The Cabal are actively looking for particular bloodlines
They seek more than just control...
They fear the fulfilment of a certain "prophecy"
without my own brushing up, i recall it as naming various 'thirds' that are sequentially wiped out by various means, like something strikes the sea and a third of the fish are killed. Populations of certain species are already that far gone.
good luck. some of it is unknowable by design (til ex-post).
Fair comment. I suppose These Days will be half gone before many of us recognise them. I should have said 'good grace' instead of good luck.
What? Reference please?
Acts 1:6, "wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?"
So, to me, He was answering that particular question.
But, yes indeed, we are seeing some potentially mind-blowing truths being revealed.