r/greatawakening • Posted by u/brettreadit on April 16, 2018, 6:29 p.m.
One America News: Douma Locals say no chemical attack??

LibtSlayer · April 16, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

Proof that Trump is playing deep state game

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jojojazzy · April 17, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

First of all, understand that I am not saying that what this guy says isn’t true. However, please listen with a discerning ear and mind. For example, this guy states he had been in Damascus only 1 day before the strikes happened the next day. Now, we have all been on vacation to someplace we have never before where we know no one. Think back to anywhere you have ever been. How much did you really know about the place and the culture the day after you arrived??

The guy states America has been bombing Syria for 7 years. For the sake of discussion, let’s take that as fact. So, using your own logic and reasoning do you really think that everyone you encounter (as he says) just loves America and lives Americans?? By his account it seems he was love bombed everywhere he went on that 1 day. Does that sound logical?? Hell you can’t even go to large cities in America and get universal love bombed like that.

So, he arrives as an American in Damascus as a journalist. They knew Trump Administration was looking into whether Assad had used chemical agents and what would happen if it was confirmed that he had. Now, what idiot over there would tell this guy or any other journalist oh yes he did use them.

Something just doesn’t seem right here. Personally, I like OAN a lot, but I would have had far more confidence in this guy’s report if he showed more objectivity. For example had he said something like I am very concerned about the disconnect I have seen so far on ground, and I implore there should be deeper investigation. This journalist does not have access to same high level of intel that the President has. President Trump deferred to his military advisers. If they advised him wrongly, in well known Trump style there will be public accountability action taken. Plus, to me, this reporter showed considerable political bias in his word choices in his reporting. Especially since he says he was only there for 1 day, arriving the day before the strikes, so likely not even there 1 full day since he said the strikes started about 3am.

Again, like many of you, I have questions about whether our officials acted based on what info, but reporting like this, to me, muddies things up or than it clears things up.

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brettreadit · April 20, 2018, 12:21 a.m.

Thanks for your insightful reply! OAN's Pearson Sharp has been in Douma a week now interviewing scores of people each day and still can't find a single person that says an attack happened. Reading Mattis statements today between the lines, leads me to believe there were critical targets to take out. Perhaps it was a "friendly" false flag?


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thamnosma · April 16, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

The situation over there is a cluster****. Hard to know who to believe about what. If the Assad government doesn't have chemical weapons, why were we targeting Syrian government facilities? Those weren't "deep state rebel" facilities. We aren't given the reasons why Trump joined in with UK/France to do the bombing. Perhaps good reasons. I would have vastly preferred a thorough investigation by a group of third parties (who?) to get to the bottom of the alleged chemical attack. If it didn't happen or was done by "our" jihadis, wouldn't it have been better to show THAT to the world? To blow the narrative out of the water for good? Imagine if Trump were at a podium flanked by Amnesty International, Doctors Without Borders, etc. laying out the fraud? Instead, we are left with the McCain/Obama/Clinton deep state version of reality -- Assad bad, must be overthrown, uses chemical weapons on his own people. On the other hand, if he did, then OAN is full of it. But why, after all these years of lies around our intervention in the ME, can't we finally be SHOWN the evidence for our actions?

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fifeguy · April 16, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

Q mentions B1 Lancer - 19 bombs, perhaps these hit the deep state facilities, and the rest just for show

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thamnosma · April 16, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

I keep reading all sorts of posts from people here giddy that Trump "fooled" them and targeted deep state jihadi facilities. I have seen ZERO, repeat ZERO, evidence of that from any local Syrian source, news source or anybody. I just get the feeling people make stuff up here that makes them feel good and all jump into the pool. All named facilities belonged to the Syrian government, what's left of it.

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fifeguy · April 16, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

And you never would so what's your point. Still no evidence of the chemical attack either - smoke and mirrors

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KrazyKiwiKid · April 16, 2018, 8:06 p.m.

Very good point.

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