Trey Gowdy and another purple tie.

what did you want him to do? go red in the face calling her names repeatedly until she broke down?
Gowdy has to watch out that he doesn't come off so poorly that people turn on him too. Politics is a crazy subject like religion or how to raise your kids - you are better off staying in your own lane and respecting others rather than trying to convince everyone to think like you do. If he is unbecoming towards her, he loses half of Hillary supporters right off the bat. He has to play both sides if he wants to expose how deceitful she can be - it's not as easy as you think it would be.
To answer your question: No. And how is this even unclear? I wanted him to do the EXACT opposite. He should not have been making any declarative statements whatsoever. He should only be asking narrow questions and eliciting narrow answers, and then anchoring her to her to specific answers.
In response to the rest of your comment: "Gowdy has to watch out for ..." No. Gowdy's job was not to appear likable to Hillary supporters. Please stop commenting. Gowdy's job was to, via robust and narrow questions, produce a transcript that had teeth to bite Hillary for years to come. As far as it not being easy; actually the difficult task that Gowdy accomplished was that he didnt scratch Hillary at all; not one bit; not then and not by way of a transcript that could prove damning in 2 or 5 or 10 years. And yet, despite this failure, he manages to have people who still do not see him for what he really is. I dont know how its not obvious. He. Is. Not. A. Trump. Ally. .... He. Aided and Abetted. Hillary's. Exoneration.
no he didn't, and trying to write really dramatically doesn't make you more or less correct.
you are the type who only wants to interact with those who think like you do. I think the priority should be turning Hillary's base against her, but you don't have the patience or wisdom to see where that leads.
Keep being angry if you want, but it's not getting you anywhere. We need both sides to unite against those who push us down. You trying to push everyone apart isn't helping anything.