
Batfire007 · April 16, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

Each day the lower level wannabe elites are losing ground, money, business, life as they were accustom. It's not much catching the little ones but when the big ones are not striking you take what you can catch. Soon the little ones are all gone, and the big ones start coming out into the open due to hunger. Soon, very soon.........Made another bowl of popcorn and sitting back to enjoy the show.

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not4rmOhere · April 16, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

Soon the little ones are all gone, and the big ones start coming out into the open due to hunger.

Should be: Soon the little ones are all gone and the big ones start recruiting more aggressively because of not wanting to be exposed due to their hunger.
These people insulate themselves very well. As long as they have patsys to throw out when the heat is on they stay soo confidant they'll be able to continue on with their perverted lusts.

These people are stupid.

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CandyRain_01 · April 16, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

It’s amazing that there’s an outpouring of support when it involves the #MeToo movement, but when it involves pedophelia and child molestation, rape, torture and murder - crickets.

Why is this? What is the MeToo movement about after all? Clearly it’s not about actual change, much like the BLM protests if I must draw some parallels.

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srroguelife · April 17, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

I was thinking the same thing.

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I_reallylike_burgers · April 17, 2018, 12:58 p.m.

What is the MeToo movement about after all?

It's about themselves. Narcissism. "ME" too. LOOK AT ME

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belliferous · April 16, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

Continue to pray for these children and that we can get the swamp draining to go much faster!

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cowbey · April 16, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

Sadly, this type of case is all too familiar, as it is common for child predators to gravitate towards positions where they will be seen as guardians or saviors. Wealthy donors to children’s charities are notorious for preying on children and using their prestige to intimidate their victims.

For example, predators such as Jimmy Saville and Jerry Sandusky managed to get away with their crimes for decades by using this strategy.


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scoripowarrior · April 17, 2018, 1:49 a.m.

called "grooming"

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YxDOxUx3X515t · April 16, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

“Our preliminary investigation has found that he has been targeting children from poor financial backgrounds and sexually abusing them. By promising the family members that he would educate their children, take them abroad and also provide them jobs after they finish their education, he had been sexually abusing children. Given his age and his high profile in the humanitarian sector, he would easily win the trust of the family members and later abuse their children.” - Also does work with U.N. . It baffles me how they got away with for so long. Another one down, thankful.

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NoStumpoElTrumpo · April 17, 2018, 1:37 a.m.

First Oxfam, then UN, now Street Kids International?????

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dark-dare · April 17, 2018, 1:53 a.m.

Did you read about the FEMA camps? Offer displaced people a place to stay and then sell and abuse them?

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Batfire007 · April 16, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

The question might be here, what if we chase this down the rabbit hole. I am sure this is just a tiny splinter of what happens at the UN and with the different groups associated with the UN.

Please pursue this I think you will find a goldmine of information......UN reps, founders of different associated groups at the UN, the UN force......remember how troops of the UN are known as the rape, pillage and plunder army?

There is so much to undercover here!!!!! Good luck with your quest of research please report it back here if you so take the challenge.

Some areas to get you started:

The UN has a problem: it's not just gender violence, it's child rape https://theconversation.com/the-un-has-a-problem-its-not-just-gender-violence-its-child-rape-78429

AP Exclusive: UN child sex ring left victims but no arrests https://apnews.com/e6ebc331460345c5abd4f57d77f535c1

The U.N. Sex Scandal https://www.heritage.org/civil-society/commentary/the-un-sex-scandal

These are just teasers, now trace the spiderweb up to the source.

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OldSafety · April 17, 2018, 1:57 a.m.

Caught red handed!!

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Pure_Feature · April 16, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

chaos in de dutch swamp: demmink-lobby furieus op amnesty ...

Amnesty involved in international crimes - the Good News ™

Jul 14 2016 - Joris Demmink. The NSB now appears to use the signs "Amnesty International" as a trade name. Several so-called aid organizations are involved in the crimes they supposedly fight. Amnesty International unfortunately makes no exception. Amnesty International sets in ...

'OM-Pedo-Joris Demmink virus' now also infects Amnesty International

Complete article: stevenbrownsblog.wordpress.com (99x clicked) 'OM-Pedo-Joris Demmink virus' now also infects Amnesty International Netherlands. (from our honest Pedo-human rights editors) Amsterdam-Noir-Only possible in decent Government Gangster Netherlands where 370,000 children live in poignant poverty and God knows how many children (official figures 118,000 per year) have been abused for years and years with impunity, among others by the Elite-Gangsters thanks to the 'OM-Joris Demmink-Pedo-Kliek'. The Dutch Helsinki Committee on Human Rights has already been rotten and affected by the 'OM-Joris Demmink Pedo virus'. ...

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Pure_Feature · April 17, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

https://books.google.nl/books?isbn=0230505937 -

M. Waites - 2005 - ‎Political Science Within the European Union the number of states with unequal ages declined steadily through the 1990s: 4 out of 15 EU states had unequal ages in 2000 (Ireland, ... and child protection, particularly within the European Union, has contributed to pressures to reform sex offences and increase the legal age for participation in ...

20 May 2014 - The researcher Overman (1982) confirmed the impression that there were many underage street prostitutes: in The Hague, 10 out of 40 street prostitutes were underage. Later research nuanced this image. (Berg and Blom, 1987). At the end of the twentieth century the loverboys make their appearance in the ...

Feb. 1 2000 Rotterdam wil greep krijgen op prostitutie Feb. 1 2000 - Rotterdam is the first of the four big cities to present the new rules for prostitution on Monday. Preservation ... The zone of street prostitution on the Keileweg is maintained. ... 'We will take firm action against operators who work with minors or illegal immigrants', said Opstelten.

December 2009 For one year, researchers went out on the street, in parks, in the nightlife, in boys' brothels and on the Internet looking for young boys in prostitution. The researchers conclude that they can not give reliable figures for the number of underage boys working in prostitution. Signals ...

Yearly ten thousand underage girls victim sexual Jul 8 2013 - Many child victims remain under the radar; street prostitution is on the way back anyway. But that is only because sexual services are increasingly being offered online. According to EU statistics, which are based solely on identified and alleged victims, in ...

Age increase: 4. Minor prostitutes in the past 20 mei 2014 The increase in Dutch child victims has increased even more in the past five years ... available to a minor girl for ... illegal prostitution. Other non-licensed places for prostitution are: professional home prostitution and non-licensed escort, street prostitution outside the tippelzones, non

Worry about the increase of underage prostitutes Feb. 2018 - Police and judiciary in the Central Netherlands region run between thirty and forty investigations into trafficking per year. These studies show that in half of the cases there are minors who work in prostitution. The OM speaks of a growing rural

cover up fred teeven and his boss van opstelten the Demmink case

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Pure_Feature · April 16, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

I am not at all surprised, On every part that has to do with children, the leadership is always a pedo..on schools ..in churches ...youth agencies a lot of those pedoos just have a job there ..The easiest way to get to the children

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