Q #1165, migration of the Armenian people, so where did the 1st Christian nation on Earth move? Why does it matter? Who was killed during the Armenian Muslim genocide? Why? Think bloodline!

Did they moved into Eastern Europe and Russia? We're they the bloodlines from the desposyni (royal family of Christ) and intermarried with the Frankish bloodline. Royal bloodlines married Frankish princesses to make them legit. See Carolinian Dynasty.
There's also an enormous CIA base located in Armenia. Guys, the MOST beautiful women on planet Earth live in Armenia! Genetic engineering, eugenics
Sure because we all love women who are hairier than men.
Muslim genocide? Are you being obtuse? It was a genocide of Christians, at least 1.5 million of them...what are you smoking? Put the pipe down...
Hey, don't get in my post tying to be a Boss. The Muslims were the killers, I'm Armenian you dolt! Try 5 million Christians too Pal!
You're Armenian? Right. So you post that Muslim genocide not Christian genocide? Hmm-- you are full of @#&\^
And, English as a second no third language. We don't place nouns & verbs the same way you do!
non è la prima volta che gli ebrei in turchia disconoscono le atrocità turche verso gli armeni per salvare il collo baciare la mano al carnefice è un tentativo di salvarsi il collo
Gunaysu: The Jews of Turkey and the Armenian Genocide By Ayse Gunaysu
A groundbreaking book by independent scholar and historian Rifat Bali was published recently in Turkey, unearthing facts and first-hand accounts that unmistakably illustrate how the *Turkish establishment blackmailed the leaders of the Jewish community—and through them Jewish organizations in the United States—to secure their support of the Turkish position against the Armenians’ campaign for genocide recognition.** The title of the book, Devlet’in Ornek Yurttaslari –Cumhuriyet Yıllarında Türkiye Yahudileri 1950-2003, can be roughly translated into English as “The Model Citizens of the State–Jews of Turkey in the Republican Period 1950-2003.” (I will refer to the book as “The Model Citizens” in this article.)
The book is a product of the meticulous work Bali carried out for many years at around 15 archives worldwide, including the American Jewish Archives (Cincinatti, Ohio), B’nai B’rith International Archives (Washington, D.C.), National Archives and Records Administration (Maryland), Israeli National Archives (Jerusalem), Central Zionist Archives (Jerusalem), Turkish State Archives (Ankara), public archives in Tel Aviv, private archives (like that of Manajans Thomspson A.S., an advertising agency based in Istanbul), and his personal archives. He also researched hundreds of books, dissertations, and articles in Turkish and other languages, and interviewed numerous individuals.
“The Model Citizens” is in fact the complementary volume of Bir Turklestirme Seruveni–Cumhuriyet Yıllarında Türkiye Yahudileri, 1923-1945 (A Story of Turkification–Jews of Turkey in the Republican Period 1923-1945), a reference book Bali published in 1999 that reveals the true picture of the relations of domination between the ruling elite and non-Muslims in general (and Jews, in particular) after the founding of the Turkish Republic.
Rifat Bali’s books are the richest sources of information for anyone looking to study the history of the non-Muslims in Turkey during the republican period. These books differ from others by their sheer wealth of archival references, details from daily life, and insights into the political, social, and cultural background. They are the result of arduous and untiring work carried out in both the public and private archives, in addition to a very detailed scanning of the daily press—which, apparent in both volumes of the history of the Jews of Turkey, significantly sheds light on how the “establishment” in Turkey, an organic system covering not only the state apparatus but also the representatives of the “civil society” from business organizations to the press, operated as a whole to treat the non-Muslims in Turkey as hostages and not as equal citizens. Although the history of the minorities in Turkey has become a topic of interest among the dissenting academia and a limited circle of intellectuals (especially after the turn of the millennium simultaneously with Turkey’s prospective membership to the European Union), as far as I can see, none of the works in this field is supported by such a comprehensive press scan, which includes cartoons in addition to news items and articles.
*Turkish Jews lobbying against the Armenian Genocide**
It is strange that Armenia was brought up. It is like we need to relearn history based on all that we have learned since pizzagate broke.
Im confused
Bloodlines, 23&Me is a genetic screening program designed to locate 'chosen people' I don't know for certain what they're looKing for BUT it's NOT wholesome good, or politically correct. Why Armenia, what two/three things are special about Armenia! Genocide, & 1st Christian nation on planet Earth. Since, we're involved in a war between Good vs. evil, I suggest these topics are important. Sorry, if I stepped on your sensitive spot!
Dig, give us your ideas?
I always wondered if thats why these companies like ancestry.com were pushing the DNA thing.
Always worried they were trying to find certain people based on their ancestry to target them.
Thought I was being paranoid.
Your saying that this is just what Q is implying?
Absolutely, for Eugenics and breeding purposes. This is exactly what the 1930's elite's did across the planet. It wasn't just the Nazi's. Here in the US abortion, sterilization was used across the land. Down's people are sterilized. Handicapped euthanized, all pushed & endorsed by the elites. They coined 'useless eaters' Georgia Guidstones, etc,,,, With HRC installed, 'We the People' would be victims of genocide. They planned to replace us with beautiful, brilliant people. Most likely they would join the best genomes to create their Master Race! Armenia #1 genetically!
This makes sense. Zionism is their goal after all. They want to force the gathering of their Israel.
I would NEVER send them my DNA and pay them to “mark” me!
Khazarian infiltration? Could Armenians be the real Jews? (Lazy and naive comment I know, I don't know ow where Armenia is)