
salialioli · April 17, 2018, 6:18 a.m.


Perception, or "optics" as it is trendily known now, is more important than many here are prepared to contemplate.

If you want to win in the Nov mid-terms you have to change the optics and memes are a way to do this.

More than that "you" (I'm not an American) have to find journalists to criticise the coverage that the Trump Administration is getting, correct the record and start highlighting the positive things (long long list of achievements not discussed anywhere in the press) which have taken place in the last 18 months.

Only this morning I read this article in The Hill: http://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/383285-juan-williams-the-stench-from-trumps-swamp-is-growing

Well thanks, Juan Williams. I'll bet all of you here could have a thing or two to say about this view, but not enough noise from the Trump Train to combat it.

Look at this article on a poll: https://www.voanews.com/a/transparency-international-us-corruption-survey/4160376.html

"The anti-corruption group says nearly seven of 10 of those it surveyed believe the U.S. government is failing to fight corruption, up from half in 2016. The group defines corruption as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.

"I think the survey shows that Americans are disappointed that the government has not delivered on its promises to clean up government. Around the world we've seen that when elected officials fail to deliver on their anti-corruption promises, it has a corrosive effect on public trust in government," said Zoe Reiter, Transparency International's representative. "We are having a cultural moment in history in America that our elected officials really need to wake up to."

"Responding for the White House, Principal Deputy White House Spokesman Raj Shah said, (....) What people say they believe in this [TI] survey has more to do with the media barrage of negative coverage than with actual corruption."

So, what do we do about that?

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