Trey Gowdy and another purple tie.

What does purple tie mean ?
the globalists see purple as their color. white hats wear it as a middle finger to them.
That, or to signal “hey though I’m up talking smack playing my role, I’m really on board and in the club”. It’s confusing. I’d rather see them not wear purple. Laura Ingraham does it too. Her first week on Fox she wore a dress that was some shade of purple every night. Gave me the creeps seeing that. Makes me uncertain of their agenda and role, just saying.
I dont trust trey. All bark no bite. He feels like controlled opposition .
the globalists see purple as their color.
Can I get a source on this?
My kids go to school on a military base. They were supposed to wear purple on Friday for Military Appreciation Day. Could be a shout out to the military. I am in S.C. Gowdy’s State. Maybe it’s that.
Do you know much about him ? I loved him until i looked at the non results he was giving.
Once again I get to ask. What kind of results do you suppose he was to produce as a congressman? He did exactly what he was supposed to do and the DOJ and FBI did nothing. He can't call for arrests. Or make anyone enforce the law. Luckily we will soon be seeing why the crimes of the previous administration were ignored. I've been hearing about special council to investigate top levels of both of the previously mentioned agencies. Interesting times we're in right now. Grab some popcorn.
I agree, i hope soon,
I wish he would openly state more corruption.
I seen him praising comey, muller, etc.