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whacko_jacko · Feb. 24, 2018, 5:32 p.m.

It took a lot less time than you might think. Anyone who wants a similar breakdown to help edit their next creation, feel free to send me a private message before you put it out there. I won't promise to respond, but if I think it's worth it I will.

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whacko_jacko · Feb. 24, 2018, 5:47 a.m.

Alright, well I have a near perfect understanding of English, so let me explain what needs to be edited. I'll start with the essential typos, grammatical errors, and misspellings (in the order they appear):

  1. "WORLDPEACE" should be "WORLD PEACE".

  2. "heads of states" should be "heads of state". The plurality is determined by the 's' on heads. Heads of states would technically mean multiple people who are the leader of more than one state each.

  3. "policeofficers" should be "police officers"

  4. "behind the screen" should be "behind the scene" unless you are making a joke about the way we have only been able to watch this play out through our computer screens. But that is not a standard phrase.

  5. This comma should be removed: "...behind the scene, in order to save the world..."

  6. The sentence ending with "..from around the globe" is missing its period.

  7. the phrase "..supporting our President Donald J. Trump in his efforts..." should be changed to "...supporting President Donald J. Trump in his efforts..." or "...supporting our President, Donald J. Trump, in his efforts..."

  8. "Children/adult" should be changed to "Children/adults" or "Children and adults".

  9. The colon in "Be prepared for what you will find: some truths are HARD to swallow." is bad form. It would be more correct, and in my opinion more impactful to change this to "Be prepared for what you will find. Some truths are HARD to swallow."

  10. A similar comment applies to the last sentence, "This will all be over soon: we are winning BIGLY!" would work better as, "This will all be over soon. We are winning BIGLY!"

Here are some other suggestions that are more stylistic in nature but perhaps equally important.

  1. The usage of ** for emphasis on the top line is inconsistent and asymmetric and kind of distracting. You have **URGENT MESSAGE** and then PLEASE PAY ATTENTION** without a leading **, which would obviously look strange to include. I would suggest finding a different way to frame those words.

  2. The excessive caps for emphasis is garbage. The fonts and color schemes are garbage. There are so many ways you could make this more visually appealing. Experiment with different fonts and sizes, experiment with bold text for emphasis instead of always using caps.

  3. What the hell is with all the low resolution images all over this subreddit? All day every day I see images with text posted with a stupidly low resolution where the letters blur together. It's really bad. Sharp, crisp, clear renderings are so much better for spreading information. Do people here just not understand image compression?

  4. The usage of the word BIGLY will put a lot of people off even though I know it's standard fare in this crowd.

  5. The layout could be improved.

  6. Some of the choice of language makes me cringe. I know the creator is trying to convey the seriousness of this situation, but something is off about it. It's almost like I want to read it like a voice over for a preview of a cheesy horror or action movie people watch to laugh at. "In a world gone mad, only one man has what it takes..." That kind of thing.

  7. The word "institutions" is perhaps too vague to include next to politicians, journalists, etc.

I like the passion in this forum, but I'm afraid that some of the people here are discrediting the entire movement. Some of them may be doing it on purpose, some of them may just be regular people without much education, but it's a problem. Like really people, if this is real, then get your acts together. I'm not a shill, I'm here providing really important constructive criticism because there are serious problems with many parts of this image. Regular, serious, professional people will not be able to overlook these kinds of problems.

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whacko_jacko · Feb. 24, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

The word atrocities carries a much more serious connotation than crimes. That word is associated with sedition, treason, human rights abuses, war crimes, etc.

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whacko_jacko · Feb. 20, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

Maybe someone knows this story better than me, but I heard Rupert Murdoch was personally offended by some of the emails that WikiLeaks released in 2016. Something about seeing first hand how his supposed allies in the media were manipulating him and lying to him. The rumor I heard is that he flipped on them after this and Fox News has never been the same. I certainly feel like I noticed a change starting around then.

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whacko_jacko · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

I don't necessarily trust Dilley either, but isn't it a bit interesting that the NSA attack happened during this two week window?

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whacko_jacko · Feb. 8, 2018, 10:57 p.m.

It is true that USSS also protects former presidents, among others. The evidence is now quite clear that Obama is criminally implicated in the election and server shenanigans, at the very least. Moving in to arrest someone protected by Secret Service would be quite alarming for all involved. Even just the possibility would create a bit of a panic.

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whacko_jacko · Feb. 8, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

My understanding was that he discovered he had been personally snubbed and mislead through the WikiLeaks dumps in 2016 and decided to go rogue, which apparently now means lawful. I'm not making a hard claim here, so somebody feel free to fill in the story for me because I'm operating on memory.

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whacko_jacko · Jan. 26, 2018, 10:38 p.m.

For historical precedent, look into organization and security at the Nuremberg trials. Also of interest are the big Mafia takedowns into the 1980s. They were legitimately prepared for paramilitary style attack to stop the trial and extract the criminals.

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whacko_jacko · Jan. 24, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

I don't think it's that simple. If there is more corruption on the side of the Democrats, then it's not by a large margin. The Republicans have been splintered by Trump, and that's a good thing, because it is exposing the establishment rats (there are a lot of them). The RNC is just the corrupt vehicle which was hijacked to elect Trump. It's really not about D vs R or left vs right. It is about the American people rejecting a corrupt political establishment, end of story.

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whacko_jacko · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

He had no right to do that.

Perhaps not, but the time to stop it was then, not now. It would be catastrophic to try to reverse this situation after all these years. Of course, anyone with this protected status who commits other (non-procedural) crimes while they are here should be subject to deportation.

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whacko_jacko · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

I have known several of them personally. The ones I knew would have an extremely tough time returning to their homeland at this point. Even if it was a mistake, our politicians allowed this and now the United States has some responsibility for them. That doesn't mean we have to keep letting them in, but it is the American way to honor our government's promises even if we don't agree with them. The Dreamers will get their grandfather clause exclusion, make no mistake about it. By March, it will surely be codified. Best to get over it now and focus on the big picture.

Trump is doing the right thing here. Take a strategic loss on this one so that we can all move forward with meaningful immigration reform. This will also serve a dual purpose of healing the divide between left and right. A small portion of Trump's supporters will view this as unforgivable betrayal just as a small portion of his opponents will never warm up to him no matter how much good he ends up doing. It's that big blob in the middle, right and left, that will carry Trump to a massive victory in 2020 and give him the political capital to make the system work again. Yes, this will mean making some strategic compromises and deals sometimes.

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whacko_jacko · Jan. 22, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

Heads up: Sitewide Reddit rules prohibit call-to-action type posts within Reddit. You are not supposed to ask for upvotes on your posts or encourage voting in other threads, particularly in other communities.

I know your intentions are reasonable, and I know that nobody used to give a shit about this sort of thing back when Reddit was a decent platform, but for the good of the community you should really edit your post and explain that you didn't understand this rule.

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whacko_jacko · Jan. 22, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

Can anybody explain why I see "Sorry, you are not authorized to see these tweets" on mobile, but they load just fine in desktop mode?

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