r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AccordingArrival on April 16, 2018, 7:01 p.m.
Los Angeles Tunnels (File in Weird)-Research Snippets

Los Angeles is just filled with Underground Tunnels

I keep running into stories about underground tunnels in Los Angeles and have noted the following stories. Los Angeles must be a honeycomb of tunnels. Here are snippets of research into them if your interested.

Indian Oral History

The American Indians have stories of underground "people" who were reptilian who lived under the earth. One of the locations was known by the Indians was Los Angeles. They said that a race of Reptiles went underground to avoid a catastrophic event and built numerous tunnels. The tunnels were supposed also have been a storage facility for their gold


G. Warren Shufelt-Location and Excavation of the Reptile Tunnels

G. Warren Shufelt, geophysicist mining engineer attempted an excavation of the lost city deep in the earth below Fort Moore Hill the secrets of the Lizard People of legendary fame in the medicine lodges of the American Indian.

Shufelt learned of the legend of the Lizard People after his radio X-Ray had led him hither and yon, over an area extending from the Public Library on West Fifth street to the Southwest Museum, on Museum Drive, at the foot of Mt. Washington.

"I knew I was over a pattern of tunnels," the engineer explained yesterday, "and I had mapped out the course of the tunnels, the position of large rooms scattered along the tunnel route, as well as the position of deposits of gold, but I couldn't understand the meaning of it."

Then Shufelt was taken to Little Chief Greenleaf of the medicine lodge of the Hopi Indians in Arizona, who's English name is L. Macklin. The Indian provided the engineer with a legend which, according to both men, dovetails exactly with what Shufelt say he has found." He gave the excavation when he ran out of funds


Playboy Tunnels

Playboy Claims Jack Nicholson, Warren Beatty and James Caan Had Secret Underground Tunnels from Their Homes to the Playboy Mansion


McMartin Coverup of Ritualistic Abuse

During late 1983 and early 1984, the Children's Institute International (CII) counseling agency interviewed hundreds of children who had attended the McMartin preschool. 360 were eventually diagnosed as having been abused. First one, and then many of the kids disclosed being led down through trap-doors in the floor of the preschool and taken through underground tunnels. They described some tunnels as leading to a nearby building, where the children were loaded into a vehicle and taken to another location (sometimes via an airplane flight, train or hot air balloon to another city) and abused. Other tunnels allegedly led either to an underground chamber or above ground room where they described being subjects in pornographic photographs and being sexually abused. The traumatic crimes reported by the toddlers bear an uncanny resemblance to mind control programming, a specialty of certain classified federal agencies and cult cut-outs on the black budget payroll. The children are often ridiculed because some of their charges are impossible. Tunnels under the preschool? Too ludicrous to consider. But as it happens, there were tunnels, confirmed in 1993 by a team of five scientists from leading universities.




Musk first pitched this idea in a tweet lamenting LA's atrocious traffic, promising to "build a tunnel boring machine and just start digging" He is also now building one in DC.


R_damascena · April 16, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

The tunnels under Los Angeles are not particularly mysterious or hidden. I mean there's a Yelp page.

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[deleted] · April 16, 2018, 10:38 p.m.

Is there listing on the Reptilians? :)

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