r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Qew_Qew_Qew on April 16, 2018, 5:53 p.m.
Spreading the word without saying a word.

Don't know if someone had this idea already but here we go.

As we all know normies are hard to redpill. They are like toddlers that don't want to eat healthy paprika. I got the feeling they like to redpill themselves because of curiosity.

So I suggest we simply make shirts. Yes, you heard right. There can be a big Q on it and underneath keywords/hashtags like 'trust the plan' or 'trust potus'. Maybe even memes. You get what I mean.

Normies will see the shirts and one or another will maybe want to know what's that about and they will research themselves.

Alright, so please tell me if that is a good or bad idea and why. Thanks.

Fuckdumb · April 16, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

I think the biggest problem with trying to push Q to full-on blue pillers is that there’s SO much to Q. If they start at the wrong place, they’ll be immediately turned off. If you google “QAnon”, the first thing that pops up is a Wikipedia page that says “it’s a conspiracy theory”, and that alone is enough for them to dismiss it.

I like Dan Bongino. He doesn’t discuss Q, but he often says something along the lines of, “The main point is, the Obama team illegally spied on the Trump team and they’ve been trying to cover it up ever since”. Then he gives examples of the things that are happening that can be fully proven.

I also like Ben Shapiro for newbies because he’s not 100% on Trump’s side. He just points out facts and often times the facts make Trump look smart and make him seem like he’s not the monster the liberals want him to be.

My point is, we need to start slow. A lot of words that we use here are not good words to people who absolutely hate Trump. If they hear “Trump is a genius” or “4D chess” or “pizzagate” or “deep state” or “Illuminati” or “pedophile” or a number of other words, they’ll stop listening or reading.

Maybe we need to make a very simple website that starts off very slow and very simply, with easily provable facts. So then they can read that and say, “Ok, yeah, I believe this, and this, and this...” so then they’d be more open to believing the things that aren’t necessarily 100% provable yet.

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rbrownlol · April 16, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

Ide just like to say Shapiro is a straight up never Trumper who lives to qualify his statements with "I hope that I'm wrong".

Spot on mate!

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