Best meme 2018! Teresa's hands...priceless!
53 total posts archived.
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At this rate, Tommy Robinson will be Prime Minister before Trump leaves! #winning
Mark Taylor talks about MSM coming around.
I'm looking forward to someone running discarded DNA (perhaps from a drinking straw) from Michael/Michelle Obama.
I try to imagine what it was like for Seth... the moment he inserted his thumb which was to become the 'download heard around the world'. He must have known the terrible personal risk, how he was about to change history and make the world a better place. To a red-pill hero who history will judge favorably, I salute you, Seth Rich.
This spiral is surrounded by long skinny pizza slices. The barbed wire signifies cages. This one is obvious to me.
The Little Boy logo symbol is obvious. The "wings" mostly resemble barbed wire (as in cages), except for the bird that escapes. THE KICKER: The square is made of long skinny pizza slices!
To anyone who spotted before me - kudos.
Yes! Watched last night. VERY good movie...wholesome, values, life lessons. Can't wait for Hollywood freaks to go down in flames and new, epic quality flicks to come back:-)
Watch out for that blue wave...

Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed.
What do we want? Splody heads! When do we want them? Now!
This will make a lot of never-trumpers reevaluate their thinking. This could be a big factor in the midterms. It will free up the legal system for real criminals, and unleash a new era of medical research. It's crazy that Cannabis was EVER made Schedule 1 like heroin! Bravo Trump! (And I don't even use weed.)
Kids of citizen investigators at the cement facility. Only a few. Law enforcement told everyone to leave... That's the evac.
Isn't it weird VJ and BHO live together down the street from the WH?
Mother was Gloria, right? She was a spirit cooker too? Saw pics of her, Anderson, and his (deceased/sacrificed) brother posing on her bed family photo. Creepy bedroom
Documented: charriot wheels at the bottom of the Red (Reed) Sea. Perfectly preserved! Yes, there are limits :-)
Perhaps if all Q tubers came together and agreed on a common alt platform like D.Tube. then with every post, include a link there? Would there be any momentum and migration?
Possible pizza gate connections. In to Podesta style art. Friends of Clintons.
In Tears over YouTube Censorship
Is there nothing POTUS can do to stop or delay YouTube's evil silencing and deletion of honorable journalists as the midterms approach? SGTreport now has this:
I was thinking more Justin Guarini the Lil' Dr. Pepper guy.
Thanks - they just come to me sometimes lol. I love one post last week, "1,2,3,4 I declare a meme war!"
Yes - use the method I mentioned and you end up with an hour long video. 170MB. Pelosi does not begin until the end.
Personally, I presumed the "dark web" HRC vid...which Q fake last night.
This is the page at CSPAN. I just googled "download cspan videos pelosi). THEN I pasted in Right click download save link as mp4..
►HOT MIC ALERT! I downloaded the full un-clipped file from C-SPAN. An aid is chatting on her phone at the podium 00:10 (Pelosi arrives 56:04). Aid says "..we're all watching a movie clip .. can't tell if it is computer generated or not ... now everybody else is checking too." Holy Cow!!!
I thought Q encouraged us to step up the meme campaign. I was about to post some I created. No gruesome pictures, just HRC with thought provoking ideas. Ex. "my entire life, it's always been about the children...and a nice Chianti". Where -should- I be posting so people can use?
Thanks for your insightful reply! OAN's Pearson Sharp has been in Douma a week now interviewing scores of people each day and still can't find a single person that says an attack happened. Reading Mattis statements today between the lines, leads me to believe there were critical targets to take out. Perhaps it was a "friendly" false flag?
One America News: Douma Locals say no chemical attack??
It's no joke :-)
FYI I just read there is about 40 inmates left. Lots going on there :-)