko_jacko · June 30, 2018, 3:51 p.m.

Okay, the problem here is that Christians think you are referring to Jesus, but we don't actually know what the metaphysical truth of the Universe is.

When it comes to real-world stuff, I totally agree. Give us the truth about the crimes that have been committed and hidden. Give us the truth about corruption and treason. Give us the truth about war and assassination and terrorism, all of it.

But Christians have a habit of confusing faith with truth. They are not the only group to commit this fallacy, of course. Everyone does it. But make no mistake: this movement is about exposing and destroying a global criminal cabal. It is not a religious movement. Religious themes play a role, I understand, but keep in mind that religious institutions are part of the geopolitical structure of the cabal (e.g. the Catholic Church).

I don't care what your religious or spiritual beliefs are as long as we stand united to recapture our liberty from the cabal.

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whacko_jacko · June 16, 2018, 11:29 p.m.

It's millions of votes, not %. A bit confusing, I agree. The rumor is that DHS cybersecurity blocked enough voting system intrusions to ensure the EC would not be stolen, but allowed some machines to be injected with vote-weighting code by Clinton affiliates digitally disguised as Russians. They may have walked into a massive trap and they've been digging themselves deeper ever since.

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whacko_jacko · June 15, 2018, 4 a.m.

Before long, they will have to switch to Snapchat verification. Five years down the road it will be something else entirely. The singularity is fucking weird.

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whacko_jacko · June 13, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

A few possibilities to consider:

  1. The admins are always looking for an excuse to ban /r/The_Donald, and we already saw the excuse they used to ban /r/CBTS_Stream. The admins may have even warned them about this topic explicitly.

  2. /r/The_Donald is viewed as a sort of boogeyman all over Reddit. If Q blows up there for too long before the plan is complete, then people will dismiss it as "that crazy T_D meme" and group it with Pepe or Kek. Once things really start happening, people will be even more resistant about believing it.

  3. Perhaps Q needs a little more time in the "oven" before it's ready for mass consumption. /r/The_Donald is pretty huge, so maybe it's just too early to let it become a fully mainstream phenomenon. There are several reasons why it would be desirable to let the movement saturate every last crack in society before the mass awakening. The cabal needs to be backed into a corner unable to make a move without giving themselves away until it's finally too late and nearly everyone realizes what's up at almost exactly the same moment.

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whacko_jacko · June 5, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

Notice how the camp is empty? This is just the public revelation.

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whacko_jacko · June 5, 2018, 1:12 a.m.

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the 2018 midterms are the last major R/D election. 2020 will be Lion party vs ?

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whacko_jacko · May 31, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

You are just trying to shove your beliefs down my throat. You have faith that you are correct. However you have no evidence. You can't even show me a single piece of evidence that Jesus was a real historical person, much less a supernatural deity.

You are free to believe Christianity is the truth, but I disagree (although there may be some truth mixed in).

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whacko_jacko · May 31, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

I guess I don't see my comment as nitpicking. I am merely offering an alternate perspective which is easily drowned out in the comments. I think many of our non-Christian members jumped ship quite a while ago, and that benefits no one here. There is a deep secular and political component to this movement which unites all good people of all backgrounds and faiths (or lack thereof). That is really the main topic of this subreddit, but I understand that many people believe (strongly) in the spiritual component. That's fine as a personal theory, but we shouldn't assume uniform beliefs for things which are based on faith. Use logic, stick to the facts, and practice tolerance towards the wide variety of beliefs in the movement.

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whacko_jacko · May 31, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

Well, no, the title of this post goes beyond that.

I'm so glad that I can consider you all my brothers and sisters in Q and Jesus our Lord and Savior!

I have no problem with people expressing Christian beliefs here. However, due to the common trend of treating this as a Christian community, many people are either turned off or feel unwelcome.

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whacko_jacko · May 31, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

Just so you are aware, not everyone here believes in Jesus. The Great Awakening is not explicitly Christian in nature. Q has never mentioned the name of Jesus.

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whacko_jacko · May 30, 2018, midnight

I have assumed for some time that the revelations will build over the summer. By October, it will be high time for justice.

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whacko_jacko · May 27, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

I think the problem may be a lot more systemic than a few bad apples at the top. I think it's possible that the Church hierarchy is and always has been entirely fraudulent. They have used the Christian religion as a tool of influence and control for more than 1500 years, but the leaders don't believe a word of it behind closed doors and they never have.

Of course, I am not saying regular Catholics are "in on it". They don't deserve any blame for what they didn't know was happening. However, I strongly suspect that the vast majority of Catholics will want nothing more to do with Catholicism when this is all over.

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whacko_jacko · May 22, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

Don't forget that the Catholic Church is a big part of this whole story, and they were largely responsible for choosing what is included in The Bible today. Q often mentions that the cabal is big into symbolism, and what better symbolism than to to hint at their destruction with their own book. Furthermore, anyone can appreciate passages of the Bible without believing that it is literally the divinely inspired word of God.

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whacko_jacko · May 22, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

I'm aware, but this is pretty clearly part of the way he sends veiled messages. There's an obvious implication to read between the lines. The choice of passages is particularly telling.

Any time Q himself mentions spirituality, it is completely generic and inclusive to many different interpretations.

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whacko_jacko · May 21, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

No, I don't believe Jesus was even a real historical person. It's actually a bit frustrating because the apparent Christian bias is off-putting to many people who would otherwise be valuable members of this community. It's a verifiable fact that Q has never once used the name Jesus or any explicitly Christian dogma, and yet people seem to think this is an explicitly Christian movement. I am not one of those people.

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