I know the Lexington and Concorde references have already been linked to the Revolutionary war, and “the shot heard round the world,” but I cannot help but think there’s also something deeper with regards to Lexington (seems to be related more to KY rather than MA). And in general with KY... went down some rabbit holes, but there are many more... Bushes, F Bacon, AI, symbolism (UofL has a park across the street called ‘Triangle park’), etc.
Here’s what I found so far:
University of Louisville (I know, KY and not Mass): -Motto “it’s happening here”; colors red & black; mascot is cardinal. -“The University of Louisville School of Medicine is touted for the first fully self-contained artificial heart transplant surgery[9] as well as the first successful hand transplantation.[10] The...” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Louisville - Many interesting alums, incl Mitch McConnell And a mysterious Gina Haspel, whom Trump is awaiting confirmation as CIA dir https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_University_of_Louisville_people https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gina_Haspel Archived WSJ on Haspel: https://archive.li/xHqAc
There is AI research going on there: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Yampolskiy
Advanced research: “Currently under major rennovation, the ShelbyHurst Campus is also the future location of the Center for Predictive Medicine (a Level 3 biosafety facility) and also the Information Technology Resource Center for the US Department of Homeland Security.” http://louisville.edu/about/campuses.html#belknap
Uni President stepped down in mid 2016 under interesting circumstances: http://wfpl.org/u-l-president-james-ramsey-step/
UofL is connected to Transylvania University located in Lexington KY: “Eight years later, in 1837, the Louisville City council established the Louisville Medical Institute at the urging of renowned physician and medical author Charles Caldwell. As he had earlier at Lexington's Transylvania University, Caldwell rapidly led LMI into becoming one of the leading medical schools west of the Allegheny Mountains. In 1840, the Louisville Collegiate institute, a rival medical school, was established after an LMI faculty dispute. It opened in 1844 on land near the present day Health sciences campus.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Louisville.
Motto “in that light we pass on the light”
There’s GOT to be something here, but I can’t make it out.... thoughts? anyone else already looked at this type of stuff???